Remember When Homosexuality Was About It’s Our Bedroom Stay Out?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Now it’s about torturing and deforming children permanently.

Perverse Doctors going along with it for their sexual jolly’s.

DALLAS, Texas, October 24, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The judge presiding over the case of Jeffrey Younger, the father who is trying to protect his seven-year-old son, James, from chemical castration via a gender “transition,” ruled today that the parents will have joint conservatorship over James, which includes making joint medical decisions for the child.

Judge Kim Cooks of the 255th district also put a gag order on both parents so that they cannot speak to the press about the case and decided that the father is not required to pay attorney fees. The judge’s decision means that the Save James website will have to be shut down.

Mr. Younger and his ex-wife, Dr. Anne Georgulas, were in court last week fighting over custody and decision-making abilities for James and his twin, Jude. Dr. Georgulas wants to continue to “transition” James “into” a girl called “Luna.” Mr. Younger wanted to take a “wait and see” approach rather than start the child on puberty blockers.

BREAKING: Judge rules dad will have say in gender ‘transition’ of 7-year-old
She was going to cut her son's penis off?

That young man needs to be removed permanently from his mother's care, imho. She' crazy.

Someone needs to take care of the Nazi doctors doing it too.

I don't know. The Nazis killed off the nation's known homosexuals from what I've read.

However, in the case above, the child is (1) not of age and (2) He is five or six years away from a religious "age of accountability," and I think this is more a dispute between the two parents. I just don't think it's a good idea to emasculate a child irreversibly until the child grows up without being browbeaten by a parent to become a person of the opposite sex. It's just not the right thing to do to leave that kid with his bullying mom who was going to cut his male member off. That is unthinkable, imho.
There needs to be a national law that delays any and all such actions until the kid is of legal age to give consent.

Parents should not be able to alter their children in such radical ways simply because they are virtue signaling and see having transsexual children as some sort of weird status symbol.
What a frigging piece of work the judge and the fake mother are.That's one smart monkey left wing nazi activist judge

She brought it as far is she can take it without denying the biological dad his right to decide what medical procedures can be performed on the boy....the woman who is not even the biological mom will not be allowed to have the boy neutered

Gaged both parents

Golly gee whizz what would make her do that ......unfriggin real
Atleast the mom wont be able to use the boy as an advertisement prop for her practice ...

Randy has had enough

Sorry sir it's still fat n happy sleepy nappy time in America......but my guess it isn't going to be for very much longer ..hang tough and keep your powder dry

An economic collapse or forced gun confiscation .... a combination of events should set if off ...
Burn it to the ground
Vote warren 2020

While A 4 channer hands out a large red pill that's spreading ..thiers always a gem or two that comes from that den of villainy and scum ...:20:

it fits

You are occupied, you are humiliated. (ID: lU7j8nN7) PR 10/23/19(Wed)18:33:40 No.230886878▶>>230888424 >>230889293

Nothing about the world we live in will ever make sense to you unless you understand you live under an occupation and are thus subject to the rules of the occupiers. If you do not start from there, you will search for multiple explanations and rationalizations that will lead you to ineffective ends. You are not an active participant in politics and public debate, you are it’s problem. Public debate is debating why you’re the problem, politics is about dealing with that problem. The opposition in debate simply offers an alternative path to your destruction, the end goal is never resisted. We cannot seek to influence the debate or enter politics we can only hope to smash it.

Your humiliation is the enemies goal. To take a hit and fight on is honorable. To take a beating every day is just sad. Humiliation robs you of your humanity, your will, your reason to fight on. Humiliation takes everything from you and debases it in front of all, it robs you of being worthy of empathy. It has been used by every occupier in history, it is our natural primal understanding of defeat. The Ottoman practice of köçek was an ultimate example, similar to the concept of “Drag Kids” in modern America. Köçeks were a combination of dancers, clowns and prostitutes, they were young non-Muslim boys taken from their parents and trained to be willful sexual objects and entertainers for the Turks

The goal was to have the occupied think “If we allow that to be done to our boys what else can they do?” The answer is anything. It is full spectrum domination of the conquereds mind.
Your enemy doesnt want gay pride parades in your street, drag queens in your adverts, your son transgender, your parents dead from opioids, your meat replaced with bugs all while your media laughs at you because they think it’s for anyones benefit. They want it because they know you dont want it but cant stop them, they want to humiliate you. There isnt any other reason.
Now it’s about torturing and deforming children permanently.

Perverse Doctors going along with it for their sexual jolly’s.

DALLAS, Texas, October 24, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The judge presiding over the case of Jeffrey Younger, the father who is trying to protect his seven-year-old son, James, from chemical castration via a gender “transition,” ruled today that the parents will have joint conservatorship over James, which includes making joint medical decisions for the child.

Judge Kim Cooks of the 255th district also put a gag order on both parents so that they cannot speak to the press about the case and decided that the father is not required to pay attorney fees. The judge’s decision means that the Save James website will have to be shut down.

Mr. Younger and his ex-wife, Dr. Anne Georgulas, were in court last week fighting over custody and decision-making abilities for James and his twin, Jude. Dr. Georgulas wants to continue to “transition” James “into” a girl called “Luna.” Mr. Younger wanted to take a “wait and see” approach rather than start the child on puberty blockers.

BREAKING: Judge rules dad will have say in gender ‘transition’ of 7-year-old
Fucking liberal freaks!
She was going to cut her son's penis off?

That young man needs to be removed permanently from his mother's care, imho. She' crazy.

Someone needs to take care of the Nazi doctors doing it too.

I don't know. The Nazis killed off the nation's known homosexuals from what I've read.

However, in the case above, the child is (1) not of age and (2) He is five or six years away from a religious "age of accountability," and I think this is more a dispute between the two parents. I just don't think it's a good idea to emasculate a child irreversibly until the child grows up without being browbeaten by a parent to become a person of the opposite sex. It's just not the right thing to do to leave that kid with his bullying mom who was going to cut his male member off. That is unthinkable, imho.

The mom should be shot in her face. :flameth:
She was going to cut her son's penis off?

That young man needs to be removed permanently from his mother's care, imho. She' crazy.

I think she was planning to hire someone else to do it. She's a pediatrician not a surgeon, no hospital would really let her do it on their premises due to legal considerations.
She was going to cut her son's penis off?

That young man needs to be removed permanently from his mother's care, imho. She' crazy.

Someone needs to take care of the Nazi doctors doing it too.

I don't know. The Nazis killed off the nation's known homosexuals from what I've read.

However, in the case above, the child is (1) not of age and (2) He is five or six years away from a religious "age of accountability," and I think this is more a dispute between the two parents. I just don't think it's a good idea to emasculate a child irreversibly until the child grows up without being browbeaten by a parent to become a person of the opposite sex. It's just not the right thing to do to leave that kid with his bullying mom who was going to cut his male member off. That is unthinkable, imho.

The mom should be shot in her face. :flameth:

She's actually walking around freely in the medical profession. I can't imagine someone who threatens to take off her son's male member is allowed to practice medicine in the State of Texas.
In a crazy turn of events, the judge actually ruled that the father has to agree to these medical procedures - which he obviously won't.

Though I highly doubt it was because the whacko judge actually had any concern for the boy's well being. I suspect it was because Governor Abbott threatened to turn the Texas Attorney General and Texas Department of Family and Services onto the case in a tweet last night: Greg Abbott on Twitter
In the beginning they just wanted the harassment of it to stop but now are demanding embracement. Worlds apart.
In the beginning they just wanted the harassment of it to stop but now are demanding embracement. Worlds apart.

They are turning on eachother. Feminists, radical and otherwise alike, are seeing all of their "victories" erased by men posing as women & undermining their achievements. One need look no further than sports. I find it rather comical tbh, they created this monster with all of their "screw the nuclear family, sexual liberation!" horseshit over the past few decades. Now they must reap what they've sewn.

Some in the gay community have also had enough of this trans-nonsense and are attempting to detach from the transgender movement. Lookup the hashtag #LGBalliance on twitter and read the ragefest. It's glorious.

The left always eats their own.
Now it’s about torturing and deforming children permanently.

Perverse Doctors going along with it for their sexual jolly’s.

DALLAS, Texas, October 24, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The judge presiding over the case of Jeffrey Younger, the father who is trying to protect his seven-year-old son, James, from chemical castration via a gender “transition,” ruled today that the parents will have joint conservatorship over James, which includes making joint medical decisions for the child.

Judge Kim Cooks of the 255th district also put a gag order on both parents so that they cannot speak to the press about the case and decided that the father is not required to pay attorney fees. The judge’s decision means that the Save James website will have to be shut down.

Mr. Younger and his ex-wife, Dr. Anne Georgulas, were in court last week fighting over custody and decision-making abilities for James and his twin, Jude. Dr. Georgulas wants to continue to “transition” James “into” a girl called “Luna.” Mr. Younger wanted to take a “wait and see” approach rather than start the child on puberty blockers.

BREAKING: Judge rules dad will have say in gender ‘transition’ of 7-year-old

"Moloch Announces Forcing Your Kids To Become Transgender Is Acceptable Form Of Sacrifice
October 24th, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The ancient god Moloch has announced that in lieu of the actual blood sacrifice of your children, you can now simply force your kids to become transgender as an alternative.

"Honestly, I still prefer killing your kids in ritual sacrifice or aborting them," he said at a press conference. "I guess I'm old-fashioned like that. But coercing your kids into undergoing harmful surgery and hormone treatments works just as well, I suppose. As long as you're sacrificing your kid's future to the progressive, humanistic agenda, it doesn't matter one way or the other."

Moloch said that parents who encourage their young children who haven't hit puberty yet or started thinking about sexuality at all to think about changing genders will be under the protection and favor of his evilness. "I am appeased by such sacrifice. A child's life is ruined so that a parent may appear woke in the eyes of her friends---truly a diabolical ritual that I wholly approve of."
Moloch Announces Forcing Your Kids To Become Transgender Is Acceptable Form Of Sacrifice
She was going to cut her son's penis off?

That young man needs to be removed permanently from his mother's care, imho. She' crazy.

No, she was dancing around her intention to give him puberty blockers when he's older. Right now, she's just brainwashing him and fucking him up mentally. I assume the penis-ectomy would have come when he was an adult.
There needs to be a national law that delays any and all such actions until the kid is of legal age to give consent.

Parents should not be able to alter their children in such radical ways simply because they are virtue signaling and see having transsexual children as some sort of weird status symbol.

You can’t get a tattoo until you are 18 without parental consent but you can cut your fucking balls off at the age of 7????

It’s so fucked.

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