Religious Left Laments America’s Discovery


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Religious Left Laments America’s Discovery

Posted by Mark D. Tooley

Officers of left-leaning, declining churches that no longer evangelize or believe in their own doctrines often have plenty of time to attend tedious secular meetings, such as the 11th session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII).

In early May, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori was there at the UN in New York to join in the mournful gabfest over the ostensibly lamentable “Doctrine of Discovery.” The international bureaucrats were focused on “Discovery’s” enduring “impact on indigenous peoples and the right to redress for past conquests.” The main sin for which redress is apparently needed is Western Civilization’s global reach.

Evidently Bishop Schori could not deliver all her thoughts at the UN session, so she later issued her own “Pastoral Letter on the Doctrine of Discovery and Indigenous Peoples.” Perhaps small numbers of elderly Episcopalians, if still awake in their pews, will listen to at least part of it.


So essentially, Bishop Schori would like to undo the last 500 years of land ownership and wealth accumulation in the Western Hemisphere and elsewhere tainted by Western imperialism. After all, the “dispossession of First Peoples continues to wreak havoc on basic human dignity.” These mystical First Peoples are still “grieving their loss of identity, lifeways, and territory.” And “all humanity should be grieving” with them. Without irony, Schori cited Old Testament prophetic justice, which came from the ancient Hebrew conquerors of the Canaanites and other “First Peoples.”


Religious Left Laments America

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