Render to Ceasar


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
So this am Earnhardt (you know the sex ploy on fox and friends) had a preacher and someone else on
and the preacher used the verses below to talk about the football players who took a knee.

Matthew 22:21 Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's." Romans 13:1 "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God."

from the bible. News flash Caesar no longer exist, and then tell me when T was a patriotic man?? He has done all he could to get out of paying taxes, (like most rich) and for a man who made billions and then calls the government swamp land, then goes ahead and fills it up with more swamp creatures including himself.

He has desecrated his predecessors to the max especially his last one. He has said John McCain is a loser for getting caught while he himself avoided the service and his sons as well.

There is no way I can have respect for such a Potus, who has a history of racism, dishonesty, lack of integrity and thinks women want to have their pussies grabbed a dirty old scummy man who wears fake hair.

Oh little preacher man, those verses are not going to work in todays world.
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The NFL Needs to fire anyone who takes the knee and replace them with an Asian -- for the sake of diversity
So this am Earnhardt (you know the sex ploy on fox and friends) had a preacher and someone else on
and the preacher used to talk about the football players who took a knee.

Matthew 22:21 Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's." Romans 13:1 "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God."

from the bible. News flash Caesar no longer exist, and then tell me when T was a patriotic man?? He has done all he could to get out of paying taxes, (like most rich) and for a man who made billions and then calls the government swamp land, then goes ahead and fills it up with more swamp creatures including himself.

He has desecrated his predecessors to the max especially his last one. He has said John McCain is a loser for getting caught while he himself avoided the service and his sons as well.

There is no way I can have respect for such a Potus, who has a history of racism, dishonesty, lack of integrity and thinks women want to have their pussies grabbed a dirty old scummy man who wears fake hair.

Oh little preacher man, those verses are not going to work in todays world.

You know, Nero was the Roman emperor at the time that Paul wrote that epistle with one out of place sentence that instructs believers to submit to the authorities.

Suspicious isn't it?

I see that as evidence that his letters, many written in jail, were redacted by the Romans before widespread publication......
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So this am Earnhardt (you know the sex ploy on fox and friends) had a preacher and someone else on
and the preacher used to talk about the football players who took a knee.

Matthew 22:21 Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's." Romans 13:1 "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God."

from the bible. News flash Caesar no longer exist, and then tell me when T was a patriotic man?? He has done all he could to get out of paying taxes, (like most rich) and for a man who made billions and then calls the government swamp land, then goes ahead and fills it up with more swamp creatures including himself.

He has desecrated his predecessors to the max especially his last one. He has said John McCain is a loser for getting caught while he himself avoided the service and his sons as well.

There is no way I can have respect for such a Potus, who has a history of racism, dishonesty, lack of integrity and thinks women want to have their pussies grabbed a dirty old scummy man who wears fake hair.

Oh little preacher man, those verses are not going to work in todays world.

You know, Nero was the Roman emperor at the time that Paul wrote that epistle with one out of place sentence that instructs believers to submit to the authorities.

Suspicious isn't it?

I see that as evidence that his letters, many written in jail, were redacted by the Romans before widespread publication......

Not at all. The whole of the NT is for the everyone who lived in the Roman Empire to submit to Rome. Slaves obey your masters.
So this am Earnhardt (you know the sex ploy on fox and friends) had a preacher and someone else on
and the preacher used to talk about the football players who took a knee.

Matthew 22:21 Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's." Romans 13:1 "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God."

from the bible. News flash Caesar no longer exist, and then tell me when T was a patriotic man?? He has done all he could to get out of paying taxes, (like most rich) and for a man who made billions and then calls the government swamp land, then goes ahead and fills it up with more swamp creatures including himself.

He has desecrated his predecessors to the max especially his last one. He has said John McCain is a loser for getting caught while he himself avoided the service and his sons as well.

There is no way I can have respect for such a Potus, who has a history of racism, dishonesty, lack of integrity and thinks women want to have their pussies grabbed a dirty old scummy man who wears fake hair.

Oh little preacher man, those verses are not going to work in todays world.

You know, Nero was the Roman emperor at the time that Paul wrote that epistle with one out of place sentence that instructs believers to submit to the authorities.

Suspicious isn't it?

I see that as evidence that his letters, many written in jail, were redacted by the Romans before widespread publication......

Not at all. The whole of the NT is for the everyone who lived in the Roman Empire to submit to Rome. Slaves obey your masters.

No, that was another awkward line from another letter of Paul which is extremely suspect and at odds with what Jesus taught.

Think! Paul wrote many epistles in jail.. Do you imagine that the Roman authorities wouldn't have redacted his letters for security purposes before they were ever sent out?

Wasn't Nero deeply committed to persecuting Christians??????? Jesus taught to openly reject, renounce and resist evil, not to comply with and submit to evil.

When Jesus said to render unto Caesar, etc., he was speaking to a crowd answering a question about paying taxes to Rome that was a set up that could have got him arrested. Roman sympathizers would have seen his answer as Jesus advocating paying taxes but observant Jews would have understood that everything belongs to God and nothing belongs to caesar, especially in Israel..
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When Jesus said to render unto Caesar, etc., he was speaking to a crowd answering a question about paying taxes to Rome that was a set up that could have got him arrested. Roman sympathizers would have seen his answer as Jesus advocating paying taxes but observant Jews would have understood that everything belongs to God and nothing belongs to caesar, especially in Israel..
Jesus was holding a Roman coin with Caesar's image on it so it was clearly Caesar's property. What was God's was the land of Israel and there Caesar had no right to any of it, it was given to the Jews. It was this sentiment that got him killed by Rome.
When Jesus said to render unto Caesar, etc., he was speaking to a crowd answering a question about paying taxes to Rome that was a set up that could have got him arrested. Roman sympathizers would have seen his answer as Jesus advocating paying taxes but observant Jews would have understood that everything belongs to God and nothing belongs to caesar, especially in Israel..
Jesus was holding a Roman coin with Caesar's image on it so it was clearly Caesar's property. What was God's was the land of Israel and there Caesar had no right to any of it, it was given to the Jews. It was this sentiment that got him killed by Rome.
It wasn't his property. It was his image stamped on precious metal stolen from conquered lands.

Either way, Jesus was fomenting a quiet non-violent insurrection, a revolution of thought and perception that won peoples hearts by freeing their minds from the disturbing effects of demonic possession, mind control, with only a few understanding the cloaked meanings of the many odd things that he said..
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So this am Earnhardt (you know the sex ploy on fox and friends) had a preacher and someone else on
and the preacher used the verses below to talk about the football players who took a knee.

Matthew 22:21 Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's." Romans 13:1 "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God."

from the bible. News flash Caesar no longer exist, and then tell me when T was a patriotic man?? He has done all he could to get out of paying taxes, (like most rich) and for a man who made billions and then calls the government swamp land, then goes ahead and fills it up with more swamp creatures including himself.

He has desecrated his predecessors to the max especially his last one. He has said John McCain is a loser for getting caught while he himself avoided the service and his sons as well.

There is no way I can have respect for such a Potus, who has a history of racism, dishonesty, lack of integrity and thinks women want to have their pussies grabbed a dirty old scummy man who wears fake hair.

Oh little preacher man, those verses are not going to work in todays world.

That portion of the Jesus image would probably have been the tax revolter
Christ named Yehuda of Galilee who died in 6bc for his revolt. That is the christ
Bill O'reilly wrote about in his book and would fit the stories of living in the time period of Lysanias (died in 35bc) and king Herod (4bc), however this is not the AD Pilate era christ who's apostles were martyrs used or books in their name.
So I think teaching more then one christ and combining them with stolen mythology and Bible plagiarism is more problematic then an unappreciating football player who disrespects our servicemen and countrymen by taking a knee rather then tweeting or online voicing their concerns on an even more logical platform and scale.
So I think teaching more then one christ and combining them with stolen mythology and Bible plagiarism is more problematic then an unappreciating football player who disrespects our servicemen and countrymen by taking a knee rather then tweeting or online voicing their concerns on an even more logical platform and scale.

You are such a dick...

Jesus was holding a Roman coin with Caesar's image on it so it was clearly Caesar's property. What was God's was the land of Israel and there Caesar had no right to any of it, it was given to the Jews. It was this sentiment that got him killed by Rome.
It wasn't his property. It was his image stamped on precious metal stolen from conquered lands.

Either way, Jesus was fomenting a quiet non-violent insurrection, a revolution of thought and perception that conquered peoples hearts by freeing their minds from the disturbing effects of demonic possession, mind control, with only a few understanding the cloaked meanings of the many odd things that he said..
How many times was that gold stolen before Rome got hold of it?

I don't agree with your interpretation of Jesus' mission. I think he wanted to throw off the yoke of Rome. Violently. He was a religious zealot who wanted a Jewish state based on Jewish law. The Jews of his time knew exactly what he stood for.
Jesus was holding a Roman coin with Caesar's image on it so it was clearly Caesar's property. What was God's was the land of Israel and there Caesar had no right to any of it, it was given to the Jews. It was this sentiment that got him killed by Rome.
It wasn't his property. It was his image stamped on precious metal stolen from conquered lands.

Either way, Jesus was fomenting a quiet non-violent insurrection, a revolution of thought and perception that conquered peoples hearts by freeing their minds from the disturbing effects of demonic possession, mind control, with only a few understanding the cloaked meanings of the many odd things that he said..
How many times was that gold stolen before Rome got hold of it?

I don't agree with your interpretation of Jesus' mission. I think he wanted to throw off the yoke of Rome. Violently. He was a religious zealot who wanted a Jewish state based on Jewish law. The Jews of his time knew exactly what he stood for.

Violently? Maybe...but I don't think that Jesus thought that Jews could expel Rome through military force.

He foresaw the destruction of Judea by Rome. I doubt that Jesus was inciting people to fight a war that he knew they were going to lose spectacularly.

He would have had that in mind whatever he was teaching and doing......
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Violently? Maybe...but I don't think that Jesus thought that Jews could expel Rome through military force.

He foresaw the destruction of Judea by Rome. I doubt that Jesus was inciting people to fight a war that he knew they were going to lose spectacularly.

He would have had that in mind whatever he was teaching and doing......
Jesus was certainly devout and surely thought that God was on his side and had promised the land to the Jews. How could he conceive of defeat?

Why do you say Jesus foresaw the destruction of Judea? He didn't know when the Kingdom of God would arrive so why assume he foresaw the destruction of Judea?
Violently? Maybe...but I don't think that Jesus thought that Jews could expel Rome through military force.

He foresaw the destruction of Judea by Rome. I doubt that Jesus was inciting people to fight a war that he knew they were going to lose spectacularly.

He would have had that in mind whatever he was teaching and doing......
Jesus was certainly devout and surely thought that God was on his side and had promised the land to the Jews. How could he conceive of defeat?

Why do you say Jesus foresaw the destruction of Judea? He didn't know when the Kingdom of God would arrive so why assume he foresaw the destruction of Judea?

“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled."

Luke 21:20-24
“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled."

Luke 21:20-24

Luke was written after the fall of Jerusalem so this is hardly a prediction.
Talking about Jesus describing turmoil in Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple reminds me of the praise over Kennedy regarding the Cuban Missile crisis, one he started in the first place. The 2 of the at least 3 characters making up the Jesus image caused, through their revolts, the imminent destruction warned about if not penciled in after the events.
The interesting thing is that the word Render or rendere in the Vulgar Latin literally means return in profit so I find it interesting that those words were attributed to the Jesus character simply because since The meanings in Latin never change for him to say give profit to Caesar who literally rent kingdom after kingdom to pieces for Roman profit doesn't make any sense if he was supposedly a Jew. That is why I find that saying suspicious and it looks to me like it is pure propaganda by the Roman authorities to entice guliable populaces to send money their way...Course with the backing of Jesus no one can question it and that way the mob of Rome gets their piece of the action.... Campeche....
Funny how nobody points out the resmblances of this to the newer episodes of the Walking Dead.
The group called Saviors are controlling all the other groups and kingdoms through an unfair protection racketeering tax (percentage of resources & goods).
Yet it's them you need protection from.
They bully the other groups to submit to their whims. Alexandria never heard of these saviors and didn't knowingly have
problems with them until the character named Jesus from the Hill Top (Mt of Olives) asked for their help to revolt against them not telling the group of the Saviors numbers and capabilities, therefore the toll was deaths to their friends and a take over of their community.
The Saviors all claim to be the leader Negan's embodied spirit or soul nature
and they bow to Lucille - A baseball bat coated in barb wire (crown of thorns) that Negan uses as his primary weapon to conquer with (like Constantine used the cross). He wields this weapon against anyone now respecting and bowing to his ASHERAH LUCILLE as symbol of his authority and strength.
The many groups thus organize to revolt against these racketeering tactics of collecting their tax and making those groups submit to the saviors with no autonomy or security from their brutal tyrany.
You know the show will play this as in history, Rome falls for spreading itself too thin and making enemies on it's path of those it conquers and enslaves.
However, Rome did survive in it's second horn(power), the compiling faith it created to mask it's political horn. So Rome did still remain in many kingdoms still collecting taxes in the form of tithes and still voicing it's perverted ideologies unsuspected by the cultures who let them remain in the (soul) protection racketeering business.
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The interesting thing is that the word Render or rendere in the Vulgar Latin literally means return in profit so I find it interesting that those words were attributed to the Jesus character simply because since The meanings in Latin never change for him to say give profit to Caesar who literally rent kingdom after kingdom to pieces for Roman profit doesn't make any sense if he was supposedly a Jew. That is why I find that saying suspicious and it looks to me like it is pure propaganda by the Roman authorities to entice guliable populaces to send money their way...Course with the backing of Jesus no one can question it and that way the mob of Rome gets their piece of the action.... Campeche....
Except to the Roman authorities Jesus was just another criminal/rebel. One of many they executed on a daily basis. It seems unlikely they gave him another thought after his execution.
The interesting thing is that the word Render or rendere in the Vulgar Latin literally means return in profit so I find it interesting that those words were attributed to the Jesus character simply because since The meanings in Latin never change for him to say give profit to Caesar who literally rent kingdom after kingdom to pieces for Roman profit doesn't make any sense if he was supposedly a Jew. That is why I find that saying suspicious and it looks to me like it is pure propaganda by the Roman authorities to entice guliable populaces to send money their way...Course with the backing of Jesus no one can question it and that way the mob of Rome gets their piece of the action.... Campeche....
Except to the Roman authorities Jesus was just another criminal/rebel. One of many they executed on a daily basis. It seems unlikely they gave him another thought after his execution.
If Jesus existed and if all those sayings are attributed to him and not made up but I am not here to make that point whether the character Jesus exsisted or not. I am here to make people think out of their boxes and set beliefs and thinking. Case in point if Jesus was a pious Jew as claimed or as others claim Gd or son of Gd then why would he hold in his hand a coin with a idol of the man who rended his kingdom or his fathers kingdom..Idolatry is forbidden , no other gods before me.. It would have been abominable to him...People must think, people must figure out that render unto Ceasar is nothing more then a scam by the Romans to feather their own nests... I am only using logic .There is always a counter argument but it is up to the individual to figure out if the Wolves of Rome once again have pulled the wool of the sheeple over their eyes...
Case in point if Jesus was a pious Jew as claimed or as others claim Gd or son of Gd then why would he hold in his hand a coin with a idol of the man who rended his kingdom or his fathers kingdom..Idolatry is forbidden , no other gods before me.. It would have been abominable to him..
Caesar may have portrayed himself as a god but I doubt the Jews agreed so there would be no conflict. I'd guess pious Jews in the US have no problem having George Washington's image on their money.

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