Remember All Those WH Leaks


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
Still wondering who was the leaker in Trump's white house?
One of these days the truth will come out. Just write a book. Chris Christie did.

"In his new book, "Republican Rescue," Christie writes that Trump leaked details of their meeting about the chief of staff job to the media — and later admitted to it proudly in a phone call."

"If I had any doubts about my decision, at that moment they entirely disappeared," Christie writes of his decision to reject Trump's offer after the former president admitted being responsible for the leak."

The biggest leaker in the White House was Trump himself.
Still wondering who was the leaker in Trump's white house?
One of these days the truth will come out. Just write a book. Chris Christie did.

"In his new book, "Republican Rescue," Christie writes that Trump leaked details of their meeting about the chief of staff job to the media — and later admitted to it proudly in a phone call."

"If I had any doubts about my decision, at that moment they entirely disappeared," Christie writes of his decision to reject Trump's offer after the former president admitted being responsible for the leak."

Not being as obsessed with Rump like you are I never gave it a second thought.

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