remember when Obama announced.....


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2010
....the success of Seal Team Six....(click on the pic)


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One success out of 4 years, ya we are stunned. He made a tough call to send in troops to an allied Nation without telling them and deserves credit for it. But it does not wipe out 4 long years of failure after failure.

Nor does it excuse is 7 hour decision to do NOTHING about our Ambassador to Libya. We had the assets to help and he did nothing. Or if he did not know he is Incompetent. You pick which is worse? letting 4 men die because he was afraid to act or being to occupied with a political campaign to be bothered with knowing the details and facts.
One success out of 4 years, ya we are stunned. He made a tough call to send in troops to an allied Nation without telling them and deserves credit for it. But it does not wipe out 4 long years of failure after failure.

Nor does it excuse is 7 hour decision to do NOTHING about our Ambassador to Libya. We had the assets to help and he did nothing. Or if he did not know he is Incompetent. You pick which is worse? letting 4 men die because he was afraid to act or being to occupied with a political campaign to be bothered with knowing the details and facts.

I really dont even consider going in to pakistan and killing bin laden a tough decision. Your options were go in and kill him without announcing it to pakistan, a country that we have been paying like 4 billion dollars to find and bin laden's facility was down the street from one of their military bases...Or announce it to pakistan, get denied to go in, or risk loosing bin laden again. After we got him we said to pakistan, "hey remember that bin laden guy were paying you out the ass to look for...well we found him, right next to a military base of yours... but dont worry about it, we took the liberty of taking care of him ourselves." Pakistan couldn't say shit. I think that was a pretty easy decision to make.
One success out of 4 years, ya we are stunned. He made a tough call to send in troops to an allied Nation without telling them and deserves credit for it. But it does not wipe out 4 long years of failure after failure.

Nor does it excuse is 7 hour decision to do NOTHING about our Ambassador to Libya. We had the assets to help and he did nothing. Or if he did not know he is Incompetent. You pick which is worse? letting 4 men die because he was afraid to act or being to occupied with a political campaign to be bothered with knowing the details and facts.

Geraldo Rivera To Eric Bolling: You're Lying About Benghazi Attack (VIDEO)

Turn off Fox.
It's bad News for America
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It's still funny even if the cons are too stunned to reply.

What's to reply to?....a doctored video of a goofy asshole that claimed he actually did it?

Epic FAIL!


He claimed to do it? As in he went over there and did it?

[ame=]President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]

Must have missed that in his speech, I guess I need to watch moar Fox News.

But, I guess even though he was president and he made the call it still doesn't matter, huh? He can't take credit for that?

I bet you guys would blame him if he sent seal team six in there and something bad happened though.

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One success out of 4 years, ya we are stunned. He made a tough call to send in troops to an allied Nation without telling them and deserves credit for it. But it does not wipe out 4 long years of failure after failure.
Sorry, but I don't live in the FauxNews/rightwingnut BizarroWorld fantasyland like you obviously do. In the real world....

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments
March/ April 2012

Nor does it excuse is 7 hour decision to do NOTHING about our Ambassador to Libya. We had the assets to help and he did nothing. Or if he did not know he is Incompetent. You pick which is worse? letting 4 men die because he was afraid to act or being to occupied with a political campaign to be bothered with knowing the details and facts.
You've been fed a lot of bullshit and lies. As usual.

Pentagon officials counter reports on Benghazi assaults
Concord Monitor
By LOLITA C. BALDOR - The Associated Press
Sunday, November 4, 2012
The Pentagon provided more details Friday of the military response to the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Pentagon press secretary George Little said that after the attack began, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta quickly met with his senior military advisers, including the top U.S. commander for Africa Command who was in Washington for meetings. Little said that within a few hours Panetta had ordered units to move to Libya. The military also immediately moved an unarmed Predator surveillance drone to Benghazi airspace to provide real-time intelligence on the situation for the CIA officers on the ground who were fighting the militants. The Pentagon comments came a day after senior U.S. intelligence officials detailed the CIA’s rescue efforts, striking back at allegations they failed to respond quickly or efficiently against the deadly attack, which killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. U.S. officials are using the details to rebut some news reports that said the CIA told its personnel to “stand down” rather than go to the consulate to help repel the attackers. Fox News reported that when CIA officers at the annex called higher-ups to tell them the consulate was under fire, they were twice told to “stand down.” The CIA publicly denied the report, laying out a timeline that showed CIA security officers left their annex and headed to the consulate less than 25 minutes after receiving the first call for help.

The intelligence officials told reporters Thursday that when the CIA annex received a call about the assault, about a half dozen members of a CIA security team tried to get heavy weapons and other assistance from the Libyans. But when the Libyans failed to respond, the security team, which routinely carries small arms, went ahead with the rescue attempt. At no point was the team told to wait, the officials said. Instead, they said the often outmanned and outgunned team members made all the key decisions on the ground, with no second-guessing from senior officials monitoring the situation from afar. They added that while intelligence officials indicated early on that extremists were involved in the assault, only later were officials able to confirm that the attack was not generated by a protest over the film. The officials’ description Thursday of the attack provided details about a second CIA security team in Tripoli that quickly chartered a plane and flew to Benghazi but got stuck at the airport. By then, however, the first team had gotten the State Department staff out of the consulate and back to the CIA annex. While the U.S. military was at a heightened state of alert because of 9/11, there were no American forces poised and ready to move immediately into Benghazi when the attack began. The Pentagon would not send forces or aircraft into Libya — a sovereign nation — without a request from the State Department and the knowledge or consent of the host country. And Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has said the information coming in was too jumbled to risk U.S. troops.

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