Religion is...

Lookie here! It's not just one but two posters who are jumping to their own conclusions. Projecting much? I'm a male you stupid brat! This sounds promising. :)

I'm glad to have irked you, if you actually know what that means. Your vocabulary hasn't been too promising thus far.
I am a staunch supporter of Women's rights. Maybe my clues were not for the obtuse.
Some people who can't find anything that they are really for or support often find comfort in tearing down something else. The erroneous practices of some religions has caused some problems but the more dedicated followers of religious recommendation have done a tremendous amount of good.

You're onto something there. Perhaps, they like to lift to themselves up by critizing others. This is often done by people who feel powerless to do much else.
I just don't fit in with the religions i have experienced. I am interested in religion and even if i don't agree with all the rules & regulations of it, I find some religions very inspiring.
I just don't fit in with the religions i have experienced. I am interested in religion and even if i don't agree with all the rules & regulations of it, I find some religions very inspiring.

I know what you mean. I find religion inspiring as well, but it's the people who ruin it for me. I've experienced so much hypocrisy that I haven't been officially part of a church for a long time. Not to say there aren't good churches out there. I've run out of patience.
I know what you mean. I find religion inspiring as well, but it's the people who ruin it for me. I've experienced so much hypocrisy that I haven't been officially part of a church for a long time. Not to say there aren't good churches out there. I've run out of patience.

Yeah I remember one time when I lived in west texas I was real young and didnt have a car, my husband back then was a terrible violent alcoholic and this church had some little van that would pick you up if you wanted to go and so I went just to get away from my husband, and the dude that ran the service or whatever gave a real inspiring talk and I felt really good like things would be ok, and then this church lady came over and started criticizing me acting like I wasnt dressed up enough for church, I was so embarressed I never went back. Of course that was a long time ago and only one experience. Most of my experience is with the Mormon church.
Yeah I remember one time when I lived in west texas I was real young and didnt have a car, my husband back then was a terrible violent alcoholic and this church had some little van that would pick you up if you wanted to go and so I went just to get away from my husband, and the dude that ran the service or whatever gave a real inspiring talk and I felt really good like things would be ok, and then this church lady came over and started criticizing me acting like I wasnt dressed up enough for church, I was so embarressed I never went back. Of course that was a long time ago and only one experience. Most of my experience is with the Mormon church.

That didn't seem exactly appropriate. You do the best you can, but someone shouldn't have commented on your clothes unless it was too revealing.

At one point I was deeply enmeshed in a youth group. It was a wonderful experience going on retreats and having fellowship. Unfortunately, when I started a relationship with my current husband, I was criticized and was told that I wasn't pleasing God. Basically, my choice was to choose my husband or the church. The rest is history.
Oh well Ive never been that involved in any church not even mormon. I was a big drunk back then and the church lady was old Im sure I was too dressed down for her taste, I honestly dont think she meant it rudely, but back then my life was different so I didnt feel like dealing with it.

Ive never been on a retreat, is that the same concept as a revival? Do you miss going to church?
Oh well Ive never been that involved in any church not even mormon. I was a big drunk back then and the church lady was old Im sure I was too dressed down for her taste, I honestly dont think she meant it rudely, but back then my life was different so I didnt feel like dealing with it.

Ive never been on a retreat, is that the same concept as a revival? Do you miss going to church?

It's very interesting. It could be thought of as a revival. At the time, it felt wonderful. Lots of prayers, worship, singing, fasting, sharing of inspirational stories... It certainly kept me out of the trouble!

Sometimes, I miss it. There was such a camaraderie. Now it's tough to find people that you can relate to. I hate to sound cynical, but there are a lot of shallow people out there. No sincerity. I'm generalizing now, but most people are not interested in meaningful relationships. They just want people to hang for a few hours here and there.
hmm well thats probably why I haven't found a religion or church then. When I finally get moved out of Utah Im going to go church hopping....since I don't bar hop anymore he he.....
hmm well thats probably why I haven't found a religion or church then. When I finally get moved out of Utah Im going to go church hopping....since I don't bar hop anymore he he.....

Good for you!

I think it would be a great place to find people who will want meaningful relationships. My parents find their church very satisfying. It fulfills a lot of needs. The congregation help each other during hard times.
General beliefs of UUs
Unitarian Universalists (UUs) believe in complete but responsible freedom of speech, thought, belief, faith, and disposition. They believe that each person is free to search for his or her own personal truth on issues, such as the existence, nature, and meaning of life, deities, creation, and afterlife. UUs can come from any heritage, have any sexual orientation or gender identity, and hold beliefs from a variety of cultures or religions.

Concepts about deity are diverse among UUs. Some believe that there is no god (atheism); others believe in many gods (polytheism). Some believe that God is a metaphor for a transcendent reality (pantheism). Some believe in a female god (goddess), a passive god (Deism), a Christian god, or a god manifested in nature or the universe, as revealed by science. Many UUs reject the idea of deities and instead speak of the "spirit of life" that binds all life on earth. Unitarian Universalists support each person's search for truth and meaning in concepts of spirituality.

I hope you give them a try, if community and love of your fellow man involved in a spiritual search is what you seek then they will open their arms to you.
I am a staunch supporter of Women's rights. Maybe my clues were not for the obtuse.

If you support women's rights and women's liberation, why in the world would you object to them not having a larger role in religion? Particularly if religion is bollocks? If that is so, aren't women better off being excluded from it?
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