Remember Otto Warmbier? Here is an account from his parents.

Well, he has said he wants a return to torture.

As for Korea, his family name is Kim, given name is Jong-Un and while pino trump has dreams of being a dictator, forcing the peons to say merry christmas and stand at attention in front of the flag and most of all, with enormous military parades in his honor.

He's an embarrassing jackass.

Trump says he wants a massive military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue on July 4

“To a large extent because of what I witnessed, we may do something like that on July Fourth in Washington down Pennsylvania Avenue,” Trump said.

The comments prompted laughter from Macron and other officials sitting around them.

Who loves a parade? Trump wants to showcase military might

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Who doesn’t love a parade? To a city that already offers many, President Donald Trump wants to add one that showcases U.S. military might.
It would take place on July 4 in Washington with, as Trump envisions it, tanks and planes rolling down and streaking above Pennsylvania Avenue.
Trump talked up the idea Monday as he sat down for talks with French President Emmanuel Macron, who hosted the president and first lady Melania Trump for France’s military parade in the center of Paris on Bastille Day in July. Trump said the two-hour procession was a “tremendous thing for France and for the spirit of France” and suggested he wants the same for Americans.
In typical Trump fashion, the president said he wants the parade to be bigger and better than the one he saw in France.
The left totally supports North Korea. The only question is, how much damage would the left do in this country on behalf of North Korea.
Imagine your own kid blinded, deaf, and HOWLING?

omg. I would do everything in my power to kill the son of a bitch that did it. Everything.
For the benefit of CNN and Liberals who attempt to equate Donald Trump to Kim Jung Un, read this. Un is a monster by every definition of the word. Remember that Otto's "crime" was removing a poster from a wall.

US student Otto Warmbier was returned by North Korea blind, deaf and howling, say parents

Well, if you go to another country, especially a country where you know they'll hammer you for any infraction, and you do something illegal, then you're stupid.

He took a poster from a wall. Fine, in the US it would not be seen as much of a crime. However in North Korea these posters are considered something akin to sacred.
Imagine your own kid blinded, deaf, and HOWLING?

omg. I would do everything in my power to kill the son of a bitch that did it. Everything.

We could do lots of imagining. Image someone invaded your country, left a political vacuum that left hundreds of thousands of people dead. Wouldn't you want to kill that son of a bitch who did that to you?

Yes, Kim is barbaric. But then why don't people see their own leaders as barbaric?
The parents are right. Obama did not do enough to get that kid out of there. I wonder how he would have felt if it were Malia that was hauled out of a plane..blind, deaf and HOWLING?

I keep shuddering imagining that.

With that said, what the HELL were the parents thinking in not trying to stop him from visiting that hell hole in the first place?
Otto Warmbier died of oxygen starved brain: coroner...

U.S. student held in North Korea died of oxygen starved brain: coroner
September 27, 2017 - An American student who had been imprisoned in North Korea for 17 months died from lack of oxygen and blood to the brain, an Ohio coroner said on Wednesday.
Otto Warmbier’s death on June 19 was due to an unknown injury that occurred more than a year before his death, Hamilton County Coroner Dr. Lakshmi Sammarco said at a news conference. “We don’t know what happened to him and that’s the bottom line,” Sammarco said. Warmbier’s parents could not be reached for comment on the coroner’s report. The University of Virginia student was held by North Korea from January 2016 until his release on June 15. Warmbier, 22, was returned to the United States in a coma.

The coroner and a Sept. 11 report by her office cited complications of chronic deficiency of oxygen and blood supply to the brain in Warmbier’s death. Only an external examination of the body rather than a full autopsy was conducted at the request of Warmbier’s family. North Korea had blamed botulism and the ingestion of a sleeping pill for Otto Warmbier’s problems and dismissed torture claims. Warmbier died days after arriving back in the United States. The native of Wyoming, Ohio, had been arrested at the airport in Pyongyang as he prepared to leave the reclusive communist country. He had been traveling with a tour group.

Warmbier was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for trying to take from his hotel an item bearing a propaganda slogan, North Korea’s state media reported. Saying his son had been tortured, Fred Warmbier told Fox News in an interview on Tuesday, “As we looked at him and tried to comfort him, it looked like someone had taken a pair of pliers and rearranged his bottom teeth.” “Great interview on @foxandfriends with the parents of Otto Warmbier: 1994 - 2017. Otto was tortured beyond belief by North Korea,” President Donald Trump said on Twitter following the interview’s broadcast.

In response to a question at the news conference, the coroner said there was no evidence of trauma to Warmbier’s teeth nor was there evidence of broken bones. The coroner’s report said that Warmbier’s body had multiple scars varying in size, including a large irregular one measuring 4.3 by 1.6 inches on the right foot.

U.S. student held in North Korea died of oxygen starved brain: coroner
The parents are right. Obama did not do enough to get that kid out of there. I wonder how he would have felt if it were Malia that was hauled out of a plane..blind, deaf and HOWLING?

I keep shuddering imagining that.

With that said, what the HELL were the parents thinking in not trying to stop him from visiting that hell hole in the first place?
Exactly. I have sons his age and can't imagine experiencing that. But as you said, there is no way I would allow my sons to go to that hell hole. But I do feel for the parents I don't know how you ever get over that.
Well, he has said he wants a return to torture.

As for Korea, his family name is Kim, given name is Jong-Un and while pino trump has dreams of being a dictator, forcing the peons to say merry christmas and stand at attention in front of the flag and most of all, with enormous military parades in his honor.

He's an embarrassing jackass.

Trump says he wants a massive military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue on July 4

“To a large extent because of what I witnessed, we may do something like that on July Fourth in Washington down Pennsylvania Avenue,” Trump said.

The comments prompted laughter from Macron and other officials sitting around them.

Who loves a parade? Trump wants to showcase military might

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Who doesn’t love a parade? To a city that already offers many, President Donald Trump wants to add one that showcases U.S. military might.
It would take place on July 4 in Washington with, as Trump envisions it, tanks and planes rolling down and streaking above Pennsylvania Avenue.
Trump talked up the idea Monday as he sat down for talks with French President Emmanuel Macron, who hosted the president and first lady Melania Trump for France’s military parade in the center of Paris on Bastille Day in July. Trump said the two-hour procession was a “tremendous thing for France and for the spirit of France” and suggested he wants the same for Americans.
In typical Trump fashion, the president said he wants the parade to be bigger and better than the one he saw in France.
Moron alert!
Oddly, the Coroners report draws a different description than the parents

Coroner found no obvious signs of torture on Otto Warmbier - CNN

"His bottom teeth look like they had taken a pair of pliers and rearranged them," Fred Warmbier said. However, the coroner's report says, "the teeth are natural and in good repair."

Sammarco said on Wednesday that the post-mortem examination found no obvious signs of torture.
What kind of weirdo parents fund a vacation to N Korea for their son? ... :dunno:

While most 22 year old college kids want to spend their school break partying in Cancun and going wild. This fruitcake decides to party down in N Korea. .... :cuckoo:
The parents are right. Obama did not do enough to get that kid out of there. I wonder how he would have felt if it were Malia that was hauled out of a plane..blind, deaf and HOWLING?

I keep shuddering imagining that.

With that said, what the HELL were the parents thinking in not trying to stop him from visiting that hell hole in the first place?
Obama left an ex marine to rot in a shitty Mexican prison too. The dude had PTDS and made an innocent wrong turn. Obama is a shit head. He voted to let a baby who survived an abortion to die.

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