Remember when libs wanted to outlaw box cutters after 911?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Remember when libs wanted to outlaw box cutters after 911?

Yeah, me neither Instead we got the TSA.

We need to close the public schools and take away the broadcast licenses of the LMSM that promotes all the violence
Remember when Frankie was a rational poster......

Yeah, me neither........

I'm guessin' it's a genetic-thing......

Frank reminded us the other day that Columbine happened only 3 years ago.

I do remember the Right wanting racial profiling at airports, warrantless wiretapping, torture,

and a war with Iraq.
Frank reminded us the other day that Columbine happened only 3 years ago.

I do remember the Right wanting racial profiling at airports, warrantless wiretapping, torture,

and a war with Iraq.
I remember Clintoon wanting all those things, including regime change in Iraq as official federal policy and codified as such back in 1998.

I also remember that you didn't utter a fucking peep about it.
Frank reminded us the other day that Columbine happened only 3 years ago.

I do remember the Right wanting racial profiling at airports, warrantless wiretapping, torture,

and a war with Iraq.
I remember Clintoon wanting all those things, including regime change in Iraq as official federal policy and codified as such back in 1998.

I also remember that you didn't utter a fucking peep about it.

what message board was that?
Frank reminded us the other day that Columbine happened only 3 years ago.

I do remember the Right wanting racial profiling at airports, warrantless wiretapping, torture,

and a war with Iraq.
I remember Clintoon wanting all those things, including regime change in Iraq as official federal policy and codified as such back in 1998.

I also remember that you didn't utter a fucking peep about it.

So what? Did President Clinton call for an American led invasion and occupation in 1998?
Frank reminded us the other day that Columbine happened only 3 years ago.

I do remember the Right wanting racial profiling at airports, warrantless wiretapping, torture,

and a war with Iraq.
I remember Clintoon wanting all those things, including regime change in Iraq as official federal policy and codified as such back in 1998.

I also remember that you didn't utter a fucking peep about it.

So what? Did President Clinton call for an American led invasion and occupation in 1998?
Doesn't matter...It was made the official federal policy in 1998...That's where all those quotes from lib hack politicians, that you hear about Saddam having WMDs, come from.

Moreover, he kept the same unilaterally imposed no fly zones and economic sanctions in place from Poppy Bush.

The democrat "opposition" to war in Iraq has been merely out of contrarian convenience.
Frank reminded us the other day that Columbine happened only 3 years ago.

I do remember the Right wanting racial profiling at airports, warrantless wiretapping, torture,

and a war with Iraq.
I remember Clintoon wanting all those things, including regime change in Iraq as official federal policy and codified as such back in 1998.

I also remember that you didn't utter a fucking peep about it.

what message board was that?
It wasn't a message board. It was real life. Clinton signed into law the Iraq Liberation Act which called for the ouster of Saddam Hussein. This happened PRIOR TO George W. Bush being elected.

William J. Clinton: Statement on Signing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998
Remember when libs wanted to outlaw box cutters after 911?

I do remember libs wanting to outlaw box cutters on planes.

Yeah, me neither Instead we got the TSA.

And the Department of Homeland Security, and torture, and two wars, and the militarization of our police.

We need to close the public schools and take away the broadcast licenses of the LMSM that promotes all the violence


Remember when libs wanted to outlaw box cutters after 911?

Yeah, me neither Instead we got the TSA.

We need to close the public schools and take away the broadcast licenses of the LMSM that promotes all the violence

no, frank. i don't recall that. i do recall that normal people kind of objected to them being brought onto planes, though.
I remember Clintoon wanting all those things, including regime change in Iraq as official federal policy and codified as such back in 1998.

I also remember that you didn't utter a fucking peep about it.

what message board was that?
It wasn't a message board. It was real life. Clinton signed into law the Iraq Liberation Act which called for the ouster of Saddam Hussein. This happened PRIOR TO George W. Bush being elected.

William J. Clinton: Statement on Signing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998
Oh, it was on another forum where we both posted.

I've had numerous sock puppets there over the years...Not anymore, though...They're a bunch of stiffs these days.
I remember Clintoon wanting all those things, including regime change in Iraq as official federal policy and codified as such back in 1998.

I also remember that you didn't utter a fucking peep about it.

So what? Did President Clinton call for an American led invasion and occupation in 1998?
Doesn't matter...It was made the official federal policy in 1998...That's where all those quotes from lib hack politicians, that you hear about Saddam having WMDs, come from.

Moreover, he kept the same unilaterally imposed no fly zones and economic sanctions in place from Poppy Bush.

The democrat "opposition" to war in Iraq has been merely out of contrarian convenience.

Of course it matters. Without a military option it has no teeth and Saddam ignored it.

He also continued the child killing sanctions.

But I happen to agree with you on the Democrats in Congress who wanted the war just as much as the Republicans. They should have all resigned in disgrace when no usable, or should I say, "newly produced WMD" were ever found.
I remember Clintoon wanting all those things, including regime change in Iraq as official federal policy and codified as such back in 1998.

I also remember that you didn't utter a fucking peep about it.

So what? Did President Clinton call for an American led invasion and occupation in 1998?
Doesn't matter...It was made the official federal policy in 1998...That's where all those quotes from lib hack politicians, that you hear about Saddam having WMDs, come from.


[ame=]60 Minutes: George W. Bush Sought to -Find A Way- to Invade Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]EXPOSED: Bush Planned on Invading Iraq Before 9/11-Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]​
what message board was that?
It wasn't a message board. It was real life. Clinton signed into law the Iraq Liberation Act which called for the ouster of Saddam Hussein. This happened PRIOR TO George W. Bush being elected.

William J. Clinton: Statement on Signing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998
Oh, it was on another forum where we both posted.

I've had numerous sock puppets there over the years...Not anymore, though...They're a bunch of stiffs these days.
So it was YOUR sock puppets that trashed talked Dubya.

Mystery solved.
So what? Did President Clinton call for an American led invasion and occupation in 1998?
Doesn't matter...It was made the official federal policy in 1998...That's where all those quotes from lib hack politicians, that you hear about Saddam having WMDs, come from.

Moreover, he kept the same unilaterally imposed no fly zones and economic sanctions in place from Poppy Bush.

The democrat "opposition" to war in Iraq has been merely out of contrarian convenience.

Of course it matters. Without a military option it has no teeth and Saddam ignored it.

He also continued the child killing sanctions.

But I happen to agree with you on the Democrats in Congress who wanted the war just as much as the Republicans. They should have all resigned in disgrace when no usable, or should I say, "newly produced WMD" were ever found.
You call American military aircraft overflying another sovereign nation's airspace, starving its citizens via crushing economic sanctions, and lobbing the occasional cruise missile into Baghdad when you need to get your little willy off the front page of the NYT "no teeth"?

M'kay! :rolleyes:
It wasn't a message board. It was real life. Clinton signed into law the Iraq Liberation Act which called for the ouster of Saddam Hussein. This happened PRIOR TO George W. Bush being elected.

William J. Clinton: Statement on Signing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998
Oh, it was on another forum where we both posted.

I've had numerous sock puppets there over the years...Not anymore, though...They're a bunch of stiffs these days.
So it was YOUR sock puppets that trashed talked Dubya.

Mystery solved.
Damn near every fucking day, little girl.
There's NO WAR, and then there's total war based on BS, dupes.

Bush was a total catastrophe, not to mention ending the ban on assault rifles and policy whereby 40% of gun sales now have no background checks...

Actually Reaganism is a total catastrophe- see no fairness doctrine and RW zombies, closing psychiatric hospitals and 3 million homeless, and see sig pp1. That stupid ship now being turned around...

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