Remember when the libs told us the intelligence agencies lied us into war?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yeah.... that was the time when the left swore up and down that the CIA lied us into a war with sadaam hussein...those were the good old days when it was convenient for the left to hate the they love them....

Remember when the left told us that the CIA sold crack cocaine in black neighborhoods....yeah, those were the days when the left trusted the CIA...Right?

Funny how the left trusts the FBI, the CIA and the NSA all of a sudden....
No, the intelligence agencies were right. The UN Inspection teams were right. It was Bush, Cheney and the neo-cons who manipulated the intelligence and lied about the war. It was the conservatives who bought into the lies, just like they buy into Trump's lies now.

As the French say: plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
Yeah.... that was the time when the left swore up and down that the CIA lied us into a war with sadaam hussein...those were the good old days when it was convenient for the left to hate the they love them....

Remember when the left told us that the CIA sold crack cocaine in black neighborhoods....yeah, those were the days when the left trusted the CIA...Right?

Funny how the left trusts the FBI, the CIA and the NSA all of a sudden....
Yep remember that the intel was received from Briton.

Yeah.... that was the time when the left swore up and down that the CIA lied us into a war with sadaam hussein...those were the good old days when it was convenient for the left to hate the they love them....

Remember when the left told us that the CIA sold crack cocaine in black neighborhoods....yeah, those were the days when the left trusted the CIA...Right?

Funny how the left trusts the FBI, the CIA and the NSA all of a sudden....
Funny how you lie.

That was Bush and Cheney and the GOP who lied. They took intelligence data and misrepresented it.

Like Trump is doing with Obama's economy.

Or remember when Obama took down Bin Laden and Republicans tried to take credit for it?

That's what Republicans do. They lie. In fact, lying is the best they can do. They aren't good at much else.

What I remember was in October the intelligence folks had known that their source of claims about WMD was bogus, yet in his next January's State of the Union address Bush was using those claims in support of invasion. Also recall a couple of subsequent claims by officials only to be put to a rest a week or so later.

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