Report: Ahmadinejad to Meet with Occupy Wall Street


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
A report today in an official outlet of the Iranian regime claims that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, will meet with members of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Ahmadinejad is currently in New York City for the United Nations General Assembly, where these reported meetings will take place.

"Ahmadinejad is also set to meet American university students, artists, intellectuals and elites, including Occupy Wall Street anti-capitalist protestors, despite the ongoing efforts made by the pro-Zionist lobbies to prevent direct link between American people and the Iranian president," the Iranian organ Fars News reports.

And still the Dumbocrats try to deny they are the party of oppression, communism, and radicalism... Seriously, what kind of fucking scumbags meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad??? He should be afraid for his life meeting Americans in the streets! Instead, he knows he has a friend in the dumbocrats trying to collapse capitalism. Want to bet he helps fund this failed movement?

Report: Ahmadinejad to Meet with Occupy Wall Street | The Weekly Standard
Ahmadinejad’s Occupy Outreach

Posted by Ben Shapiro
Sep 25th, 2012


What’s the difference between a meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations, and a meeting of Occupy Wall Street? Indoor toilets.

That’s what we learned this week when Iranian president and genocidal Islamist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited New York. The fact that thugs like Ahmadinejad can visit America’s largest city – a city they’d love to see in flames – without being arrested for war crimes defies logic. But what defies common decency is the fact that while Ahmadinejad addressed a high-level U.N. meeting on promoting the rule of law, the American envoys sat respectfully and listened.


Overall, it’s not too odd that the Obama administration is so friendly with Occupy, and that Occupy is so friendly with Ahmadinejad. They all share a common frame of reference: anti-capitalism, and the belief that Israel is a colonial outpost in the Middle East. The Occupy movement, which Obama supports, has always been strongly tinged with anti-Semitism – an anti-Semitism Obama has never condemned with anywhere near the same vigor with which he condemned a random anti-Islam YouTube video. Obama still has not called on Occupy not to meet with Ahmadinejad. He’s been too busy hanging out with Joy Behar, playing “eye candy” for her, on The View.

The alliance between the far left and the Islamist movement crystallizes around their mutual hatred for Israel. The same folks who booed Jerusalem in the Democratic Party platform – a platform originally approved by the Obama team – are only too happy to watch Iran go nuclear. And those folks are only too happy to watch American power in the Middle East diminish. For the president to grant either Ahmadinejad or Occupy the patina of credibility is nothing less than despicable.

Ahmadinejad’s Occupy Outreach | FrontPage Magazine

A report today in an official outlet of the Iranian regime claims that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, will meet with members of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Ahmadinejad is currently in New York City for the United Nations General Assembly, where these reported meetings will take place.

"Ahmadinejad is also set to meet American university students, artists, intellectuals and elites, including Occupy Wall Street anti-capitalist protestors, despite the ongoing efforts made by the pro-Zionist lobbies to prevent direct link between American people and the Iranian president," the Iranian organ Fars News reports.

And still the Dumbocrats try to deny they are the party of oppression, communism, and radicalism... Seriously, what kind of fucking scumbags meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad??? He should be afraid for his life meeting Americans in the streets! Instead, he knows he has a friend in the dumbocrats trying to collapse capitalism. Want to bet he helps fund this failed movement?

Report: Ahmadinejad to Meet with Occupy Wall Street | The Weekly Standard

The world's coming to an end because a couple of fruit loops are going to possibly meet with Imanutjob. Yay. Please keep us filled in on this important issue.
He should meet with the occupoopers. They have a lot in common since they both want to mess up the USA.
A report today in an official outlet of the Iranian regime claims that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, will meet with members of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Ahmadinejad is currently in New York City for the United Nations General Assembly, where these reported meetings will take place.

"Ahmadinejad is also set to meet American university students, artists, intellectuals and elites, including Occupy Wall Street anti-capitalist protestors, despite the ongoing efforts made by the pro-Zionist lobbies to prevent direct link between American people and the Iranian president," the Iranian organ Fars News reports.

And still the Dumbocrats try to deny they are the party of oppression, communism, and radicalism... Seriously, what kind of fucking scumbags meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad??? He should be afraid for his life meeting Americans in the streets! Instead, he knows he has a friend in the dumbocrats trying to collapse capitalism. Want to bet he helps fund this failed movement?

Report: Ahmadinejad to Meet with Occupy Wall Street | The Weekly Standard

Romney’s Investments In Iran And China Prove We Need More Of His Tax Returns | Addicting Info

It was revealed on The Rachel Maddow show tonight and is also being shown by, that Mitt’s been investing for quite a while …years to be exact, in Iran, which has been an illegal practice for a while now.

A report today in an official outlet of the Iranian regime claims that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, will meet with members of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Ahmadinejad is currently in New York City for the United Nations General Assembly, where these reported meetings will take place.

"Ahmadinejad is also set to meet American university students, artists, intellectuals and elites, including Occupy Wall Street anti-capitalist protestors, despite the ongoing efforts made by the pro-Zionist lobbies to prevent direct link between American people and the Iranian president," the Iranian organ Fars News reports.

And still the Dumbocrats try to deny they are the party of oppression, communism, and radicalism... Seriously, what kind of fucking scumbags meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad??? He should be afraid for his life meeting Americans in the streets! Instead, he knows he has a friend in the dumbocrats trying to collapse capitalism. Want to bet he helps fund this failed movement?

Report: Ahmadinejad to Meet with Occupy Wall Street | The Weekly Standard

Romney’s Investments In Iran And China Prove We Need More Of His Tax Returns | Addicting Info

It was revealed on The Rachel Maddow show tonight and is also being shown by, that Mitt’s been investing for quite a while …years to be exact, in Iran, which has been an illegal practice for a while now.


Off topic again wtf, I got a new avatar for ya Barb...

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A report today in an official outlet of the Iranian regime claims that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, will meet with members of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Ahmadinejad is currently in New York City for the United Nations General Assembly, where these reported meetings will take place.

"Ahmadinejad is also set to meet American university students, artists, intellectuals and elites, including Occupy Wall Street anti-capitalist protestors, despite the ongoing efforts made by the pro-Zionist lobbies to prevent direct link between American people and the Iranian president," the Iranian organ Fars News reports.

And still the Dumbocrats try to deny they are the party of oppression, communism, and radicalism... Seriously, what kind of fucking scumbags meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad??? He should be afraid for his life meeting Americans in the streets! Instead, he knows he has a friend in the dumbocrats trying to collapse capitalism. Want to bet he helps fund this failed movement?

Report: Ahmadinejad to Meet with Occupy Wall Street | The Weekly Standard

The world's coming to an end because a couple of fruit loops are going to possibly meet with Imanutjob. Yay. Please keep us filled in on this important issue.

So you think OWS are nutjobs? I agree, I just like to see it in print
A report today in an official outlet of the Iranian regime claims that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, will meet with members of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Ahmadinejad is currently in New York City for the United Nations General Assembly, where these reported meetings will take place.

"Ahmadinejad is also set to meet American university students, artists, intellectuals and elites, including Occupy Wall Street anti-capitalist protestors, despite the ongoing efforts made by the pro-Zionist lobbies to prevent direct link between American people and the Iranian president," the Iranian organ Fars News reports.

And still the Dumbocrats try to deny they are the party of oppression, communism, and radicalism... Seriously, what kind of fucking scumbags meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad??? He should be afraid for his life meeting Americans in the streets! Instead, he knows he has a friend in the dumbocrats trying to collapse capitalism. Want to bet he helps fund this failed movement?

Report: Ahmadinejad to Meet with Occupy Wall Street | The Weekly Standard

Romney’s Investments In Iran And China Prove We Need More Of His Tax Returns | Addicting Info

It was revealed on The Rachel Maddow show tonight and is also being shown by, that Mitt’s been investing for quite a while …years to be exact, in Iran, which has been an illegal practice for a while now.


Off topic again wtf, I got a new avatar for ya Barb...


Captain underpants' illegal investments in Iran is off topic in a thread about democrats being cozy with Iran?:eusa_eh:

A report today in an official outlet of the Iranian regime claims that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, will meet with members of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Ahmadinejad is currently in New York City for the United Nations General Assembly, where these reported meetings will take place.

"Ahmadinejad is also set to meet American university students, artists, intellectuals and elites, including Occupy Wall Street anti-capitalist protestors, despite the ongoing efforts made by the pro-Zionist lobbies to prevent direct link between American people and the Iranian president," the Iranian organ Fars News reports.

And still the Dumbocrats try to deny they are the party of oppression, communism, and radicalism... Seriously, what kind of fucking scumbags meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad??? He should be afraid for his life meeting Americans in the streets! Instead, he knows he has a friend in the dumbocrats trying to collapse capitalism. Want to bet he helps fund this failed movement?

Report: Ahmadinejad to Meet with Occupy Wall Street | The Weekly Standard

Wow..Do the libs really think that Ahmadinejad cares about those folks?
A report today in an official outlet of the Iranian regime claims that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, will meet with members of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Ahmadinejad is currently in New York City for the United Nations General Assembly, where these reported meetings will take place.

"Ahmadinejad is also set to meet American university students, artists, intellectuals and elites, including Occupy Wall Street anti-capitalist protestors, despite the ongoing efforts made by the pro-Zionist lobbies to prevent direct link between American people and the Iranian president," the Iranian organ Fars News reports.

And still the Dumbocrats try to deny they are the party of oppression, communism, and radicalism... Seriously, what kind of fucking scumbags meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad??? He should be afraid for his life meeting Americans in the streets! Instead, he knows he has a friend in the dumbocrats trying to collapse capitalism. Want to bet he helps fund this failed movement?

Report: Ahmadinejad to Meet with Occupy Wall Street | The Weekly Standard

Wow..Do the libs really think that Ahmadinejad cares about those folks?

Yeah because they both hate America, liberals think they can be friends...these people are stooooooopid
Off topic again wtf, I got a new avatar for ya Barb...



Captain underpants' illegal investments in Iran is off topic in a thread about democrats being cozy with Iran?:eusa_eh:


Blind trust

epic fail. He set the trust up, and HE set the terms for what the trust could and could not do. HE is responsible for what was invested and where, because the trust isn't "blind" like the name implies.
Captain underpants' illegal investments in Iran is off topic in a thread about democrats being cozy with Iran?:eusa_eh:


Blind trust

epic fail. He set the trust up, and HE set the terms for what the trust could and could not do. HE is responsible for what was invested and where, because the trust isn't "blind" like the name implies.

Barb wtf does this have to do with the original post? start a new thread to talk about this....

so what are you musing about the OP?

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I remind you now of one of Rachel’s favorite clips which shows Mitt saying that a “Blind Trust” is just an ‘age-old ruse’ as you can stipulate what your blind trust is allowed to invest in, thereby making Mitt ultimately responsible for the investments his blind trust invested in, under his prior stipulations.

The investments were made by the trust in 2009, which is well after Mitt ran for the Republican nomination, being edged out by the McCain/Palin ticket. This is definitely the best reason for Mitt to release his taxes, so Americans will have an opportunity to meet the real Mitt Romney before we vote for him to become the President. Release the hounds Mitt…release the hounds!

Romney’s Investments In Iran And China Prove We Need More Of His Tax Returns | Addicting Info

I remind you now of one of Rachel’s favorite clips which shows Mitt saying that a “Blind Trust” is just an ‘age-old ruse’ as you can stipulate what your blind trust is allowed to invest in, thereby making Mitt ultimately responsible for the investments his blind trust invested in, under his prior stipulations.

The investments were made by the trust in 2009, which is well after Mitt ran for the Republican nomination, being edged out by the McCain/Palin ticket. This is definitely the best reason for Mitt to release his taxes, so Americans will have an opportunity to meet the real Mitt Romney before we vote for him to become the President. Release the hounds Mitt…release the hounds!

Romney’s Investments In Iran And China Prove We Need More Of His Tax Returns | Addicting Info

[ame=]Stay On Target - YouTube[/ame]

epic fail. He set the trust up, and HE set the terms for what the trust could and could not do. HE is responsible for what was invested and where, because the trust isn't "blind" like the name implies.

Barb wtf does this have to do with the original post? start a new thread to talk about this....

so what are you musing about the OP?

[ame=]Stay On Target - YouTube[/ame]

Captain underpants' illegal investments in Iran is off topic in a thread about democrats being cozy with Iran?

too bad you two numb nuts don't like the connection between illegal investments WITH him and

Seriously, what kind of fucking scumbags meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad???
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epic fail. He set the trust up, and HE set the terms for what the trust could and could not do. HE is responsible for what was invested and where, because the trust isn't "blind" like the name implies.

Barb wtf does this have to do with the original post? start a new thread to talk about this....

so what are you musing about the OP?

[ame=""]Stay On Target - YouTube[/ame]

Captain underpants' illegal investments in Iran is off topic in a thread about democrats being cozy with Iran?

too bad you two numb nuts don't like the connection between illegal investments WITH him and

Seriously, what kind of fucking scumbags meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad???

Barb put it in another thread and I'll spar all night with you baby!

But again, why dont you give us your thoughts about OWS meeting with the PRESIDENT OF IRAN......not the little people, the guy running the you think he's a swell guy?

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