Repeat it over and over "this is Democrats Bill", "we have to clean up Dems mess without any help"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This has to be the tactic since noone in the Democratic Party is willing to help out with even one vote. Obamacare is failing, every family that sees massive increased to their premiums must be aware that it was the Democrats Bill that the GOP inherited.

Trump is right to state it and it's worth repeating, here is how I would word it in a roundabout way:

"I've inherited a mess and we have to try and fix it on behalf of the American people, without any support from the linear, loyal to their own party only Democrats. In order to keep our promises we will need American support in the mid-terms to tip the scales further as the Democrats are content to obstruct and watch Americans health suffer while playing politics with it. Remember, this is THEIR ACA, not ours. Any pain, lack of care or expenses you experience right now, are due to them, and them alone."

I knew without question that healthcare was going to be difficult. Even with full coverage in Canada, we are seeing massive wait times, people dying while waiting, the potential bankruptcy of provinces and abusive billing by doctors who milk the system. I think a multi tier system works best. I also believe healthcare costs must go down which only happens when there is intense competition.

I feel for Americans in regards to this issue, there is no easy solution. Without question though, the Democrats should be the ones to state, "here are some of our ideas. You won the election, you have to keep promises. This current solution is not working and it's getting worse. We are 0 for 5 in special elections so clearly we need to change course to some degree. Let's do what is right for Americans".

My guess is their biggest donors will forbid them from doing so, and thus, healthcare expenses might end up being the downfall of capitalism.
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This has to be the tactic since noone in the Democratic Party is willing to help out with even one vote. Obamacare is failing, every family that sees massive increased to their premiums must be aware that it was the Democrats Bill that the GOP inherited.

Trump is right to state it and it's worth repeating, here is how I would word it in a roundabout way:

"I've inherited a mess and we have to try and fix it on behalf of the American people, without any support from the linear, loyal to their own party only Democrats. In order to keep our promises we will need American support in the mid-terms to tip the scales further as the Democrats are content to obstruct and watch Americans health suffer while playing politics with it. Remember, this is THEIR ACA, not ours. Any pain, lack of care or expenses you experience right now, are due to them, and them alone."

I knew without question that healthcare was going to be difficult. Even with full coverage in Canada, we are seeing massive wait times, people dying while waiting, the potential bankruptcy of provinces and abusive billing by doctors who milk the system. I think a two tier system works best. I also believe healthcare costs must go down which only happens when there is intense competition.

I feel for Americans in regards to this issue, there is no easy solution. Without question though, the Democrats should be the ones to state, "here are some of our ideas. You won the election, you have to keep promises. This current solution is not working and it's getting worse. We are 0 for 5 in special elections so clearly we need to change course to some degree. Let's do what is right for Americans".

My guess is their biggest donors will forbid them from doing so, and thus, healthcare expenses might end up being the downfall of capitalism.
Nonsense. I realize you aren't a US citizen but that's no reason to be so uninformed. There were bipartisan attempts to reform Obamacare after the 16 election, but the gop killed them. Whether you want to blame Trump or Ryan that's up to you. I don't think McConnell is ever opposed to something his gopers in the Senate are for, but he set up a fifteen all white male goper study group to write this bill.

Bipartisan health care talks pick up steam in Senate
This has to be the tactic since noone in the Democratic Party is willing to help out with even one vote. Obamacare is failing, every family that sees massive increased to their premiums must be aware that it was the Democrats Bill that the GOP inherited.

Trump is right to state it and it's worth repeating, here is how I would word it in a roundabout way:

"I've inherited a mess and we have to try and fix it on behalf of the American people, without any support from the linear, loyal to their own party only Democrats. In order to keep our promises we will need American support in the mid-terms to tip the scales further as the Democrats are content to obstruct and watch Americans health suffer while playing politics with it. Remember, this is THEIR ACA, not ours. Any pain, lack of care or expenses you experience right now, are due to them, and them alone."

I knew without question that healthcare was going to be difficult. Even with full coverage in Canada, we are seeing massive wait times, people dying while waiting, the potential bankruptcy of provinces and abusive billing by doctors who milk the system. I think a multi tier system works best. I also believe healthcare costs must go down which only happens when there is intense competition.

I feel for Americans in regards to this issue, there is no easy solution. Without question though, the Democrats should be the ones to state, "here are some of our ideas. You won the election, you have to keep promises. This current solution is not working and it's getting worse. We are 0 for 5 in special elections so clearly we need to change course to some degree. Let's do what is right for Americans".

My guess is their biggest donors will forbid them from doing so, and thus, healthcare expenses might end up being the downfall of capitalism.
The dems haven't been invited to the table you nitwit. You own the healthcare system in this country now. Watch the dems take the House next year when these horrors sink in to the American people..
This has to be the tactic since noone in the Democratic Party is willing to help out with even one vote. Obamacare is failing, every family that sees massive increased to their premiums must be aware that it was the Democrats Bill that the GOP inherited.

Trump is right to state it and it's worth repeating, here is how I would word it in a roundabout way:

"I've inherited a mess and we have to try and fix it on behalf of the American people, without any support from the linear, loyal to their own party only Democrats. In order to keep our promises we will need American support in the mid-terms to tip the scales further as the Democrats are content to obstruct and watch Americans health suffer while playing politics with it. Remember, this is THEIR ACA, not ours. Any pain, lack of care or expenses you experience right now, are due to them, and them alone."

I knew without question that healthcare was going to be difficult. Even with full coverage in Canada, we are seeing massive wait times, people dying while waiting, the potential bankruptcy of provinces and abusive billing by doctors who milk the system. I think a two tier system works best. I also believe healthcare costs must go down which only happens when there is intense competition.

I feel for Americans in regards to this issue, there is no easy solution. Without question though, the Democrats should be the ones to state, "here are some of our ideas. You won the election, you have to keep promises. This current solution is not working and it's getting worse. We are 0 for 5 in special elections so clearly we need to change course to some degree. Let's do what is right for Americans".

My guess is their biggest donors will forbid them from doing so, and thus, healthcare expenses might end up being the downfall of capitalism.
Nonsense. I realize you aren't a US citizen but that's no reason to be so uninformed. There were bipartisan attempts to reform Obamacare after the 16 election, but the gop killed them. Whether you want to blame Trump or Ryan that's up to you. I don't think McConnell is ever opposed to something his gopers in the Senate are for, but he set up a fifteen all white male goper study group to write this bill.

Bipartisan health care talks pick up steam in Senate

In fairness, two wrongs don't make a right and when I watched the GOP obstruct Obama I thought it was wrong also. Politics should not work like this as a means to grind the government to a halt.

Ultimately though, this is still the Bill that the Democrats pushed through hard, as Pelosi famously stated "you have to pass it to read it". That will be a soundbite long after we are gone.

So, considering all of the inaccuracies spoken by Obama regarding the ACA, it's fair to say that this was one hell of a conjob that benefited a few while the entire country would realize these massive failures in due time. It's being realized now.

I believe in healthcare, and I also believe in free markets and the Right to Opportunity and Individual Pursuits. They go hand in glove.
This has to be the tactic since noone in the Democratic Party is willing to help out with even one vote. Obamacare is failing, every family that sees massive increased to their premiums must be aware that it was the Democrats Bill that the GOP inherited.

Trump is right to state it and it's worth repeating, here is how I would word it in a roundabout way:

"I've inherited a mess and we have to try and fix it on behalf of the American people, without any support from the linear, loyal to their own party only Democrats. In order to keep our promises we will need American support in the mid-terms to tip the scales further as the Democrats are content to obstruct and watch Americans health suffer while playing politics with it. Remember, this is THEIR ACA, not ours. Any pain, lack of care or expenses you experience right now, are due to them, and them alone."

I knew without question that healthcare was going to be difficult. Even with full coverage in Canada, we are seeing massive wait times, people dying while waiting, the potential bankruptcy of provinces and abusive billing by doctors who milk the system. I think a multi tier system works best. I also believe healthcare costs must go down which only happens when there is intense competition.

I feel for Americans in regards to this issue, there is no easy solution. Without question though, the Democrats should be the ones to state, "here are some of our ideas. You won the election, you have to keep promises. This current solution is not working and it's getting worse. We are 0 for 5 in special elections so clearly we need to change course to some degree. Let's do what is right for Americans".

My guess is their biggest donors will forbid them from doing so, and thus, healthcare expenses might end up being the downfall of capitalism.
I don't see where Democrats would want to have anything to do with Trumpcare. He said it was easy and he could get it done quickly. Republicans have a majority in both Houses. Let's see him make good.
I apologize for going off Canadian. The fact that what passes for political discussion here is really more about bs with Trump and Russia than actual policy, has annoyed me. I can't say I'm surprised. And then a mod moved an actual thread I posted (OK a sarcastic title) but I tried for substance. You're a good person who doesn't start name calling and posts substance. I should have been more respectful. And I'm sorry.
This has to be the tactic since noone in the Democratic Party is willing to help out with even one vote. Obamacare is failing, every family that sees massive increased to their premiums must be aware that it was the Democrats Bill that the GOP inherited.

Trump is right to state it and it's worth repeating, here is how I would word it in a roundabout way:

"I've inherited a mess and we have to try and fix it on behalf of the American people, without any support from the linear, loyal to their own party only Democrats. In order to keep our promises we will need American support in the mid-terms to tip the scales further as the Democrats are content to obstruct and watch Americans health suffer while playing politics with it. Remember, this is THEIR ACA, not ours. Any pain, lack of care or expenses you experience right now, are due to them, and them alone."

I knew without question that healthcare was going to be difficult. Even with full coverage in Canada, we are seeing massive wait times, people dying while waiting, the potential bankruptcy of provinces and abusive billing by doctors who milk the system. I think a multi tier system works best. I also believe healthcare costs must go down which only happens when there is intense competition.

I feel for Americans in regards to this issue, there is no easy solution. Without question though, the Democrats should be the ones to state, "here are some of our ideas. You won the election, you have to keep promises. This current solution is not working and it's getting worse. We are 0 for 5 in special elections so clearly we need to change course to some degree. Let's do what is right for Americans".

My guess is their biggest donors will forbid them from doing so, and thus, healthcare expenses might end up being the downfall of capitalism.
I don't see where Democrats would want to have anything to do with Trumpcare. He said it was easy and he could get it done quickly. Republicans have a majority in both Houses. Let's see him make good.

Even if it meant better and/or cheaper healthcare for the nation? You prefer them to be politicians rather than leaders for their constituents then. Not the American Way.
I apologize for going off Canadian. The fact that what passes for political discussion here is really more about bs with Trump and Russia than actual policy, has annoyed me. I can't say I'm surprised. And then a mod moved an actual thread I posted (OK a sarcastic title) but I tried for substance. You're a good person who doesn't start name calling and posts substance. I should have been more respectful. And I'm sorry.

I didn't take any offense.

I use name calling too against those in the Canadian security apparatus who have violated my rights and those of American businesses in Ontario. Otherwise, I try and be civil of liberty loving Americans (and citizens of the world).
Even if it meant better and/or cheaper healthcare for the nation? You prefer them to be politicians rather than leaders for their constituents then. Not the American Way.
What you said has no real meaning. I think I made it clear that he needs to fulfill his promises. I'm sure most of the people that voted for him would agree. After all, that's why they elected him. They expect him to be different from run-of-the-mill politicians and not just say things to hear himself talk. His main problem is that, as a CEO, he doesn't understand how government works. He needs to build a consensus, not just give orders. He would have done much better in the days of absolute monarchies.
This has to be the tactic since noone in the Democratic Party is willing to help out with even one vote. Obamacare is failing, every family that sees massive increased to their premiums must be aware that it was the Democrats Bill that the GOP inherited.

Trump is right to state it and it's worth repeating, here is how I would word it in a roundabout way:

"I've inherited a mess and we have to try and fix it on behalf of the American people, without any support from the linear, loyal to their own party only Democrats. In order to keep our promises we will need American support in the mid-terms to tip the scales further as the Democrats are content to obstruct and watch Americans health suffer while playing politics with it. Remember, this is THEIR ACA, not ours. Any pain, lack of care or expenses you experience right now, are due to them, and them alone."

I knew without question that healthcare was going to be difficult. Even with full coverage in Canada, we are seeing massive wait times, people dying while waiting, the potential bankruptcy of provinces and abusive billing by doctors who milk the system. I think a multi tier system works best. I also believe healthcare costs must go down which only happens when there is intense competition.

I feel for Americans in regards to this issue, there is no easy solution. Without question though, the Democrats should be the ones to state, "here are some of our ideas. You won the election, you have to keep promises. This current solution is not working and it's getting worse. We are 0 for 5 in special elections so clearly we need to change course to some degree. Let's do what is right for Americans".

My guess is their biggest donors will forbid them from doing so, and thus, healthcare expenses might end up being the downfall of capitalism.
I don't see where Democrats would want to have anything to do with Trumpcare. He said it was easy and he could get it done quickly. Republicans have a majority in both Houses. Let's see him make good.

The Republicans have controlled Congress since 2010. At which time a majority on the Supreme court has been controlled by conservatives, which has been since 2001.

That's 16 years controlling the high court, and 7 years controlling the purse strings.

The Republicans own the government. 100% of it.

They are responsible for all of the debt accumulated in that time, and they are responsible for the Affordable Care Act not working as well as it could be.

The only thing they should be making good on is not hurting millions of Americans in order to score political points with moron America, or give more tax cuts to the wealthiest people and multinational corporations that should be paying a hell of a lot higher taxes than they are now.

And if they thought they were going to sell this bullshit trickle down free market crap to America again, they were sadly fucking mistaken.

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