Rep. Steve King: Obama Wasn't Raised American With An American Experience


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
And he is right. Here is what the good patriotic congressman actually stated:

“His vision of America isn’t like our version of America. That we know,” King said of Obama. “Now I don’t assert where he was born, I will just tell you that we are all certain that he was not raised with an American experience. So these things that beat in our hearts when we hear the National Anthem and when we say the Pledge of Allegiance doesn’t beat the same for him.”

What King is referring to is the fact that Obama is not what the founders envisioned when they framed Article 2 Section 1 for the presidency. It was designed so we could have a true natural born Citizen president born to U.S. citizen parents and raised in this country to ensure sole allegiance to the United States as a safety net for national security purposes so no foreign influences would affect their decision making and put America in jeopardy. It's apparent with Obama that his early upbringing by his alleged mother and alleged foreign step father (who was a Muslim) in a foreign country clearly negated what it is for him to experience pure traditional American values, ethics and exceptionalism and have those qualities instilled in him. Now America's sovereignty is suffering at a catastrophic state due to his misunderstanding of what it is to be a true American natural born Citizen. The congressman is right, Obama was not raised with an American Experience.
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he was mentored by people who hates America

and you can see that by everything he pushes on us

I never thought I'd live through someone like him as President
yeah, you can see how much destruction has occurred since the last GOP great recession...

Moonglow, you are so right.

UE is what now; 45%? Interest rates have skyrocketed? The stock market may never recover.
Gas at 10 bucks a gallon. Electricity only available 8 hours a day. Yep, destruction is almost complete.

We are just waiting for the fat lady to sing.

And he is right. Here is what the good patriotic congressman actually stated:

“His vision of America isn’t like our version of America. That we know,” King said of Obama. “Now I don’t assert where he was born, I will just tell you that we are all certain that he was not raised with an American experience. So these things that beat in our hearts when we hear the National Anthem and when we say the Pledge of Allegiance doesn’t beat the same for him.”

King is obviously parroting what he heard in D'Souza's movie 2016: Obama's America.

Echo chamber.
I've said this a few time on this board myself.

The moonbat messiah has never been hungry as a child because his parents either could not or simply would not provide decent nutrition.

He's never had to put up with being called a sell out or uncle tom because he chose to study hard and do the right thing as opposed to getting into a gang.

He's never been harrassed by cops for "Walking While Black".

He's never been denied a job because he was black, of course he's never had a real job but that's besides the point.

He's never had to worry about bullets flying through his house because his neighbors were engaged in drug selling territory conflict.

He has no comprehension of what it's like to grow up as a poor black person, because he's never been one.

He doesn't even know what it's like to grow up as a well off black person, because he didn't grow up here. He never heard the insults, never was denied a position, and was never treated with suspicion or forced to prove he had some sort of talent.

That's why after 6 years NOTHING has changed for black people, except their rate of employment has dropped. I'm willing to bet he looks down on poor blacks with more contempt than Woodrow Wilson ever did. If he could get away with it he'd herd them all into gas chambers and finish them off, or he'd be concerned about the fact that the most dangerous place on earth for a black child is in the womb of an American Black Woman.

If you look at white people greatest achievement in America, it would be racism.

he was mentored by people who hates America

and you can see that by everything he pushes on us

I never thought I'd live through someone like him as President

What is America? If the United States of America is defined by its people and the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence,

["We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"]

than it is clear Stephanie and the author of this thread and the Congressman therein noted, do not hold true to the ethos that makes an American an American.

Stephanie holds all Democrats, liberals, progressives, gays and lesbians, and hyphenated citizens in disregard and contempt; it's obvious she hates more than half of all Americans, yet knows few of them personally.

Now Stephanie may be excused, she is as dumb as they (right wingers) come, that truly is dumb squared, and she has every right to hate those she has never met and never will. However, she and others like her are pathologically angry and I wonder why?

Is she locked into poverty and green with envy when any member of the several sets noted include persons who are very successful? Does she feel life is unfair when a man with the President's ancestry achieves power and influence, as she and others like her always seem stuck in failures? Is this what breeds such hate, or is it fear. A fear sowed by the Limbaugh / Hannity set, whose sole purpose in life is to misinform the dumbest around us and profit by dumbing down America?
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Bump. Seems as if the right wing may (MAY) have recognized the truth of the above statement^^^ and paused to reflect (I'm only kidding, such an action requires introspection and at least average intelligence, even for those not suffering from pathological hatred).

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