Remember to Denounce White Supremacy


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Whites driving into downtown areas and burning down black owned businesses and communities and murdering a black now and then and then driving their Prius back to their lily white suburbs shall not be labeled as white supremacy.

Even though that’s the dream of every white supremacist.
Whites driving into downtown areas and burning down black owned businesses and communities and murdering a black now and then and then driving their Prius back to their lily white suburbs shall not be labeled as white supremacy.

Even though that’s the dream of every white supremacist.
See, if you burn down black businesses while thinking the good, progressive thoughts, you're actually helping black people achieve prosperity.

Sounds FUCKING RETARDED, I know, but somehow apparently it works out. Something about the riot being the language of the unheard.

I find that the trick is just not to think too hard about it. If you squint your eyes just right, so that all you see is shapes and colors, suddenly it all makes a lot more sense.

Hello. In this broadcast Mr. Lenon Honor Keeps it REAL, speaking about "The White Supremacy Promotion Hustle"

Concerned American citizen passionately addresses ProBlack Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, White Supremacy:



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