Remember this classic?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Mitt Romney campaigning in Pennsylvania on July 17, 2012.

Romney’s Speech in Pennsylvania Today *Update: Transcript Added | Race 4 2012


"President Obama attacked success and therefore under Obama we had less success, and I will change that."

"There are a lot of things that need to be done to improve healthcare but Obamacare is not the answer. We’ve got to replace it and get rid of it."

"The Chamber of Commerce went out to their members and surveyed them and said what’s been the impact of Obamacare and three quarters, three quarters said they are less likely to hire people because of Obamacare. You see, his policies did not help create jobs, they depressed job creation andthat’s why we’re still struggling with so many people out of work."

"When you increase the number of regulations at a rate three times that of his predecessor, with a bill likeDodd-Frank that makes it harder for small banks to grow and thrive and makeloans, you don’t add jobs."

"I am ashamed to say that we’re seeing our President hand out money to the businesses of campaign contributors, when he gave money, $500 million in loans to a company called Fisker that makes high-end electric cars, and they make the cars now in Finland. That is wrong and it’s got to stop. That kind of cronycapitalism does not create jobs and it does not create jobs here. I believe in free people and free markets and I want government to get out ofinvesting in individual businesses."

"The taxpayers pay for government. It’s not like government just provides those to all of us and we say oh thank you government for doing those things. In fact we pay for them and we benefit from them and we appreciate the work that they do and the sacrifices that are done by people who work in government. But they did not build this business."

"The idea to say that Steve Jobs didn’t build Apple, that Henry Ford didn’t build Ford Motor, that Papa John didn’t build Papa John Pizza, that Ray Kroc didn’t build McDonald’s, that Bill Gates didn’t build Microsoft, you go on the list, that Joe and his colleagues didn’t build this enterprise, to say something like that is not just foolishness, it is insulting to every entrepreneur, every innovator in America and it’s wrong."

"Do we believe in an America that is great because of government or do we believe in an America that is great because of free people allowed to pursue their dreams and build our future?"

"This is a defining choice. This is a choice about what America’s going to be. Not just for the next few years but for a century. This is a choice which will determine what kind of future our kids are going to have. And, in fact, it also determines what kind of future the world’s going to have. America plays an unusual role in the world—I think we understand that. Some in some circles tend to brush that aside. But those that have fought in world wars and other conflicts recognize the greatness of America and our unique role in the history of the earth."

"I was in Great Britain some months ago and met with Tony Blair andthen with David Cameron and with other leaders of the government there, and one said this to me: he said, you know Mitt if you’re lucky enough to be elected President of the United States and you travel around from country to country and to their capitals, you will undoubtedly have rehearsed for you all the things they think America is doing wrong. But please don’t ever forget this: the one thing we all fear the most is a weak America. American strength, strength in our values, strength in our homes, strength in our economy, strength in our military is essential to the world it is the best ally for peace."
Apparently nobody remembers it.

We do remember this though:

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