Repeal it already!


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal

This is a MAJOR fail for the Repubs. Skinny is NOWHERE NEAR repeal. It's an attempt to save it.

And they had SEVEN F'ing YEARS to formulate a plan. TOLD US -- they had one. And they did Jack Crap..

They are toast. Both Brand Name parties are taking us down the crapper. There's gonna be NEW Leadership and it ain't gonna come from EITHER party. Because EVERYONE in Congress is useless -- except for the 4 party bosses. 500 of them ---- might as well NOT be there. Can't speak out or they pummeled. Especially in the Dem camp.

Need Indies and 3rd Parties.. And stop voting "winners".. America needs to vote for competence and leadership to survive right now --- not more "winning".. The WINNING is killing my country....
Now that you rubes have learned that repeal was a lie, maybe you'll think twice the next time your party cries wolf about things like Ebola, Jade Helm, Benghazi, etc.
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal

YES. We need to repeal this harmful law. It's done nothing good. It's only risen costs, limited availability, and limited competition. It's led us further towards socialist state much like Europe or Canada.
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal

This is a MAJOR fail for the Repubs. Skinny is NOWHERE NEAR repeal. It's an attempt to save it.

And they had SEVEN F'ing YEARS to formulate a plan. TOLD US -- they had one. And they did Jack Crap..

They are toast. Both Brand Name parties are taking us down the crapper. There's gonna be NEW Leadership and it ain't gonna come from EITHER party. Because EVERYONE in Congress is useless -- except for the 4 party bosses. 500 of them ---- might as well NOT be there. Can't speak out or they pummeled. Especially in the Dem camp.

Need Indies and 3rd Parties.. And stop voting "winners".. America needs to vote for competence and leadership to survive right now --- not more "winning".. The WINNING is killing my country....

Right now we need a 3rd political party in Congress with enough seats to force the major parties to deal with them. Never mind the WH, that's for much later down the road, IMHO the major obstacle these days is the Legislative Branch of gov't. Only way I see to fix that is enough people in enough places voting in some Independent people so that the other 2 parties do not have a majority. Will that happen? Probably not, but I'm not seeing any other solution on the horizon.
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal

YES. We need to repeal this harmful law. It's done nothing good. It's only risen costs, limited availability, and limited competition. It's led us further towards socialist state much like Europe or Canada.
It really needs to be pulled out root and branch. And then ideally over a two year period Congress should address the various programs/issues separately and intelligently. However politicians being what they are want to use their votes to stall and obfuscate in order to gain deals right away for their own states....
No one has ever stopped anyone from voting 3rd Party.....seems like you can't get the majority behind you on this.

Main reason is -- American dumbfucks insist on WINNING. Will vote for charlatans and frauds if they can win. That's why Repubs managed to REPEAL O-Care when it had no chance of being signed. But now, they are spineless and deceitful....

That's YOUR idea of Winning. THat's THEIR idea of keeping their seats... You need INDEPENDENT people that can speak their minds and VOTE their conscience.... But the 2 Brand Name Endangered Species parties -- give you ENTERTAINMENT and POWER and 2 meglomaniac power whores to chose from.

And Repubs that STAND for nothing when the heat is on.....
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal

This is a MAJOR fail for the Repubs. Skinny is NOWHERE NEAR repeal. It's an attempt to save it.

And they had SEVEN F'ing YEARS to formulate a plan. TOLD US -- they had one. And they did Jack Crap..

They are toast. Both Brand Name parties are taking us down the crapper. There's gonna be NEW Leadership and it ain't gonna come from EITHER party. Because EVERYONE in Congress is useless -- except for the 4 party bosses. 500 of them ---- might as well NOT be there. Can't speak out or they pummeled. Especially in the Dem camp.

Need Indies and 3rd Parties.. And stop voting "winners".. America needs to vote for competence and leadership to survive right now --- not more "winning".. The WINNING is killing my country....

Right now we need a 3rd political party in Congress with enough seats to force the major parties to deal with them. Never mind the WH, that's for much later down the road, IMHO the major obstacle these days is the Legislative Branch of gov't. Only way I see to fix that is enough people in enough places voting in some Independent people so that the other 2 parties do not have a majority.
Either that or primary the 7 who are dragging their feet...
YES. We need to repeal this harmful law. It's done nothing good. It's only risen costs, limited availability, and limited competition. It's led us further towards socialist state much like Europe or Canada.

Going to have to educate you on something good:

Twenty million more people have health insurance.


It has made many Americans more financially secure.

It made health insurance more comprehensive.

It has reduced inequality.

Grading Obamacare: Successes, Failures and ‘Incompletes’
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal

This is a MAJOR fail for the Repubs. Skinny is NOWHERE NEAR repeal. It's an attempt to save it.

And they had SEVEN F'ing YEARS to formulate a plan. TOLD US -- they had one. And they did Jack Crap..

They are toast. Both Brand Name parties are taking us down the crapper. There's gonna be NEW Leadership and it ain't gonna come from EITHER party. Because EVERYONE in Congress is useless -- except for the 4 party bosses. 500 of them ---- might as well NOT be there. Can't speak out or they pummeled. Especially in the Dem camp.

Need Indies and 3rd Parties.. And stop voting "winners".. America needs to vote for competence and leadership to survive right now --- not more "winning".. The WINNING is killing my country....

Right now we need a 3rd political party in Congress with enough seats to force the major parties to deal with them. Never mind the WH, that's for much later down the road, IMHO the major obstacle these days is the Legislative Branch of gov't. Only way I see to fix that is enough people in enough places voting in some Independent people so that the other 2 parties do not have a majority.
Either that or primary the 7 who are dragging their feet...

Does that change anything but the names? Same shit, different people. Maybe I'm just in a really negative mood right now.
I wouldn't care if "Obama care" (which is actually just insurance options for poorer or lower middle class people who can't get coverage anywhere else) stayed. It needs to be changed up and tweaked though. There are some things that should stay and some that should go.
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal

This is a MAJOR fail for the Repubs. Skinny is NOWHERE NEAR repeal. It's an attempt to save it.

And they had SEVEN F'ing YEARS to formulate a plan. TOLD US -- they had one. And they did Jack Crap..

They are toast. Both Brand Name parties are taking us down the crapper. There's gonna be NEW Leadership and it ain't gonna come from EITHER party. Because EVERYONE in Congress is useless -- except for the 4 party bosses. 500 of them ---- might as well NOT be there. Can't speak out or they pummeled. Especially in the Dem camp.

Need Indies and 3rd Parties.. And stop voting "winners".. America needs to vote for competence and leadership to survive right now --- not more "winning".. The WINNING is killing my country....

Right now we need a 3rd political party in Congress with enough seats to force the major parties to deal with them. Never mind the WH, that's for much later down the road, IMHO the major obstacle these days is the Legislative Branch of gov't. Only way I see to fix that is enough people in enough places voting in some Independent people so that the other 2 parties do not have a majority.
Either that or primary the 7 who are dragging their feet...

Does that change anything but the names? Same shit, different people. Maybe I'm just in a really negative mood right now.

It should.....most of them voted for repeal.....i say toss their two-faced asses...
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal

This is a MAJOR fail for the Repubs. Skinny is NOWHERE NEAR repeal. It's an attempt to save it.

And they had SEVEN F'ing YEARS to formulate a plan. TOLD US -- they had one. And they did Jack Crap..

They are toast. Both Brand Name parties are taking us down the crapper. There's gonna be NEW Leadership and it ain't gonna come from EITHER party. Because EVERYONE in Congress is useless -- except for the 4 party bosses. 500 of them ---- might as well NOT be there. Can't speak out or they pummeled. Especially in the Dem camp.

Need Indies and 3rd Parties.. And stop voting "winners".. America needs to vote for competence and leadership to survive right now --- not more "winning".. The WINNING is killing my country....

Right now we need a 3rd political party in Congress with enough seats to force the major parties to deal with them. Never mind the WH, that's for much later down the road, IMHO the major obstacle these days is the Legislative Branch of gov't. Only way I see to fix that is enough people in enough places voting in some Independent people so that the other 2 parties do not have a majority. Will that happen? Probably not, but I'm not seeing any other solution on the horizon.

Absolutely.. Nothing in Congress gets done unless the 4 party say it gets done. A lot of the "rules" that are not Constitutional Mandates -- need to change. So members can't be blackmailed or primaried out of their next election for disobedience.

These fully partisan votes are just the MAFIA DISCIPLINE of the tribal confrontation. SHOULD be Dems that actually want to separate MediCaid from O-Care so it can be done right. But leadership won't ALLOW "original thought".. You'd be working your Congress seat out of broom closet -- if you made suggestions to "help" the Repubs..

All you "winners" better be expecting more of this winning. Because 2 parties are having a death match and taking you down with them.
YES. We need to repeal this harmful law. It's done nothing good. It's only risen costs, limited availability, and limited competition. It's led us further towards socialist state much like Europe or Canada.

Going to have to educate you on something good:

Twenty million more people have health insurance.


It has made many Americans more financially secure.

It made health insurance more comprehensive.

It has reduced inequality.

Grading Obamacare: Successes, Failures and ‘Incompletes’

The NY Times? Spare us the BS. The only thing the ACA did was subsidize most of those people on the taxpayer's dime. Most of those who did get insured are not getting better health care outcomes. And it sure as hell isn't doing anything for income inequality.
YES. We need to repeal this harmful law. It's done nothing good. It's only risen costs, limited availability, and limited competition. It's led us further towards socialist state much like Europe or Canada.

Going to have to educate you on something good:

Twenty million more people have health insurance.


It has made many Americans more financially secure.

It made health insurance more comprehensive.

It has reduced inequality.

Grading Obamacare: Successes, Failures and ‘Incompletes’
and it's failing spectacularly as we speak....
Skinny or not......get the damn Obamacare off the books.....! Treat Medicaid separately or.....

“Replace” has become too much. Republicans should shoot for a simple repeal, and deal with the thorny issues of Medicaid reform in a later bill. But if the price of the holdouts is to retain the Medicaid expansion, then retain the expansion. And if the holdouts are concerned about the uninsurable enrollees in the subsidy program, then throw the truly desperate with pre-existing conditions into Medicaid. But that’s it; the rest of Obamacare must go, because it’s rotten to the core.

If Republicans can’t get something done on Obamacare this year, their leadership in Congress should be replaced, and repeal holdouts should be “primaried” with challengers who will clean their clocks in the primaries of 2018.

Read more: Articles: Medicaid: The Snag in Obamacare Repeal

This is a MAJOR fail for the Repubs. Skinny is NOWHERE NEAR repeal. It's an attempt to save it.

And they had SEVEN F'ing YEARS to formulate a plan. TOLD US -- they had one. And they did Jack Crap..

They are toast. Both Brand Name parties are taking us down the crapper. There's gonna be NEW Leadership and it ain't gonna come from EITHER party. Because EVERYONE in Congress is useless -- except for the 4 party bosses. 500 of them ---- might as well NOT be there. Can't speak out or they pummeled. Especially in the Dem camp.

Need Indies and 3rd Parties.. And stop voting "winners".. America needs to vote for competence and leadership to survive right now --- not more "winning".. The WINNING is killing my country....

Right now we need a 3rd political party in Congress with enough seats to force the major parties to deal with them. Never mind the WH, that's for much later down the road, IMHO the major obstacle these days is the Legislative Branch of gov't. Only way I see to fix that is enough people in enough places voting in some Independent people so that the other 2 parties do not have a majority.
Either that or primary the 7 who are dragging their feet...

They are dragging their feet because NO ONE HAS A CLUE as to how to take apart Health Insurance and put it back together again. They didn't have a clue when the Dems passed O-Care.. They are ALL "faking it" and out of their league. .

What obviously needs to happen is to surgically SEPARATE Medicaid from Insurance legislation. Put it back to the welfare that it was. and NOT hide it's costs in the "pool" like Jonathan Gruber TRICKED You into doing.

Once MediCaid is put back together and funded like it was --- the whole problem and screaming match becomes easier..

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