Remember When Obama Refused To Release His Taxes?? Me Either..

Just for the heck of it, what would you like to do with Trumps taxes if you did see them? Maybe point out that the IRS didn't do their job? Maybe whine some more?
I didn't request them...

I also didn't promise to release them before getting elected then immediately looked for every excuse for hiding them after getting elected...but I am sure you don't mind that as long as your cult leader does it...

My question is still.....what does he have to hide?

Shouldn't his taxes show how brilliant he is? Like his grades
So in your opinion the Democrats in Congress are not pushing to see the President's tax returns because they are germain to any legislative or oversight function they have but only to try to embarrass the President. Hopefully they'll make that clear to voters in 2020.
Trump is currently under investigation for possible fraud that may include tax yes, Congress has a reason to request his taxes as is codified in the 1924 Tax Act...

All you have to say is you are so tied to all things Trump that you do not care what he does, no matter what....its ok to admit that...
Do you wake up this stupid in the morning or is it something you have to work at? Whatever legal difficulties the President may have, Congress can only legally demand documents relevant to its legislative or oversight functions, and that's why Neal lied when he told the IRS he wanted to see Trump's tax returns only to see how the IRS handles a President's tax returns.

Read: Key House Democratic chairman requests Trump's tax returns - CNNPolitics
A trump supporter should never use the word lie at no point in their life...ever.....
Why not? It's been over two years since anyone heard a single honest word from any Democrat in Congress. Here we have a blatant lie in writing from the Democratic Chairman of a House committee and you complain, no fair, no fair, Democrats are allowed to lie.
What is Trump's excuse? Is he afraid that people will use his tax returns against him? Is he afraid that his scheme of over inflating the price of his assets then drastically deflating them for tax evasion will be exposed? Much like the Mueller report, if there is nothing to hide, why hide it?.

The concern is that the Far Left will seek to demagogue the returns, like they did with Mitt Romney.

Romney didn't want to show his return, and he was finally cowed into doing it. It was a disaster.

There was nothing wrong with his return, but the lib media attacked him anyhow. Romney actually paid significantly MORE than he was required to by the IRS code (perfectly legal) and he was ATTACKED. Cost him the election, and the rest was history.

Mr. Trump refused to repeat the great errors of history. He knows history and realizes that those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it.

2020 is a must-win election for our Republic. If the Trumpster were to lose, we are screwed for a hundred generations as a nation.

Doing the right thing requires that Trump not release this.
Obamas paid $81,472 in taxes, returns show

Remember that time future Trumpers marched down to DC and demanded that Obama release his taxes so they could make sure he wasn't engaged in any corrupt financial schemes? Yea me either...Maybe that is because he voluntarily released his taxes 4 times while he was president -- even though he was under audit.

What is Trump's excuse? Is he afraid that people will use his tax returns against him? Is he afraid that his scheme of over inflating the price of his assets then drastically deflating them for tax evasion will be exposed? Much like the Mueller report, if there is nothing to hide, why hide it?

I don't recall much being said about Obama's taxes -- you would think there would be quite a few scandals revealed in his tax

"President Obama and his wife Michelle paid $81,472 in federal taxes last year on an adjusted gross income of $436,065, his tax return shows." <<-- what a lame, he doesn't have millions of dollars in blind trusts and business holdings??

"Most of Obama's income comes from his $400,000-a-year salary as president. But he also continues to receive outside income of $60,745 in royalties from his two adult books Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope. The royalties from a children's book, Of Thee I Sing, are donated to charity." <<-- what a lame, he only made a presidential salary? and his commie books only got him 60K in royalties?? loser..

"The Obama's gave $64,066 to charity last year. The largest contribution of $9,066 went to Fisher House, which helps military families and has been the biggest recipient of Obama's largesse during his presidency" <<-- what a lame, he only donated 64K to charity and he has the nerve to donate to military families when he is the one who helped ISIS fight our military??

So there you have it; there are far more bad things in Obama's tax returns than I am sure are in Trump's tax returns -- Trump should just release them so he can totally own the libs..

Where is the tradition in doing so?

How about those college records? How come he won't release those?
Obamas paid $81,472 in taxes, returns show

Remember that time future Trumpers marched down to DC and demanded that Obama release his taxes so they could make sure he wasn't engaged in any corrupt financial schemes? Yea me either...Maybe that is because he voluntarily released his taxes 4 times while he was president -- even though he was under audit.

What is Trump's excuse? Is he afraid that people will use his tax returns against him? Is he afraid that his scheme of over inflating the price of his assets then drastically deflating them for tax evasion will be exposed? Much like the Mueller report, if there is nothing to hide, why hide it?

I don't recall much being said about Obama's taxes -- you would think there would be quite a few scandals revealed in his tax

"President Obama and his wife Michelle paid $81,472 in federal taxes last year on an adjusted gross income of $436,065, his tax return shows." <<-- what a lame, he doesn't have millions of dollars in blind trusts and business holdings??

"Most of Obama's income comes from his $400,000-a-year salary as president. But he also continues to receive outside income of $60,745 in royalties from his two adult books Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope. The royalties from a children's book, Of Thee I Sing, are donated to charity." <<-- what a lame, he only made a presidential salary? and his commie books only got him 60K in royalties?? loser..

"The Obama's gave $64,066 to charity last year. The largest contribution of $9,066 went to Fisher House, which helps military families and has been the biggest recipient of Obama's largesse during his presidency" <<-- what a lame, he only donated 64K to charity and he has the nerve to donate to military families when he is the one who helped ISIS fight our military??

So there you have it; there are far more bad things in Obama's tax returns than I am sure are in Trump's tax returns -- Trump should just release them so he can totally own the libs..
When is Obama releasing his college application and transcripts showing he claimed to be a Kenya to get minority access to high colleges.
Obamas paid $81,472 in taxes, returns show

Remember that time future Trumpers marched down to DC and demanded that Obama release his taxes so they could make sure he wasn't engaged in any corrupt financial schemes? Yea me either...Maybe that is because he voluntarily released his taxes 4 times while he was president -- even though he was under audit.

What is Trump's excuse? Is he afraid that people will use his tax returns against him? Is he afraid that his scheme of over inflating the price of his assets then drastically deflating them for tax evasion will be exposed? Much like the Mueller report, if there is nothing to hide, why hide it?

I don't recall much being said about Obama's taxes -- you would think there would be quite a few scandals revealed in his tax

"President Obama and his wife Michelle paid $81,472 in federal taxes last year on an adjusted gross income of $436,065, his tax return shows." <<-- what a lame, he doesn't have millions of dollars in blind trusts and business holdings??

"Most of Obama's income comes from his $400,000-a-year salary as president. But he also continues to receive outside income of $60,745 in royalties from his two adult books Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope. The royalties from a children's book, Of Thee I Sing, are donated to charity." <<-- what a lame, he only made a presidential salary? and his commie books only got him 60K in royalties?? loser..

"The Obama's gave $64,066 to charity last year. The largest contribution of $9,066 went to Fisher House, which helps military families and has been the biggest recipient of Obama's largesse during his presidency" <<-- what a lame, he only donated 64K to charity and he has the nerve to donate to military families when he is the one who helped ISIS fight our military??

So there you have it; there are far more bad things in Obama's tax returns than I am sure are in Trump's tax returns -- Trump should just release them so he can totally own the libs..
I chuckle whenever anyone writes "his wife Michelle"
Michelle is a Trans.
Still waiting for Obabble's college transcripts....and the info on who paid for his "credentials".
Obamas paid $81,472 in taxes, returns show

Remember that time future Trumpers marched down to DC and demanded that Obama release his taxes so they could make sure he wasn't engaged in any corrupt financial schemes? Yea me either...Maybe that is because he voluntarily released his taxes 4 times while he was president -- even though he was under audit.

What is Trump's excuse? Is he afraid that people will use his tax returns against him? Is he afraid that his scheme of over inflating the price of his assets then drastically deflating them for tax evasion will be exposed? Much like the Mueller report, if there is nothing to hide, why hide it?

I don't recall much being said about Obama's taxes -- you would think there would be quite a few scandals revealed in his tax

"President Obama and his wife Michelle paid $81,472 in federal taxes last year on an adjusted gross income of $436,065, his tax return shows." <<-- what a lame, he doesn't have millions of dollars in blind trusts and business holdings??

"Most of Obama's income comes from his $400,000-a-year salary as president. But he also continues to receive outside income of $60,745 in royalties from his two adult books Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope. The royalties from a children's book, Of Thee I Sing, are donated to charity." <<-- what a lame, he only made a presidential salary? and his commie books only got him 60K in royalties?? loser..

"The Obama's gave $64,066 to charity last year. The largest contribution of $9,066 went to Fisher House, which helps military families and has been the biggest recipient of Obama's largesse during his presidency" <<-- what a lame, he only donated 64K to charity and he has the nerve to donate to military families when he is the one who helped ISIS fight our military??

So there you have it; there are far more bad things in Obama's tax returns than I am sure are in Trump's tax returns -- Trump should just release them so he can totally own the libs..

Just for the heck of it, what would you like to do with Trumps taxes if you did see them? Maybe point out that the IRS didn't do their job? Maybe whine some more?
I didn't request them...

I also didn't promise to release them before getting elected then immediately looked for every excuse for hiding them after getting elected...but I am sure you don't mind that as long as your cult leader does it...

My question is still.....what does he have to hide?

Shouldn't his taxes show how brilliant he is? Like his grades
So in your opinion the Democrats in Congress are not pushing to see the President's tax returns because they are germain to any legislative or oversight function they have but only to try to embarrass the President. Hopefully they'll make that clear to voters in 2020.
Trump is currently under investigation for possible fraud that may include tax yes, Congress has a reason to request his taxes as is codified in the 1924 Tax Act...

All you have to say is you are so tied to all things Trump that you do not care what he does, no matter what....its ok to admit that...

No kidding, you just pull that one out of your rear or do you have a link?
Obamas paid $81,472 in taxes, returns show

Remember that time future Trumpers marched down to DC and demanded that Obama release his taxes so they could make sure he wasn't engaged in any corrupt financial schemes? Yea me either...Maybe that is because he voluntarily released his taxes 4 times while he was president -- even though he was under audit.

What is Trump's excuse? Is he afraid that people will use his tax returns against him? Is he afraid that his scheme of over inflating the price of his assets then drastically deflating them for tax evasion will be exposed? Much like the Mueller report, if there is nothing to hide, why hide it?

I don't recall much being said about Obama's taxes -- you would think there would be quite a few scandals revealed in his tax

"President Obama and his wife Michelle paid $81,472 in federal taxes last year on an adjusted gross income of $436,065, his tax return shows." <<-- what a lame, he doesn't have millions of dollars in blind trusts and business holdings??

"Most of Obama's income comes from his $400,000-a-year salary as president. But he also continues to receive outside income of $60,745 in royalties from his two adult books Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope. The royalties from a children's book, Of Thee I Sing, are donated to charity." <<-- what a lame, he only made a presidential salary? and his commie books only got him 60K in royalties?? loser..

"The Obama's gave $64,066 to charity last year. The largest contribution of $9,066 went to Fisher House, which helps military families and has been the biggest recipient of Obama's largesse during his presidency" <<-- what a lame, he only donated 64K to charity and he has the nerve to donate to military families when he is the one who helped ISIS fight our military??

So there you have it; there are far more bad things in Obama's tax returns than I am sure are in Trump's tax returns -- Trump should just release them so he can totally own the libs..

But he will not....the first since the other criminal republican...Nixon.
What is Trump's excuse? Is he afraid that people will use his tax returns against him? Is he afraid that his scheme of over inflating the price of his assets then drastically deflating them for tax evasion will be exposed? Much like the Mueller report, if there is nothing to hide, why hide it?.

The concern is that the Far Left will seek to demagogue the returns, like they did with Mitt Romney.

Romney didn't want to show his return, and he was finally cowed into doing it. It was a disaster.

There was nothing wrong with his return, but the lib media attacked him anyhow. Romney actually paid significantly MORE than he was required to by the IRS code (perfectly legal) and he was ATTACKED. Cost him the election, and the rest was history.

Mr. Trump refused to repeat the great errors of history. He knows history and realizes that those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it.

2020 is a must-win election for our Republic. If the Trumpster were to lose, we are screwed for a hundred generations as a nation.

Doing the right thing requires that Trump not release this.

Releasing taxes certainly didn't "cost him the election". Claiming "Jeep is moving to China" and then not correcting himself cost him the election. Voters in Ohio and his birth state of Michigan, who were getting new Jeep jobs, KNEW that was bullshit.

Irony on top of irony, not only was Romney's father the first candidate to start releasing his taxes but he was also CEO of the company that wasn't moving to China.
You mean the Obama that colluded with Russia? I thought you libs hated Russian collusion

Or is Barr sitting on that secret report too?

Oh, you are making this claim without even an investigation happening? Nevermind....cuck

Even nothing is more evidence than anyone had on Trump and that has lasted 3 years.

I'll never understand Echobabblers who keep posting this video thinking it makes some point.

What politician, anywhere, at any time, WOULD NOT have more flexibility after his or her election? That's the entire POINT of BEING IN an election.

Obamas paid $81,472 in taxes, returns show

Remember that time future Trumpers marched down to DC and demanded that Obama release his taxes so they could make sure he wasn't engaged in any corrupt financial schemes? Yea me either...Maybe that isbecause he voluntarily released his taxes 4 times while he was president -- even though he was under audit.

What is Trump's excuse? Is he afraid that people will use his tax returns against him? Is he afraid that his scheme of over inflating the price of his assets then drastically deflating them for tax evasion will be exposed? Much like the Mueller report, if there is nothing to hide, why hide it?

I don't recall much being said about Obama's taxes -- you would think there would be quite a few scandals revealed in his tax

"President Obama and his wife Michelle paid $81,472 in federal taxes last year on an adjusted gross income of $436,065, his tax return shows." <<-- what a lame, he doesn't have millions of dollars in blind trusts and business holdings??

"Most of Obama's income comes from his $400,000-a-year salary as president. But he also continues to receive outside income of $60,745 in royalties from his two adult books Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope. The royalties from a children's book, Of Thee I Sing, are donated to charity." <<-- what a lame, he only made a presidential salary? and his commie books only got him 60K in royalties?? loser..

"The Obama's gave $64,066 to charity last year. The largest contribution of $9,066 went to Fisher House, which helps military families and has been the biggest recipient of Obama's largesse during his presidency" <<-- what a lame, he only donated 64K to charity and he has the nerve to donate to military families when he is the one who helped ISIS fight our military??

So there you have it; there are far more bad things in Obama's tax returns than I am sure are in Trump's tax returns -- Trump should just release them so he can totally own the libs..
Remember that time when the Republican FBI head leaked classified information in order to get a special counsel on Obama based upon fake information from opposition research and then demanded his taxes as a last ditch effort to find anything on him?

Yeah, I don't remember that either.
Obamas paid $81,472 in taxes, returns show

Remember that time future Trumpers marched down to DC and demanded that Obama release his taxes so they could make sure he wasn't engaged in any corrupt financial schemes? Yea me either...Maybe that is because he voluntarily released his taxes 4 times while he was president -- even though he was under audit.

What is Trump's excuse? Is he afraid that people will use his tax returns against him? Is he afraid that his scheme of over inflating the price of his assets then drastically deflating them for tax evasion will be exposed? Much like the Mueller report, if there is nothing to hide, why hide it?

I don't recall much being said about Obama's taxes -- you would think there would be quite a few scandals revealed in his tax

"President Obama and his wife Michelle paid $81,472 in federal taxes last year on an adjusted gross income of $436,065, his tax return shows." <<-- what a lame, he doesn't have millions of dollars in blind trusts and business holdings??

"Most of Obama's income comes from his $400,000-a-year salary as president. But he also continues to receive outside income of $60,745 in royalties from his two adult books Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope. The royalties from a children's book, Of Thee I Sing, are donated to charity." <<-- what a lame, he only made a presidential salary? and his commie books only got him 60K in royalties?? loser..

"The Obama's gave $64,066 to charity last year. The largest contribution of $9,066 went to Fisher House, which helps military families and has been the biggest recipient of Obama's largesse during his presidency" <<-- what a lame, he only donated 64K to charity and he has the nerve to donate to military families when he is the one who helped ISIS fight our military??

So there you have it; there are far more bad things in Obama's tax returns than I am sure are in Trump's tax returns -- Trump should just release them so he can totally own the libs..

But he will not....the first since the other criminal republican...Nixon.

I'm sorry, what crimes was Nixon convicted.
Obamas paid $81,472 in taxes, returns show

Remember that time future Trumpers marched down to DC and demanded that Obama release his taxes so they could make sure he wasn't engaged in any corrupt financial schemes? Yea me either...Maybe that is because he voluntarily released his taxes 4 times while he was president -- even though he was under audit.

What is Trump's excuse? Is he afraid that people will use his tax returns against him? Is he afraid that his scheme of over inflating the price of his assets then drastically deflating them for tax evasion will be exposed? Much like the Mueller report, if there is nothing to hide, why hide it?

I don't recall much being said about Obama's taxes -- you would think there would be quite a few scandals revealed in his tax

"President Obama and his wife Michelle paid $81,472 in federal taxes last year on an adjusted gross income of $436,065, his tax return shows." <<-- what a lame, he doesn't have millions of dollars in blind trusts and business holdings??

"Most of Obama's income comes from his $400,000-a-year salary as president. But he also continues to receive outside income of $60,745 in royalties from his two adult books Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope. The royalties from a children's book, Of Thee I Sing, are donated to charity." <<-- what a lame, he only made a presidential salary? and his commie books only got him 60K in royalties?? loser..

"The Obama's gave $64,066 to charity last year. The largest contribution of $9,066 went to Fisher House, which helps military families and has been the biggest recipient of Obama's largesse during his presidency" <<-- what a lame, he only donated 64K to charity and he has the nerve to donate to military families when he is the one who helped ISIS fight our military??

So there you have it; there are far more bad things in Obama's tax returns than I am sure are in Trump's tax returns -- Trump should just release them so he can totally own the libs..
Aside from Deranged Trump haters, who gives a fuck?
Obamas paid $81,472 in taxes, returns show

Remember that time future Trumpers marched down to DC and demanded that Obama release his taxes so they could make sure he wasn't engaged in any corrupt financial schemes? Yea me either...Maybe that is because he voluntarily released his taxes 4 times while he was president -- even though he was under audit.

What is Trump's excuse? Is he afraid that people will use his tax returns against him? Is he afraid that his scheme of over inflating the price of his assets then drastically deflating them for tax evasion will be exposed? Much like the Mueller report, if there is nothing to hide, why hide it?

I don't recall much being said about Obama's taxes -- you would think there would be quite a few scandals revealed in his tax

"President Obama and his wife Michelle paid $81,472 in federal taxes last year on an adjusted gross income of $436,065, his tax return shows." <<-- what a lame, he doesn't have millions of dollars in blind trusts and business holdings??

"Most of Obama's income comes from his $400,000-a-year salary as president. But he also continues to receive outside income of $60,745 in royalties from his two adult books Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope. The royalties from a children's book, Of Thee I Sing, are donated to charity." <<-- what a lame, he only made a presidential salary? and his commie books only got him 60K in royalties?? loser..

"The Obama's gave $64,066 to charity last year. The largest contribution of $9,066 went to Fisher House, which helps military families and has been the biggest recipient of Obama's largesse during his presidency" <<-- what a lame, he only donated 64K to charity and he has the nerve to donate to military families when he is the one who helped ISIS fight our military??

So there you have it; there are far more bad things in Obama's tax returns than I am sure are in Trump's tax returns -- Trump should just release them so he can totally own the libs..

Aside from Deranged Trump haters, who gives a fuck?

Don't you have anything to offer which is not trite or banal? Have you ever had an original thought? Or, any thought?
Obamas paid $81,472 in taxes, returns show

Remember that time future Trumpers marched down to DC and demanded that Obama release his taxes so they could make sure he wasn't engaged in any corrupt financial schemes? Yea me either...Maybe that is because he voluntarily released his taxes 4 times while he was president -- even though he was under audit.

What is Trump's excuse? Is he afraid that people will use his tax returns against him? Is he afraid that his scheme of over inflating the price of his assets then drastically deflating them for tax evasion will be exposed? Much like the Mueller report, if there is nothing to hide, why hide it?

I don't recall much being said about Obama's taxes -- you would think there would be quite a few scandals revealed in his tax

"President Obama and his wife Michelle paid $81,472 in federal taxes last year on an adjusted gross income of $436,065, his tax return shows." <<-- what a lame, he doesn't have millions of dollars in blind trusts and business holdings??

"Most of Obama's income comes from his $400,000-a-year salary as president. But he also continues to receive outside income of $60,745 in royalties from his two adult books Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope. The royalties from a children's book, Of Thee I Sing, are donated to charity." <<-- what a lame, he only made a presidential salary? and his commie books only got him 60K in royalties?? loser..

"The Obama's gave $64,066 to charity last year. The largest contribution of $9,066 went to Fisher House, which helps military families and has been the biggest recipient of Obama's largesse during his presidency" <<-- what a lame, he only donated 64K to charity and he has the nerve to donate to military families when he is the one who helped ISIS fight our military??

So there you have it; there are far more bad things in Obama's tax returns than I am sure are in Trump's tax returns -- Trump should just release them so he can totally own the libs..
I chuckle whenever anyone writes "his wife Michelle"
I chuckle when I think of Trump over Stormy's knee getting a good ole ass whooping! Then I hurl.

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