Remember When Most to All Self-Proclaimed USMB Conservatives Were Bashing Using Twitter?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...

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I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...

I don't bash Twitter. I just don't use it, or social media in general.
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...


Of course your memory is very selective and your view of reality is almost non existant. The only thing I recall seeing was where the idiot Michelle Obama was using Twitter to drum up support for some missing women in Africa some where. Most of us called her out for the useless stupidity of it. Not that Twitter or its users are stupid, but that kind of slacktivism is. Someone of her status and influence could have done more.
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...


Oh I definitely remember that.

Small sample:

A new weapon against terrorism: Twittering!

Yeah, that will sure give those Islamist murderers the old what-for! :rolleyes:

Twitter losers whining that non twitterers tell everyone how utterly POINTLESS this STUPID practice is.

That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

Says you ignorant, heatless, conservatives.

Tweeting = compassion?

You libs are nuts


The lefts idea of courage? Posting anonymously on the internet.

Odd creatures

--- that's just the first page of one thread.
Thank you Brother Pogo.

I wasn't going to waste my time looking for those posts, because it was evident during that time period that USMB cons were hostile towards the very usage of Twitter.

My, my, times change.
Thank you Brother Pogo.

I wasn't going to waste my time looking for those posts, because it was evident during that time period that USMB cons were hostile towards the very usage of Twitter.

My, my, times change.

I remembered this topic specifically.

Kinda fun --- this is like spinning records on the Oldies station. "See if you remember this one...."

Bet you've Tweeted that a hundred times today. Makes you feel so intelligent and original, huh? Another proud Twitter dipshit. Congrats.

That's because it's stupid. Hash tags don't free hostages. Action does. The “Bring Back Our Girls” Internet campaign, if you can call it that, is just a way for politicians and Hollywood celebrities to feel good about themselves.

Whoa wait a minute. Are you saying hashtags dont free hostages?

Even if its just a way to feel good while bringing attention to the issue why is that a bad thing again?

It is not a BAD thing, it is a STUPID thing.
It is pointless, we get it you touchy feely dipshits need to make yourselves "feel better" even is its by doing something meaningless.

Hashtag diplomacy is utterly stupid. What it does do is allow the drooling liberals to think they are doing something. They are fighting for human rights. They tweeted a hashtag. Feeling like they are doing something is as good, or better, than actually doing something.

... All the hashtag warriors can go around patting themselves on the back about how had they worked the hashtag. Maybe a new medal should be created.

If there is anything worthy of mockery in the news today, this has to be it.

Talk about a pointless, meaningless, impotent gesture.

If you CARE about these 300 girls, then call your Congressperson and tell them to get U.S. resources involved in resolving the issue.

And don't jump on this bandwagon if you ignore the other killings that go on every day. What makes these girls any more special that the thousands of other victims of these bastards?

Oh yes, by all means, call your congressmen, that'll do it. How stupid can you conservatives get?

and twitter will? idiot.

So you think hashtagging on twitter will fix the problem but going to the people who actually have the authority to do something is stupid?

I propose a little experiment. You let us do what we want through Congress and we will let you do what you want on twitter and we will see who comes out ahead.
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...


We thought Michael Obama's Hashtag Campaign was absolutely pathetic
Remember When Most to All Self-Proclaimed USMB Conservatives Were Bashing Using Twitter?

Not once have I bashed anyone for using Twitter.
Pile your straw somewhere else.
I distinctly recall a number of various and sundry USMB self-proclaimed Conservatives posting how stupid Twitter and those who use it was.

But this was in the early days of the Obama Administration when Twitter was responsible for taking down regimes in the Mid-East and hashtags about kidnapped African women were prominent.

Now they can't stop praising the use of Twitter.

I wonder what changed...

Twitter 1 Liars 0
Do I care about tweets from WH or celebrities? I couldn't care less. Well, its expected from me to care for what you care, and if I don't, you gonna scream and tweet.

Posting hashtag and blindly following who said what wont do shit. Just existence of hashtag and thousands or millions of followers (that can't be verified) doesn't make something more legitimate.

It's bad because it takes attention and energy away from solutions that might actually do something.

So this was nothing more than another attempt to show the American People how "Hip" the first family is.

Now, if she asked for suggestions? Then maybe it would mean something.

But this was an ad for Michelle Obama.

Tell me how Republicans on twitter is good but everyone else is bad again.

Its not, its just as stupid.

Yeah, let's all get together, hold hands and sing "We Are The World". That'll show those bullies...

Hashtag - as impotent as this president is.

Do I care about tweets from WH or celebrities? I couldn't care less. Well, its expected from me to care for what you care, and if I don't, you gonna scream and tweet.

Posting hashtag and blindly following who said what wont do shit. Just existence of hashtag and thousands or millions of followers (that can't be verified) doesn't make something more legitimate.

It's bad because it takes attention and energy away from solutions that might actually do something.

So this was nothing more than another attempt to show the American People how "Hip" the first family is.

Now, if she asked for suggestions? Then maybe it would mean something.

But this was an ad for Michelle Obama.

Tell me how Republicans on twitter is good but everyone else is bad again.

Its not, its just as stupid.

Yeah, let's all get together, hold hands and sing "We Are The World". That'll show those bullies...

Hashtag - as impotent as this president is.


I still stand to what I said. If you think that #‘BringBackOurGirls helped anyone, you're an idiot.

Now, what's your point?
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