Religious hypocrisy re: Napa earthquake?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Reading around about the Napa quake one link caught my eye. Apparently some text got truncated so it wasn't what I though, but I read the article anyway since it seemed secular despite being on a religious site I'll link to at the end.

What I'm writing about is what appeared at the very end,

"A study, led by geologist Colin Amos from Western Washington University and published earlier this year in a journal, Nature, showed a possible link between earthquakes and the drought in the state, and found that a lack of water in the San Joaquin Valley is decreasing the weight on the San Andreas Fault, which could lead to more earthquakes."
North California Quake 160 People Injured in Area s Strongest Earthquake in 25 Years

So...You're not blaming God or sin, and are actually citing a respected geologist? Looking him up to make sure he was real since these people like talking about imaginary friends...He's real,
Colin Amos

So when you can look sympathetic to victims of a natural disaster like an earthquake geology's factual, but when you wanna dispute the validity of radiometric dating, age of the earth, or how old fossils are it's not? That's hypocrisy friends. And to prove I'm not painting with a widebrush or generalizing,

Creation Science Old Earth vs. Young Earth

Article's entirely one-sided. It mentions Bill Nye, but the sum of the discussion is about the pro-Creation/Young-Earth positions.

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