Remember the 'Obama promised 8% UE' claims by the GOP?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
The Republicans and all their lackeys keep insisting that the Obama administration PROMISED 8% UE,

and based that lie on the Romer/Bernstein report on the projected effects of the stimulus.

Read this:

It is important to note that any such estimate is subject to substantial uncertainty. In their own paper estimating the impacts of President Obama’s stimulus plan, the President’s nominee to Chair the Council of Economic Advisors Christina Romer and her colleague Jared Bernstein, the Chief Economist for Vice President Biden, cautioned that “it should be understood that all of the estimates presented in this memo are subject to significant margins of error.” One reason such a warning is appropriate is that no study could possibly capture the full effect of all of the spending and tax proposals on the economy and job market.

Want to guess who was acknowledging that caveat, which effectively renders the charge of 'he promised!!!!!'

a lie?

Yessir, the REPUBLICANS on the House Ways and Means committee.

Oh, and if you bother to read the document, you'd see that their alternative stimulus for 2009, a 400 billion dollar tax cut,

'promises' to create 6 million jobs!!!!!!!!!!

(the facts are always out there people)
We need to quit picking on the president, he did exactly what he promised. He said he would bring change, he just left out the part about changing for the worse.
The Republicans and all their lackeys keep insisting that the Obama administration PROMISED 8% UE,

and based that lie on the Romer/Bernstein report on the projected effects of the stimulus.

Read this:

It is important to note that any such estimate is subject to substantial uncertainty. In their own paper estimating the impacts of President Obama’s stimulus plan, the President’s nominee to Chair the Council of Economic Advisors Christina Romer and her colleague Jared Bernstein, the Chief Economist for Vice President Biden, cautioned that “it should be understood that all of the estimates presented in this memo are subject to significant margins of error.” One reason such a warning is appropriate is that no study could possibly capture the full effect of all of the spending and tax proposals on the economy and job market.

Want to guess who was acknowledging that caveat, which effectively renders the charge of 'he promised!!!!!'

a lie?

Yessir, the REPUBLICANS on the House Ways and Means committee.

Oh, and if you bother to read the document, you'd see that their alternative stimulus for 2009, a 400 billion dollar tax cut,

'promises' to create 6 million jobs!!!!!!!!!!

(the facts are always out there people)

It really doesn't matter what he promised and what he didn't promise. Whatever it is that he might interpret as success is only half there: Sucks.

Are you saying that what he has administered is successful so far?

If that's your thesis, there's really no point in reading any more, is there.

If the number who wanted to work was as great today as it was when the Big 0 took office, the unemployment rate would be over 11%. Due to the rigged fashion in which unemployment is calculated (not the fault of the Big 0), if the Big 0 convinces enough people to drop our of the work force, we will soon have full employment with 17 million out of work who used to have jobs.

Ahhh... Sucksess!
If you saw an airplane once you are still not qualified to fly it. If you saw a job once, from a distance, you haven't a clue as to how to create one. Obama has never had a position where he had to produce something that was greater than its cost in order to keep the job. He just grew up letting the government take care of him and never gave it a moments thought as to how to make the money to pay for it. We elected a fool for president and he loves it.
The Republicans and all their lackeys keep insisting that the Obama administration PROMISED 8% UE,

and based that lie on the Romer/Bernstein report on the projected effects of the stimulus.

Read this:

It is important to note that any such estimate is subject to substantial uncertainty. In their own paper estimating the impacts of President Obama’s stimulus plan, the President’s nominee to Chair the Council of Economic Advisors Christina Romer and her colleague Jared Bernstein, the Chief Economist for Vice President Biden, cautioned that “it should be understood that all of the estimates presented in this memo are subject to significant margins of error.” One reason such a warning is appropriate is that no study could possibly capture the full effect of all of the spending and tax proposals on the economy and job market.

Want to guess who was acknowledging that caveat, which effectively renders the charge of 'he promised!!!!!'

a lie?

Yessir, the REPUBLICANS on the House Ways and Means committee.

Oh, and if you bother to read the document, you'd see that their alternative stimulus for 2009, a 400 billion dollar tax cut,

'promises' to create 6 million jobs!!!!!!!!!!

(the facts are always out there people)

Translation, It's not Obama's Fault. Blame BOOOOSH.

Please re-elect me even though I FAIL!

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