Replace Geithner with Trump


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Now THAT would be "change we can believe in."

Huckabee: Trump should replace Geithner – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Hysterical. We're already screwed, may as well have some fun with it.

Amid calls by the GOP for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s resignation, one Republican is offering an unorthodox choice for a potential replacement.
“Ask Donald Trump to be Treasury secretary,” Mike Huckabee said on Fox News Channel.

The former Arkansas governor elaborated: “Have Donald Trump take the job for 90 days. It’s a game changer.”
Now THAT would be "change we can believe in."

Huckabee: Trump should replace Geithner – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Hysterical. We're already screwed, may as well have some fun with it.

Amid calls by the GOP for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s resignation, one Republican is offering an unorthodox choice for a potential replacement.
“Ask Donald Trump to be Treasury secretary,” Mike Huckabee said on Fox News Channel.

The former Arkansas governor elaborated: “Have Donald Trump take the job for 90 days. It’s a game changer.”

He couldnt possibly make it worse, so why not? Write the president.
Now THAT would be "change we can believe in."

Huckabee: Trump should replace Geithner – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Hysterical. We're already screwed, may as well have some fun with it.

Amid calls by the GOP for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s resignation, one Republican is offering an unorthodox choice for a potential replacement.
“Ask Donald Trump to be Treasury secretary,” Mike Huckabee said on Fox News Channel.

The former Arkansas governor elaborated: “Have Donald Trump take the job for 90 days. It’s a game changer.”

He'll invest all into Trump Towers, maybe even move the administration from the White House to there.
Now THAT would be "change we can believe in."

Huckabee: Trump should replace Geithner – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Hysterical. We're already screwed, may as well have some fun with it.

Amid calls by the GOP for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s resignation, one Republican is offering an unorthodox choice for a potential replacement.
“Ask Donald Trump to be Treasury secretary,” Mike Huckabee said on Fox News Channel.

The former Arkansas governor elaborated: “Have Donald Trump take the job for 90 days. It’s a game changer.”

He'll invest all into Trump Towers, maybe even move the administration from the White House to there.

Well, maybe that would be a good idea. Seems the kind of parties that are taking place in the WH aren't exactly something that belongs there anyway.
I wouldn't mind seeing Steve Forbes, Peter Schiff, or Warren Buffett in Geithner's place.
Oh, well.

Geithner Will Remain At Treasury

“Secretary Geithner has let the President know that he plans to stay on in his position at Treasury," Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Jenni LeCompte said in a statement. "He looks forward to the important work ahead on the challenges facing our great country."

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said in a statement, "the President asked Secretary Geithner to stay on at Treasury and welcomes his decision."
Oh, well.

Geithner Will Remain At Treasury

“Secretary Geithner has let the President know that he plans to stay on in his position at Treasury," Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Jenni LeCompte said in a statement. "He looks forward to the important work ahead on the challenges facing our great country."

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said in a statement, "the President asked Secretary Geithner to stay on at Treasury and welcomes his decision."

He let the President know?

Gee. That was nice of him.

Maybe the President could be just as nice to all of US and tell Geithner to "get lost."
Now THAT would be "change we can believe in."

Huckabee: Trump should replace Geithner – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Hysterical. We're already screwed, may as well have some fun with it.

Amid calls by the GOP for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s resignation, one Republican is offering an unorthodox choice for a potential replacement.
“Ask Donald Trump to be Treasury secretary,” Mike Huckabee said on Fox News Channel.

The former Arkansas governor elaborated: “Have Donald Trump take the job for 90 days. It’s a game changer.”

He couldnt possibly make it worse, so why not? Write the president.
How many times has Trump declared bankruptcy now? I lost count.
Has Trump cheated on his taxes? That seems to be an prerequisite for the Obama Administration.

Yep... you need to be a tax cheating, clueless fucktard who's never worked a day in his life to be a member of the Obama club.


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