Repent or Perish... Time is Running Out

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Time is running out, guys. This message is from Bill Larkin. Many years ago, Bill made the decision to take his own life. Addicted to drugs, Bill had become convinced that his wife and children would be better off without him. The Lord saved Bill but not before giving Bill an experience that would forever change his life. Out of that experience he was completely set free and began to tell the world about what Jesus Christ did for him. What Jesus Christ did for Bill he can do for you. In the first video you will see Bill explain to you why there are people who want to convince you that there is no such place as hell. You owe it to yourselves to hear what he has to say. Eternity is a very long time. Do you know where you'd be if you died in your sleep tonight?

This is not a message that is meant to bring you to this or that denomination, church or bible study. This message has one purpose. To convince you that now it the time, today is the day, to day is the day of salvation. Get on your knees and cry out to Jesus Christ. He is waiting for you. He will hear and answer you. Time is running out. Please listen to Bill's message and realize that his intention is not to scare you but to share with you the reality of what is happening on the earth and why some people do not want you to believe that hell is real.

For those who have never heard Bill Larkin's testimony:

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it is your 4th century christian bible that is prolonging the day of Judgement to the detriment of humanity and may be the cause for mankind's extinction.
it is your 4th century christian bible that is prolonging the day of Judgement to the detriment of humanity and may be the cause for mankind's extinction.
Not according to Martin Luther King Jr it isn't. He gave a sermon at Drexel Baptist church about what Apostle Paul, you know the one from that 4th century christian bible, would have written to America.
it is your 4th century christian bible that is prolonging the day of Judgement to the detriment of humanity and may be the cause for mankind's extinction.
The Apostle Paul's letters were not sent 4 centuries after he was gone from the earth! Those letters were read by the very people he addressed!

The Scriptures we read today were being shared among the believers of the first church from the very beginning! The Epistles of Paul, Timothy, James, Peter, the very Words recorded (later on) in the Holy Bible were in the possession of the 1st church which was not a denomination - the early believers gathered in each others homes - many of those believers were Jewish! The Scriptures were shared among the brethren long before the King James Holy Bible was put together. Where you do you think all those writings came from? They were with the first believers and those who followed Jesus Christ after them! For centuries those scriptures remained perfectly intact until they were recorded in what is known as the King James Holy Bible today!
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I believe the Lord led me to find something this morning which perfectly compliments this message by Bill Larkin. The timing is perfect. The following was written by Carol Armstrong Brown, author of Speak Lord, Your servant is listening......

She writes,

Think about this concept of salvation: you have fallen into a pit of snakes with lions surrounding it, and fire closing in on you. Suddenly the rains come, and the fire goes out, the thunder scares away the lions, but you still can't get out. Your every hope is gone... and the snakes are getting closer! Suddenly to hear a voice: "Stretch out your hand and I will pull you out." Would you say no?

Yet many say "no" to a far greater salvation! Far more than that has been done for you, far more than you can understand. Would anyone reject this rescue? Would anyone say: "No, I want to stay here and take my chances?" Would anyone pull their hand away from the outstretched arms of the Rescuer? No? Yet many do just that. Yes or no... it must be one or the other. All that is needed is: "Yes, I will follow You. I will stretch out my hand and take Yours. I will allow You to save me.

-Carol A. Brown

There are people here reading this message who need to stretch out their hands to Jesus Christ right now while there is yet time. Jesus Christ is stretching out his hand towards you today. Are you really going to reject so great a salvation?
Hebrews 2:3.....

To day is the day of salvation. Do not wait. Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ today and be saved.
Sorry man, I wasted 27 years on that BS before having my eyes opened. Not going back down that rabbit hole ever again.
If you have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and do not want Him to save you then there is no hope for you. But how wicked is the man who not only does not desire to be saved but wants to stand in the way of another man's salvation in order to prevent him (or her) from hearing the truth and being saved? How wicked is the man or woman who sells their soul to Satan and makes it their life's work to call the Gospel of Jesus Christ a lie in order to take those souls to hell with them? Could there be anything more wicked? I think not. And yet? There are many who do it on this very message board on a regular basis!

While some may be trusting in the Father of lies (Lucifer) to keep his word and reward them with a ruling position in hell, or immortality, or promote them to a god or goddess status or a myriad of other false promises (none which he can fulfill after your death because he himself is doomed to eternal destruction) they are in reality only adding to their own torment in hell because they must give an account (to Almighty God) for every idle word they have ever written or spoken (they will be judged by their own words). It is written......

Something to think about before accusing the Word of God of being untrue.
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it is your 4th century christian bible that is prolonging the day of Judgement to the detriment of humanity and may be the cause for mankind's extinction.
Not according to Martin Luther King Jr it isn't. He gave a sermon at Drexel Baptist church about what Apostle Paul, you know the one from that 4th century christian bible, would have written to America.
I understand that he is involved in some occult belief about aliens taking over the earth but Christians are in the way? I'm not sure of the exact doctrine only that it is a doctrine of devils and it apparently makes followers of Jesus Christ out to be the ones who are holding up their great enlightenment. You'll find quite a few people here who are following false belief systems and listen to what they call their "spirit guides" (demons), also there are followers of New Age (false teachings), Alien (demon) worship, Hinduism, Cabala, Wicca, Satanism, etc. It's a perfect place to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ because the Word of God does not return back to Him void but will perform the work it was sent to do first, and there are many souls who need to be saved here.

I see that you are still afflicted by hysteria and I still don't understand why unless you are someone who is already in hell.

Shouldn't evil being destroyed and Jesus returning from the sky be a good thing? If you are such a dedicated servant shouldn't you be holding your head high and looking forward to your vindication?

Whats the panic about?

Are you feeling guilty about something?

I see that you are still afflicted by hysteria and I still don't understand why unless you are someone who is already in hell.

Shouldn't evil being destroyed and Jesus returning from the sky be a good thing? If you are such a dedicated servant shouldn't you be holding your head high and looking forward to your vindication?

Whats the panic about?

Are you feeling guilty about something?
I have told you before that the art work in your avatar was created by a Satanist and that your own work (and screen name) is no less satanic in that you are known for trying to shipwreck the faith of those who would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. I have warned you before that though you serve Lucifer faithfully on this earth, you will see no reward in hell, only eternal torment. If you still are determined to send yourself there be advised that trying to take others with you will only increase your punishments once you arrive there. Don't do it.
it is your 4th century christian bible that is prolonging the day of Judgement to the detriment of humanity and may be the cause for mankind's extinction.
Not according to Martin Luther King Jr it isn't. He gave a sermon at Drexel Baptist church about what Apostle Paul, you know the one from that 4th century christian bible, would have written to America.

Watch and you'll see that as I decided to come here last night and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the same demon possessed wicked men will suddenly appear on this thread waging the same tired personal attacks in an effort to dissuade people from hearing the message of salvation. Why do they do it? They are servants of Lucifer. Wherever the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached by the power of the Holy Spirit you will see devilish men pop up that you haven't seen anywhere about for weeks, even months. They hate the very mention of God's name, "Jesus Christ."

The spiritual realm is reflected in the natural realm. Watch as fish appear in the ocean, you'll see the scavengers hover above in the air and soon the sharks will appear too. It never fails. Where the Word if God is sown as seeds to good ground, you'll find Satan's workers (like black crows) eager to steal it away before it can be planted and take root.

I see that you are still afflicted by hysteria and I still don't understand why unless you are someone who is already in hell? You know some people might notice that fruit of salvation is conspicuously absent in you.

Shouldn't evil being destroyed and Jesus returning from the sky be a good thing? If you are such a dedicated servant shouldn't you be holding your head high and looking forward to your vindication?

Whats the panic about?

Are you feeling guilty about something?
I have told you before that the art work in your avatar was created by a Satanist and that your own work (and screen name) is no less satanic in that you are known for trying to shipwreck the faith of those who would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. I have warned you before that though you serve Lucifer faithfully on this earth, you will see no reward in hell, only eternal torment. If you still are determined to send yourself there be advised that trying to take others with you will only increase your punishments once you arrive there. Don't do it.

I see. But dear sweet Jeremiah, if I was going to hell after I die why are you the one who is in such a panic and I am not unless you are the one who is confused and already in hell ?


the subject of hell isn't even about torment after physical life it is torment during life, an undying death that is not biological in nature but a death consequent to defying divine law such as lying in the name of God, worshipping a human being, and misleading others to do the same by acting like you are an expert in a subject about which you know nothing.
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Time is running out, guys. This message is from Bill Larkin. Many years ago, Bill made the decision to take his own life. Addicted to drugs, Bill had become convinced that his wife and children would be better off without him. The Lord saved Bill but not before giving Bill an experience that would forever change his life. Out of that experience he was completely set free and began to tell the world about what Jesus Christ did for him. What Jesus Christ did for Bill he can do for you. In the first video you will see Bill explain to you why there are people who want to convince you that there is no such place as hell. You owe it to yourselves to hear what he has to say. Eternity is a very long time. Do you know where you'd be if you died in your sleep tonight?

This is not a message that is meant to bring you to this or that denomination, church or bible study. This message has one purpose. To convince you that now it the time, today is the day, to day is the day of salvation. Get on your knees and cry out to Jesus Christ. He is waiting for you. He will hear and answer you. Time is running out. Please listen to Bill's message and realize that his intention is not to scare you but to share with you the reality of what is happening on the earth and why some people do not want you to believe that hell is real.

For those who have never heard Bill Larkin's testimony:

American Christians should cry out. They've made an orange Satanic demonic figure their Idol. A creature that stands against everything Jesus said.

He lies.
He's a serial adulterer.
He's a self admitted sexual assaulter.
He got much of his money from scams and tricks.
He's a glutton.
He took charity money and used it for bribes, lawsuits and his own enrichment.
He's a racist.

Trump isn't like anyone one else. When we say these things, they are easily proven. They aren't some made up campaign smears.

And Republican Christians made him the role model for their children. They have a lot to answer for.

Hobelim, If you do not believe in God (whose name is Jesus Christ) and you do not believe in hell, what are you doing on this thread? Find another thread and stop trying to prevent others from receiving salvation. Otherwise you'll reap a whirlwind of trouble from the LORD. Haven't you done enough damage to your own soul already?
Time is running out, guys. This message is from Bill Larkin. Many years ago, Bill made the decision to take his own life. Addicted to drugs, Bill had become convinced that his wife and children would be better off without him. The Lord saved Bill but not before giving Bill an experience that would forever change his life. Out of that experience he was completely set free and began to tell the world about what Jesus Christ did for him. What Jesus Christ did for Bill he can do for you. In the first video you will see Bill explain to you why there are people who want to convince you that there is no such place as hell. You owe it to yourselves to hear what he has to say. Eternity is a very long time. Do you know where you'd be if you died in your sleep tonight?

This is not a message that is meant to bring you to this or that denomination, church or bible study. This message has one purpose. To convince you that now it the time, today is the day, to day is the day of salvation. Get on your knees and cry out to Jesus Christ. He is waiting for you. He will hear and answer you. Time is running out. Please listen to Bill's message and realize that his intention is not to scare you but to share with you the reality of what is happening on the earth and why some people do not want you to believe that hell is real.

For those who have never heard Bill Larkin's testimony:

American Christians should cry out. They've made an orange Satanic demonic figure their Idol. A creature that stands against everything Jesus said.

He lies.
He's a serial adulterer.
He's a self admitted sexual assaulter.
He got much of his money from scams and tricks.
He's a glutton.
He took charity money and used it for bribes, lawsuits and his own enrichment.
He's a racist.

Trump isn't like anyone one else. When we say these things, they are easily proven. They aren't some made up campaign smears.

And Republican Christians made him the role model for their children. They have a lot to answer for.


This is not a political forum, Dean. Please listen to the videos in the OP and address the subject. Thank you.
Hobelim, If you do not believe in God (whose name is Jesus Christ) and you do not believe in hell, what are you doing on this thread? Find another thread and stop trying to prevent others from receiving salvation. Otherwise you'll reap a whirlwind of trouble from the LORD. Haven't you done enough damage to your own soul already?

You got me all wrong dear. I believe in God and always do exactly as he commands. I accept and maintain allegiance to the testimony of Jesus.

And I accept the reality of hell. I see you perjuring yourself in the name of God, desecrating the teachings of Jesus, setting aside the divine commands, and teaching others to do the same.

You have lifted your skirt for every foul and loathsome creature out there.

I see you demonstrate the terrifying and disturbing consequences for defying the law of God every time you post something and I have no choice but to believe in hell.

You are right there in front of my eyes crying out in agony, flailing about in its fires.
Hobelim, If you do not believe in God (whose name is Jesus Christ) and you do not believe in hell, what are you doing on this thread? Find another thread and stop trying to prevent others from receiving salvation. Otherwise you'll reap a whirlwind of trouble from the LORD. Haven't you done enough damage to your own soul already?

You got me all wrong dear. I believe in God and always do exactly as he commands. I accept and maintain allegiance to the testimony of Jesus.

And I accept the reality of hell. I see you perjuring yourself in the name of God, desecrating the teachings of Jesus, setting aside the divine commands, and teaching others to do the same.

You have lifted your skirt for every foul and loathsome creature out there.

I see you demonstrate the terrifying and disturbing consequences for defying the law of God every time you post something and I have no choice but to believe in hell.

You are right there in front of my eyes crying out in agony, flailing about in its fires.
I haven't gotten anything wrong. Your story continues to change because like most of Lucifer's servants you've forgotten what you've written in the past on this board. The problem is, I haven't and the archives of USMB can easily prove I'm right about you. You are a God hater and a blasphemer of Jesus Christ and if that were not bad enough you are one who has worked quite feverishly to twist the scriptures and deny that believing upon Jesus Christ and being born again is the only way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You will answer to God for your wickedness. In the meantime, I would advise anyone seeking the LORD to steer clear of you and your false teachings entirely.
it is your 4th century christian bible that is prolonging the day of Judgement to the detriment of humanity and may be the cause for mankind's extinction.
Not according to Martin Luther King Jr it isn't. He gave a sermon at Drexel Baptist church about what Apostle Paul, you know the one from that 4th century christian bible, would have written to America.
I understand that he is involved in some occult belief about aliens taking over the earth but Christians are in the way? I'm not sure of the exact doctrine only that it is a doctrine of devils and it apparently makes followers of Jesus Christ out to be the ones who are holding up their great enlightenment. You'll find quite a few people here who are following false belief systems and listen to what they call their "spirit guides" (demons), also there are followers of New Age (false teachings), Alien (demon) worship, Hinduism, Cabala, Wicca, Satanism, etc. It's a perfect place to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ because the Word of God does not return back to Him void but will perform the work it was sent to do first, and there are many souls who need to be saved here.
That actually explains a lot. He has been quite secretive about his beliefs. Thanks.

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