Reminder of the Radicals That Rule Us


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Edited for content and no link.

Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Executive office of the President — Cecilia Munoz

General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Management & Budget

Director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change – Carol Browner
Political advisor – David Axelrod

National Security Council – Samantha Power

Counsel, State Department – Harold Koh

United States Ambassador to United Nations – Susan Rice

Attorney General – Eric Holder

Chief Diversity Officer, Federal Communications Commission – Mark Lloyd

Science Czar – John Holdren

Climate Czar – Todd Stern

The Regulatory Czar – Cass Sunstein

And then one looks at the GOP candidates. And these people seem like tame little pussycats.

Get over it. By 2016, a whole new field of GOP candidates, and President Obama will leave office on 20Jan17. If you grow up by then and give us someone not crazier than a pet coon, you might have a chance.
Wow, we have people pushing for socialism, and some communism, population control, rewriting our constitution from the bench and some want a One World Order. The czars are there to push Obama's radical agenda and he knew he needed them to circumvent congress and the people and answer to no one but him. They plug away, against the constitution, and push their agenda on us, as they were appointed to do and no one can stop them. Well, we can once we get their master out of the White House.

There is nothing tame about them. There is nothing radical about most tea party members, who simply want our constitution adhered to and our free market capitalism protected.

It's not the job of government to change this country, but rather to keep it on track. Decades of radical politicians have opted to ignore what our founders envisioned and have had the audacity to think they know better than the rest of us.

Government's role was meant to be simple. Uphold the constitution and create fair laws and regulations that allowed the free market to function fairly. They are the ones who tainted that and they are not the ones who should fix it. They need to get out of the private sector except for creating and overseeing the fair rules and regulations. It's not government's responsibility to create jobs. The only jobs they create are more government jobs, which further oppresses the private sector by confiscating wealth.

They should not get paid what they do and they should not have those cushy pensions and every perk they could dream up. They should never be allowed to exempt themselves from the laws they impose on the rest of the people. I think Ron Paul is the only one who sees that right now, so of course he is considered radical to the left. I'm sure the far left sees our founders as radicals.

All our government should be doing is cutting back their useless programs, revamping the tax system to one that is fair, cutting their own benefits, creating laws and overseeing regulations that allow the private sector to do what only it can do- create wealth and opportunity, securing the borders and ensuring national security. Serving this country is supposed to be a public service, yet they all act as if they become royalty the minute they set foot in Washington. Enough is enough.

I detest Obama and his ilk for not liking our constitution. He swore to uphold it, not shred it and rewrite it.
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Wow, we have people pushing for socialism, and some communism

Who in the Obama administration is pushing for either of those? And: please define your terms.

population control

In what sense? What specific measures to control population growth are being advocated?

rewriting our constitution from the bench

"From the bench" implies action by the Judicial branch, not the Executive. What are you talking about?

and some want a One World Order.

Please define what you mean by this, and in what ways the Obama administration wants it or is acting to bring it about.

The czars are there to push Obama's radical agenda

What radical agenda? What exactly do you think Obama is trying to push? Why do you consider it "radical"? What evidence do you have for this?

Naturally Obama's cabinet and other appointees are there to push his agenda (whether or not it is "radical"). There's nothing unusual in that.

They plug away, against the constitution

In what way?

There is nothing radical about most tea party members, who simply want our constitution adhered to and our free market capitalism protected.

Almost everyone wants "our constitution protected." What's radical about the Tea Party, or some of its members anyway, is the highly unusual interpretation they give to the Constitution, and the things they think are unconstitutional that aren't.

"Free market capitalism" is at this point in history itself radical; we abandoned it as of the 1930s, which makes it just slightly less radical than slavery.

It's not the job of government to change this country, but rather to keep it on track.

This is itself an example of a radical idea. (Radical reactionary, but that counts.) The government's job is to implement the will of the people (consistent with constitutional protections of individual rights). If the will of the people is for change, then it is the government's job to change this country, and that has happened quite often in our history.

The remainder of your post clearly shows what is messed up and irrational about your mindset; you consistently confuse the concepts of "what I like" with "what should be" and even "what's in the Constitution." They are not the same.
Wow, we have people pushing for socialism, and some communism, population control, rewriting our constitution from the bench and some want a One World Order. The czars are there to push Obama's radical agenda and he knew he needed them to circumvent congress and the people and answer to no one but him. They plug away, against the constitution, and push their agenda on us, as they were appointed to do and no one can stop them. Well, we can once we get their master out of the White House.

There is nothing tame about them. There is nothing radical about most tea party members, who simply want our constitution adhered to and our free market capitalism protected.

It's not the job of government to change this country, but rather to keep it on track. Decades of radical politicians have opted to ignore what our founders envisioned and have had the audacity to think they know better than the rest of us.

Government's role was meant to be simple. Uphold the constitution and create fair laws and regulations that allowed the free market to function fairly. They are the ones who tainted that and they are not the ones who should fix it. They need to get out of the private sector except for creating and overseeing the fair rules and regulations. It's not government's responsibility to create jobs. The only jobs they create are more government jobs, which further oppresses the private sector by confiscating wealth.

They should not get paid what they do and they should not have those cushy pensions and every perk they could dream up. They should never be allowed to exempt themselves from the laws they impose on the rest of the people. I think Ron Paul is the only one who sees that right now, so of course he is considered radical to the left. I'm sure the far left sees our founders as radicals.

All our government should be doing is cutting back their useless programs, revamping the tax system to one that is fair, cutting their own benefits, creating laws and overseeing regulations that allow the private sector to do what only it can do- create wealth and opportunity, securing the borders and ensuring national security. Serving this country is supposed to be a public service, yet they all act as if they become royalty the minute they set foot in Washington. Enough is enough.

I detest Obama and his ilk for not liking our constitution. He swore to uphold it, not shred it and rewrite it.


All that typing and no evidence, no case law in support, and not one example provided. Meaningless, subjective, ignorant, opinion.

Obama Surrounds Himself with the Most Extreme Appointees in American History | Western

More meaningless, subjective, ignorant, opinion from a crazy rightwing site.

Conservatives are pathetic.
THIS IS WHY...the Obama must be defeated 2012...

We exposed these people when he was elected, but most acted like their radical views were in their past and pooed pooed any evidence that was presented...
Wow, we have people pushing for socialism, and some communism, population control, rewriting our constitution from the bench and some want a One World Order. The czars are there to push Obama's radical agenda and he knew he needed them to circumvent congress and the people and answer to no one but him. They plug away, against the constitution, and push their agenda on us, as they were appointed to do and no one can stop them. Well, we can once we get their master out of the White House.

There is nothing tame about them. There is nothing radical about most tea party members, who simply want our constitution adhered to and our free market capitalism protected.

It's not the job of government to change this country, but rather to keep it on track. Decades of radical politicians have opted to ignore what our founders envisioned and have had the audacity to think they know better than the rest of us.

Government's role was meant to be simple. Uphold the constitution and create fair laws and regulations that allowed the free market to function fairly. They are the ones who tainted that and they are not the ones who should fix it. They need to get out of the private sector except for creating and overseeing the fair rules and regulations. It's not government's responsibility to create jobs. The only jobs they create are more government jobs, which further oppresses the private sector by confiscating wealth.

They should not get paid what they do and they should not have those cushy pensions and every perk they could dream up. They should never be allowed to exempt themselves from the laws they impose on the rest of the people. I think Ron Paul is the only one who sees that right now, so of course he is considered radical to the left. I'm sure the far left sees our founders as radicals.

All our government should be doing is cutting back their useless programs, revamping the tax system to one that is fair, cutting their own benefits, creating laws and overseeing regulations that allow the private sector to do what only it can do- create wealth and opportunity, securing the borders and ensuring national security. Serving this country is supposed to be a public service, yet they all act as if they become royalty the minute they set foot in Washington. Enough is enough.

I detest Obama and his ilk for not liking our constitution. He swore to uphold it, not shred it and rewrite it.


All that typing and no evidence, no case law in support, and not one example provided. Meaningless, subjective, ignorant, opinion.

Obama Surrounds Himself with the Most Extreme Appointees in American History | Western

More meaningless, subjective, ignorant, opinion from a crazy rightwing site.

Conservatives are pathetic.

Maybe the problem is Seawytch doesn't consider avowed Marxists and domestic terrorists to be "radical".

There are no domestic terrorists in the Obama administration. There are no avowed Marxists, either, and the only ex-Marxist who ever signed on is gone now. He had a token job anyway, and was there, I'm convinced, so Obama could say to his liberal supporters appalled by Geithner and Emanuel, "Look, I also appointed Jones. What do you want?"

And then one looks at the GOP candidates. And these people seem like tame little pussycats.

Get over it. By 2016, a whole new field of GOP candidates, and President Obama will leave office on 20Jan17. If you grow up by then and give us someone not crazier than a pet coon, you might have a chance.
The GOP is far better. These idiots in there now are examples of psych patients off their medicine. Idiots is too nice of a word to describe those fools.
Maybe the problem is Seawytch doesn't consider avowed Marxists and domestic terrorists to be "radical".

There are no domestic terrorists in the Obama administration. There are no avowed Marxists, either, and the only ex-Marxist who ever signed on is gone now. He had a token job anyway, and was there, I'm convinced, so Obama could say to his liberal supporters appalled by Geithner and Emanuel, "Look, I also appointed Jones. What do you want?"
Did it fool you?

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