Rep Cummings Refuses to Let Witness have an Attorney


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Another one of the legions of Dimocraps who are destroying the very basis of the House of Representatives and its constitutional foundation.

The Constitution of the United States is chock full of guarantees to the right to counsel. The Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments address right to legal representation at the local, state and federal levels.

One certainly doesn’t have to be a Constitutional lawyer to understand that Congressional hearings certainly have all the trappings of a trial. From the words hearings to subpoenas to contempt of Congress, it’s a good bet that you’d better have a lawyer present if you’re ever called upon to testify (another nifty judicial term).

From the raising of your right hand, to the final pounding of the gavel, the witness best not tell fibs… lying to Congress is a federal offense.

With all this useful information now at your fingertips, any person with a lick of common sense would deduct that not only the need, but the absolute right to legal representation.

But don’t tell Cummings this!

In keeping with longstanding Department of Justice policy, neither Mr. Gore nor anyone else in the Department will be forced to testify in their capacity as a DOJ official on DOJ matters without DOJ counsel,” said Kerri Kupec, a department spokesperson.

So how did Cumming respond?

This is a massive, unprecedented, and growing pattern of obstruction,” he said. “Yesterday, President Trump declared to the entire country that he would obstruct Congress and order all White House officials to defy lawful subpoenas from Congress. Today, the Trump Administration went even further by expanding this policy to employees at federal agencies—even when the subpoenas are bipartisan and supported by Republican Members of Congress.”

More @ Elijah Cummings REFUSES to Allow Witness his Right to Have Attorney Present During House Hearings – Conservatarian Times

Another one of the legions of Dimocraps who are destroying the very basis of the House of Representatives and its constitutional foundation.

The Constitution of the United States is chock full of guarantees to the right to counsel. The Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments address right to legal representation at the local, state and federal levels.

One certainly doesn’t have to be a Constitutional lawyer to understand that Congressional hearings certainly have all the trappings of a trial. From the words hearings to subpoenas to contempt of Congress, it’s a good bet that you’d better have a lawyer present if you’re ever called upon to testify (another nifty judicial term).

From the raising of your right hand, to the final pounding of the gavel, the witness best not tell fibs… lying to Congress is a federal offense.

With all this useful information now at your fingertips, any person with a lick of common sense would deduct that not only the need, but the absolute right to legal representation.

But don’t tell Cummings this!

In keeping with longstanding Department of Justice policy, neither Mr. Gore nor anyone else in the Department will be forced to testify in their capacity as a DOJ official on DOJ matters without DOJ counsel,” said Kerri Kupec, a department spokesperson.

So how did Cumming respond?

This is a massive, unprecedented, and growing pattern of obstruction,” he said. “Yesterday, President Trump declared to the entire country that he would obstruct Congress and order all White House officials to defy lawful subpoenas from Congress. Today, the Trump Administration went even further by expanding this policy to employees at federal agencies—even when the subpoenas are bipartisan and supported by Republican Members of Congress.”

More @ Elijah Cummings REFUSES to Allow Witness his Right to Have Attorney Present During House Hearings – Conservatarian Times
The infamous N word was invented for assholes like him. It doesn't apply to all blacks, just blacks like that asshole. These assholes abuse and are parasites on their own race and are the worst kind of racist of all.
The infamous N word was invented for assholes like him. It doesn't apply to all blacks, just blacks like that asshole. These assholes abuse and are parasites on their own race and are the worst kind of racist of all.

Cummings "Mr. Bowling-Ball Head"...:abgg2q.jpg:

Another one of the legions of Dimocraps who are destroying the very basis of the House of Representatives and its constitutional foundation.

The Constitution of the United States is chock full of guarantees to the right to counsel. The Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments address right to legal representation at the local, state and federal levels.

One certainly doesn’t have to be a Constitutional lawyer to understand that Congressional hearings certainly have all the trappings of a trial. From the words hearings to subpoenas to contempt of Congress, it’s a good bet that you’d better have a lawyer present if you’re ever called upon to testify (another nifty judicial term).

From the raising of your right hand, to the final pounding of the gavel, the witness best not tell fibs… lying to Congress is a federal offense.

With all this useful information now at your fingertips, any person with a lick of common sense would deduct that not only the need, but the absolute right to legal representation.

But don’t tell Cummings this!

In keeping with longstanding Department of Justice policy, neither Mr. Gore nor anyone else in the Department will be forced to testify in their capacity as a DOJ official on DOJ matters without DOJ counsel,” said Kerri Kupec, a department spokesperson.

So how did Cumming respond?

This is a massive, unprecedented, and growing pattern of obstruction,” he said. “Yesterday, President Trump declared to the entire country that he would obstruct Congress and order all White House officials to defy lawful subpoenas from Congress. Today, the Trump Administration went even further by expanding this policy to employees at federal agencies—even when the subpoenas are bipartisan and supported by Republican Members of Congress.”

More @ Elijah Cummings REFUSES to Allow Witness his Right to Have Attorney Present During House Hearings – Conservatarian Times


IOW, you fools get more gullible every day.
No attorneys present witnesses. So sorry Rep Cummings.

C'es la vie! :dunno: :04:

Another one of the legions of Dimocraps who are destroying the very basis of the House of Representatives and its constitutional foundation.

The Constitution of the United States is chock full of guarantees to the right to counsel. The Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments address right to legal representation at the local, state and federal levels.

One certainly doesn’t have to be a Constitutional lawyer to understand that Congressional hearings certainly have all the trappings of a trial. From the words hearings to subpoenas to contempt of Congress, it’s a good bet that you’d better have a lawyer present if you’re ever called upon to testify (another nifty judicial term).

From the raising of your right hand, to the final pounding of the gavel, the witness best not tell fibs… lying to Congress is a federal offense.

With all this useful information now at your fingertips, any person with a lick of common sense would deduct that not only the need, but the absolute right to legal representation.

But don’t tell Cummings this!

In keeping with longstanding Department of Justice policy, neither Mr. Gore nor anyone else in the Department will be forced to testify in their capacity as a DOJ official on DOJ matters without DOJ counsel,” said Kerri Kupec, a department spokesperson.

So how did Cumming respond?

This is a massive, unprecedented, and growing pattern of obstruction,” he said. “Yesterday, President Trump declared to the entire country that he would obstruct Congress and order all White House officials to defy lawful subpoenas from Congress. Today, the Trump Administration went even further by expanding this policy to employees at federal agencies—even when the subpoenas are bipartisan and supported by Republican Members of Congress.”

More @ Elijah Cummings REFUSES to Allow Witness his Right to Have Attorney Present During House Hearings – Conservatarian Times


IOW, you fools get more gullible every day.
Looks who talking about gullible. A shitforbrains who voted for Obama and Clinton.
I'd go testify before Cummings, and without a lawyer. I don't need one since he'd get only one answer out of me: Invoking my 5th amendment right against self incrimination. End of testimony.

Doing that would guarantee to raise Cummings ire and blood pressure.

Another one of the legions of Dimocraps who are destroying the very basis of the House of Representatives and its constitutional foundation.

The Constitution of the United States is chock full of guarantees to the right to counsel. The Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments address right to legal representation at the local, state and federal levels.

One certainly doesn’t have to be a Constitutional lawyer to understand that Congressional hearings certainly have all the trappings of a trial. From the words hearings to subpoenas to contempt of Congress, it’s a good bet that you’d better have a lawyer present if you’re ever called upon to testify (another nifty judicial term).

From the raising of your right hand, to the final pounding of the gavel, the witness best not tell fibs… lying to Congress is a federal offense.

With all this useful information now at your fingertips, any person with a lick of common sense would deduct that not only the need, but the absolute right to legal representation.

But don’t tell Cummings this!

In keeping with longstanding Department of Justice policy, neither Mr. Gore nor anyone else in the Department will be forced to testify in their capacity as a DOJ official on DOJ matters without DOJ counsel,” said Kerri Kupec, a department spokesperson.

So how did Cumming respond?

This is a massive, unprecedented, and growing pattern of obstruction,” he said. “Yesterday, President Trump declared to the entire country that he would obstruct Congress and order all White House officials to defy lawful subpoenas from Congress. Today, the Trump Administration went even further by expanding this policy to employees at federal agencies—even when the subpoenas are bipartisan and supported by Republican Members of Congress.”

More @ Elijah Cummings REFUSES to Allow Witness his Right to Have Attorney Present During House Hearings – Conservatarian Times


IOW, you fools get more gullible every day.

If you bothered to check out the link, you would see the backups for the article.

Too difficult for you?
I'd go testify before Cummings, and without a lawyer. I don't need one since he'd get only one answer out of me: Invoking my 5th amendment right against self incrimination. End of testimony.

Doing that would guarantee to raise Cummings ire and blood pressure.

Yeah it'd be fun seeing the veins on his bowling ball head pop out and pulse like an alien in a Star Trek episode. :abgg2q.jpg:

Another one of the legions of Dimocraps who are destroying the very basis of the House of Representatives and its constitutional foundation.

The Constitution of the United States is chock full of guarantees to the right to counsel. The Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments address right to legal representation at the local, state and federal levels.

One certainly doesn’t have to be a Constitutional lawyer to understand that Congressional hearings certainly have all the trappings of a trial. From the words hearings to subpoenas to contempt of Congress, it’s a good bet that you’d better have a lawyer present if you’re ever called upon to testify (another nifty judicial term).

From the raising of your right hand, to the final pounding of the gavel, the witness best not tell fibs… lying to Congress is a federal offense.

With all this useful information now at your fingertips, any person with a lick of common sense would deduct that not only the need, but the absolute right to legal representation.

But don’t tell Cummings this!

In keeping with longstanding Department of Justice policy, neither Mr. Gore nor anyone else in the Department will be forced to testify in their capacity as a DOJ official on DOJ matters without DOJ counsel,” said Kerri Kupec, a department spokesperson.

So how did Cumming respond?

This is a massive, unprecedented, and growing pattern of obstruction,” he said. “Yesterday, President Trump declared to the entire country that he would obstruct Congress and order all White House officials to defy lawful subpoenas from Congress. Today, the Trump Administration went even further by expanding this policy to employees at federal agencies—even when the subpoenas are bipartisan and supported by Republican Members of Congress.”

More @ Elijah Cummings REFUSES to Allow Witness his Right to Have Attorney Present During House Hearings – Conservatarian Times
Crooked Cummings: Witch Hunter:

Cummings' Wife Funneled Money From Charity To For-Profit Company, Financials Reveal

Red flags everywhere...

The wife of House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars from her charity into her for-profit organization, potentially deriving an "illegal private benefit" for the Washington power couple, reports the Daily Caller's Andrew Kerr.


The previously undisclosed cost-sharing arrangement between the two entities controlled by Maya Rockeymoore Cummings was detailed in audited statements obtained by Kerr.

Maya Rockeymoore Cummings’s charity, the Center for Global Policy Solutions (CGPS), paid her for-profit venture, Global Policy Solutions LLC, over $250,000 in “management fees” between 2013 and 2015, according to the charity’s audited financial statements covering those years. The management fees were paid in addition to a cost-sharing agreement where the charity pays for its share of equipment, personnel and other expenditures. -Daily Caller

Andrew Kerr


· 14h

I've obtained audited financial statements for the charity run by the wife of House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings.

They show that her charity paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in "management fees" to her for-profit LLC. …

Elijah Cummings’s Wife Used Her Charity To Enrich Her For-Profit Company, Documents Show
'It's self-dealing'

Andrew Kerr


Charity watchdogs say this raises red flags.

Here's the relevant portion of the charity's financials below: …


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What's more, according to a May 20 report in the Washington Examiner, companies which fund Cummings's charity have interests before her husband's Congressional committee.

The NPLC filed a complaint with the IRS in May, claiming that Rockeymoore Cummings's charity and LLC are potentially being used by companies to buy favorable treatment with Cummings.

"The problem is there are millions of dollars coming into these entities from corporations and special interests with business before Elijah Cummings, and any time you have that, every rule has to be followed or else it opens the door for massive corruption," said Anderson in a previous statement to the Caller.

Others have questioned why Rockeymoore Cummings's private company is charging a 5% management fee to her charity on top of an existing cost-sharing agreement.

Charity Watch President Daniel Borochoff said the funds flowing from Rockeymoore Cummings’s charity from the 5% management fee is problematic given her husband’s regulatory authority over the business interests funding her charity.

“That connection could be made,” Borochoff said. “All the more reason to get rid of that 5% arrangement.”

“My advice to them: get rid of the percentage arrangement and pay the LLC for whatever work its performing, but also to do whatever it can to separate the for-profit from the nonprofit,” he added. -Daily Caller

And while cost-sharing agreements between charities and other entities may be common, according to Chicago attorney Sally Wagenmaker, the management fee Cummings is charging her own charity "raises a potential red flag."

The president of conservative watchdog group Capital Research Center agrees, adding "It’s a red flag for a powerful member like Elijah Cummings to have a family member receiving money from entities with issues before his powerful committee."

Donald Trump Jr.


I wonder why he isn’t investigating this???

Elijah Cummings’s Wife Used Her Charity To Enrich Her For-Profit Company, Documents Show | The Daily Caller …
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