Religion in politics/schools

Of course we should teach creationism in schools. Kids need to know that there are lunatics who think the world is 6000 years old, and that fossils are crap, carbon dating is crap, the world is flat, and the sun and all the planets and stars revolve around the earth. And that our savior is some gay looking guy who died on a cross in his underwear for our sins. So go ahead and sin all you want, we'll just crucify another homo at some later date.
again where does the bible say to pray?

Mathew 6:6

"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

Never quite got why anyone would read that and then push for prayer in school. Seems a bit pharasees-ish to me.
Well here in Boise ID we had quite an uproard about a Ten Comandments monument in a public park so perhaps I DO have a bias but only because I have witnessed FIRST HAND what some Christians REALLY want and that is for THEIR religion to have a higher standing than ANY OTHER.

You do know that Jews and Muslims accept the Ten Commandments as well, correct?
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I would like for some of you religious people to explain to me WHY you can't teach your kids about YOUR religion at home/church. Why is it you feel the need to PREACH to people who don't want to be a part of your religion(if I want to I will just look for the closest building with a cross). Why do you think YOUR religion should be in the PUBLIC square?

Our faith requires us to point out when someone is sinning. It doesn't matter where they are. That said, once we have told them, our obligation (to try to save them from the Lord's wrath) is done.

Many people of faith simply try to share their faith by living. When someone asks us our secret or how we can do what we do, we will share that it is our faith.

Some feel it is their duty to 'preach' to 'the public' (the ones that have never been invited to church or have never heard of Yeshua). In this country, they are using their freedom of speech in a similar manner to those in the sixties that were 'preaching' against faith, examples: free love, burn the bras, abortion is not murder, etc. These people will feel they have the right and obligation to 'preach' as long as there are advertisements for pornography, sexual enhancements and in general, sinful behavior. they feel that they are offering an alternative that is healthier and can save people from a life of despair and futility.

Are you telling the people that advertise services/products that you don't want the same thing? Are you only offended by the religious? I find most of the people that are trying to share their faith are extremely polite. If you tell them you belong to a religion or you have made your decision, they will leave you with your choice.

If you would have a conversation with a pornographer, why wouldn't you have a conversation with a Christian? Are you a spiritual snob?
I would like for some of you religious people to explain to me WHY you can't teach your kids about YOUR religion at home/church. Why is it you feel the need to PREACH to people who don't want to be a part of your religion(if I want to I will just look for the closest building with a cross). Why do you think YOUR religion should be in the PUBLIC square?

Our faith requires us to point out when someone is sinning. It doesn't matter where they are. That said, once we have told them, our obligation (to try to save them from the Lord's wrath) is done.

Many people of faith simply try to share their faith by living. When someone asks us our secret or how we can do what we do, we will share that it is our faith.

Some feel it is their duty to 'preach' to 'the public' (the ones that have never been invited to church or have never heard of Yeshua). In this country, they are using their freedom of speech in a similar manner to those in the sixties that were 'preaching' against faith, examples: free love, burn the bras, abortion is not murder, etc. These people will feel they have the right and obligation to 'preach' as long as there are advertisements for pornography, sexual enhancements and in general, sinful behavior. they feel that they are offering an alternative that is healthier and can save people from a life of despair and futility.

Are you telling the people that advertise services/products that you don't want the same thing? Are you only offended by the religious? I find most of the people that are trying to share their faith are extremely polite. If you tell them you belong to a religion or you have made your decision, they will leave you with your choice.

If you would have a conversation with a pornographer, why wouldn't you have a conversation with a Christian? Are you a spiritual snob?

The second paragraph is exactely what I am talking about. If I want to know about your religion I can go to any number of people or churches to find out for myself. The thing is I was raised religious and I have no desire to be a part of something that things those who disagree with them are destined to burn in hell for all eternity.
Well Dis thats my point.......Why would a TRUE CHRISTIAN spend money to fight a legal battel while there are HOMELESS and STARVING people in society. So yes I consider them "Christians"

Because there are some things more important thatn giving money to the poor. You'd understand this if you read the Gospels.

There are some things MORE important than caring for the poor and disadvantaged......Hm I wonder what Jesus would have to say about that?
Well here in Boise ID we had quite an uproard about a Ten Comandments monument in a public park so perhaps I DO have a bias but only because I have witnessed FIRST HAND what some Christians REALLY want and that is for THEIR religion to have a higher standing than ANY OTHER.

You do know that Jews and Muslims accept the Ten Commandments as well, correct?

So what!!?? That is three religions out of HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of religions.
I would like for some of you religious people to explain to me WHY you can't teach your kids about YOUR religion at home/church. Why is it you feel the need to PREACH to people who don't want to be a part of your religion(if I want to I will just look for the closest building with a cross). Why do you think YOUR religion should be in the PUBLIC square?

Our faith requires us to point out when someone is sinning. It doesn't matter where they are. That said, once we have told them, our obligation (to try to save them from the Lord's wrath) is done.

Many people of faith simply try to share their faith by living. When someone asks us our secret or how we can do what we do, we will share that it is our faith.

Some feel it is their duty to 'preach' to 'the public' (the ones that have never been invited to church or have never heard of Yeshua). In this country, they are using their freedom of speech in a similar manner to those in the sixties that were 'preaching' against faith, examples: free love, burn the bras, abortion is not murder, etc. These people will feel they have the right and obligation to 'preach' as long as there are advertisements for pornography, sexual enhancements and in general, sinful behavior. they feel that they are offering an alternative that is healthier and can save people from a life of despair and futility.

Are you telling the people that advertise services/products that you don't want the same thing? Are you only offended by the religious? I find most of the people that are trying to share their faith are extremely polite. If you tell them you belong to a religion or you have made your decision, they will leave you with your choice.

If you would have a conversation with a pornographer, why wouldn't you have a conversation with a Christian? Are you a spiritual snob?

You have written one of the poorest worded, convoluted misunderstandings of the 1st Amendment that I have read in a very long time.
I would like for some of you religious people to explain to me WHY you can't teach your kids about YOUR religion at home/church. Why is it you feel the need to PREACH to people who don't want to be a part of your religion(if I want to I will just look for the closest building with a cross). Why do you think YOUR religion should be in the PUBLIC square?

Why do YOU think anyone WANTS to "preach their religion to people who don't want to be part"?

And right back atcha. Maybe YOU can explain why so many people on the left think it's okay for THEM to use the schools to teach THEIR beliefs on things to other people's children. Why can't they just read their own kids "Heather Has Two Mommies" and teach them jihad games and Kwanzaa celebrations at home and leave other people out of it?

To Cecilie -- you can opt out of those things for your child. If you don't want multiculturalism, then opt out, or send your child to private school. You have no Constitutional "right" to have the state sanction the preaching of organized religious doctrine in school.

You never will have that "right".
The SAME people want to put the BIBLE in PUBLIC SCHOOL and you don't see that as an ENDORSMENT of Christianity over ALL OTHER RELIGIONS?

Really? What people? Put it in public schools how? Be specific. You sound paranoid. Next you'll be babbling about black helicopters with crosses painted on them hovering over your house.
So Dave are we going to have EVERY religious text as historic reference? I knida doubt it. How about the teachings of Confusus? How about the Torah? How about the Koran? If we give equal time to EVERY religious text I doubt we would have time for ANYTHING else. Now if it is a PURELY optional course and it gives fair time to EVERY religion then I am o.k. with that.

No, because every religious text ISN'T historic reference. Western civilization is built on a cultural foundation of Christianity, whether you like it or not, and it is the Bible to which western literature, cinema, etc. routinely refer, leaving our children adrift in a confusing sea of themes and cultural references they aren't equipped to understand if they've never heard anything about the Bible. Teaching literature in the United States without some idea of Biblical stories and concepts is like trying to teach American history without mentioning Europe. You can't make it make sense if you don't mention where it originated.
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You have no Constitutional "right" to have the state sanction the preaching of organized religious doctrine in school.

You seem to claim the right to have schools free of anything you disagree with... many conservatives strongly diasgree with the notion of teaching homosexuality as normal.. yet we are told to get over it.

You have no Constitutional "right" to have the state sanction the preaching of organized religious doctrine in school.

Anyway, nobody is advocating this.. just another paranoid delusion.
Like I said I was annoyed by it but I wasn't going to call the ACLU and make a federal case about it. To tell you the truth despite the OP I don't really get all that fired up about it but the Ten Comandments issue here was VERY heated and so many "Christians" spent a shit load of money fighting to keep it in the park......Money that could have been better spent HELPING the less fortunate instead of ENRICHING an attorney.

And exactly who are you to pronounce to others how THEIR money can be "better spent"? It interests me how you're so offended by Christians supposedly trying to attain primacy for their beliefs over those of others, and then you blithely declare YOUR priorities to be superior to theirs.
Well Dis thats my point.......Why would a TRUE CHRISTIAN spend money to fight a legal battel while there are HOMELESS and STARVING people in society. So yes I consider them "Christians"

Maybe because Christianity's goals and priorities aren't set by secularist views of what SHOULD be important. Maybe because it's not for YOU to decide that other people's core beliefs are less important and worthy of attention than your personal moral standard, which is NOT, despite what you seem to think, the universal, objective moral standard of the cosmos.

Let me put it another way. Just because you appear to have decided that the highest - indeed, only - moral imperative on Earth is to give string-free handouts to freeloaders who have opted out of personal responsibility doesn't mean that the rest of us are required to say, "Oh, it doesn't matter if I feel my First Amendment rights are being violated. I'll just ignore that, because I REALLY need to be giving twenties to panhandlers."
Like I said I was annoyed by it but I wasn't going to call the ACLU and make a federal case about it. To tell you the truth despite the OP I don't really get all that fired up about it but the Ten Comandments issue here was VERY heated and so many "Christians" spent a shit load of money fighting to keep it in the park......Money that could have been better spent HELPING the less fortunate instead of ENRICHING an attorney.

Why are you putting Christians in quotes? Sounds mocking.

Oh, and y'all spent just as much money fighting to keep it OUT of the park. Why? Because you don't think it belongs there? What about the happiness it gives people seeing it there?

Now that you're getting called on the bullshit, you say you don't get all fired up about it? Nice backpedal.

Well actually the STATE had to pay the legal bills to keep it out because the STATE was sued for removing it.

And you're objecting to what? The state using your tax money to fight for a cause you clearly agree with, or those darned Christians having the gall to support the side you didn't agree with and DARING to think they had a right to fight for it and make your side fight back? They should have just surrendered and accepted that YOU were the arbiter of all that was correct and proper, should they?

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