Religion and the Tea Party

Hum Dinger

Gold Member
Aug 19, 2008
It's my assumption that the vast majority of the Tea party are religious Christians.

This may be wrong, but I doubt it.

If so then, by their very own religious convictions, it would stand to reason that the recent disasters suffered in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and the rest of the South and mid-west - right in the heart of Tea Party country - are nothing less than God's punishment for the Tea Party.

God does not like stupid.

God does not like greed.

God does not like TPs wiping the asses of the wealthy!

Floods and tornadoes would be God's way of punishing, now wouldn't it?
It's my assumption that the vast majority of the Tea party are religious Christians.

This may be wrong, but I doubt it.

If so then, by their very own religious convictions, it would stand to reason that the recent disasters suffered in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and the rest of the South and mid-west - right in the heart of Tea Party country - are nothing less than God's punishment for the Tea Party.

God does not like stupid.

God does not like greed.

God does not like TPs wiping the asses of the wealthy!

Floods and tornadoes would be God's way of punishing, now wouldn't it?
If that assumption was correct why did the list of agenda items they favored not contain a single social/morality point and was completely on the side of economics/fiscal/monetary and constitutional objectives?

Here the top objectives of the Tea Party as voted on by the members - ranked according to votes by the Contract From America panel.

Implement the Fair Tax 9340 rating
Legislation shall contain no unrelated ammendments 4813 rating
Congressional Term Limits 4194 rating
Abolish the Department of Education 3740 rating
Pass Nationwide Medical Malpractice Tort Reform 3376 rating

No lifetime salary or benefits for Congress 3251 rating
Congress shall not exempt themselves 3144 rating
An Official Language of the United States 3113 rating
Drill Here, Drill Now 3099 rating
Interstate Health Insurance Competition 2968 rating

cite Constitutional authority for creating laws 2334 rating
Nuclear Energy, reduce our dependance on foreign oil 1883 rating
More Drilling for Natural Gas and Oil, Increase Nuclear Energy, and eliminate federal regulation and give power back to the states 1188 rating
2nd Amendment Rights 1075 rating

Federal Spending Limitations - Budget Cap 1061 rating
Presidential advisers (czars) shall have no regulatory authority 964 rating
Bills from the House or Senate are to be Made Public 7 Days Before any Vote 921 rating
Post all government expenditures on the Internet 636 rating
Hands OFF the Internet 543 rating

Abolish the Department of Energy. 534 rating
Congress Must Name Relevant Special Interests When They Vote 334 rating
Amend the Endangered Species Act 286 rating
Create independent Ethics Committees for House and Senate 256 rating
Zero Based Budgeting 234 rating

Repeal CAFE Standards 228 rating
No Raises 199 rating
Make legislators accountable for their legislation. 158 rating
Offer Tax Free Prizes for Energy Innovations 126 rating
Alternative to Term Limits - Reduce/Eliminate Benefits 113 rating

Market Based Approach to Reduce Global Warming 108 rating
Pledge to Cut Deficit by 70% in Two Years With No New Taxes 95 rating
High Hurdle for Spending Amendment 92 rating
Repeal the Clean Air Act! 85 rating
A True National Energy Policy 75 rating

Create a Federal Program Review Board 66 rating
Set Some Boundaries 29 rating

The above is a list of ideas suggested up to January 24, 2010 leading up to the 2010 election. It was an abstract list and not the final one. I use it because it was comprehensive at the time and although it had not been refined down to the final result, it showed what Tea Partiers were thinking of which never did include a lot of what they are criticized for such as social issues. The only item I noted was a very low count that called for drug testing of political appointees or government workers which did not make the cut.
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It's my assumption that the vast majority of the Tea party are religious Christians.

This may be wrong, but I doubt it.

If so then, by their very own religious convictions, it would stand to reason that the recent disasters suffered in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and the rest of the South and mid-west - right in the heart of Tea Party country - are nothing less than God's punishment for the Tea Party.

God does not like stupid.

God does not like greed.

God does not like TPs wiping the asses of the wealthy!

Floods and tornadoes would be God's way of punishing, now wouldn't it?

I am a teapartier. I am not religious at all, i dislike religions.

Im not stupid, greedy, and i dont wipe the ass of the wealthy.

Your assumptions are wrong.
It's my assumption that the vast majority of the Tea party are religious Christians.

This may be wrong, but I doubt it.

If so then, by their very own religious convictions, it would stand to reason that the recent disasters suffered in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and the rest of the South and mid-west - right in the heart of Tea Party country - are nothing less than God's punishment for the Tea Party.

God does not like stupid.

God does not like greed.

God does not like TPs wiping the asses of the wealthy!

Floods and tornadoes would be God's way of punishing, now wouldn't it?

Because the TEA Party seems to be the only group that endorses reduced government spending, I support tthe TEA Party.

I am not religious.

What happened to your argument?

God doesn't need to punish morons. Morons punish themselves. Live in a flood plain? Live in a low level coastal region? Live in a below sea level area with a faulty dike?

Were most of these people punished by natural occurances happeing where they always happen members of the TEA Party or members of the Democrat Party or the
Republican Party or just poor enough so the homes they could afford were in risky locations?

Does of your doubt rise from logic or bias?
It's my assumption that the vast majority of the Tea party are religious Christians.

This may be wrong, but I doubt it.

If so then, by their very own religious convictions, it would stand to reason that the recent disasters suffered in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and the rest of the South and mid-west - right in the heart of Tea Party country - are nothing less than God's punishment for the Tea Party.

God does not like stupid.

God does not like greed.

God does not like TPs wiping the asses of the wealthy!

Floods and tornadoes would be God's way of punishing, now wouldn't it?

Trolling much, Richard?

I'm surprised at you.

Unless I'm confused about who you are, you're usually one of the people I count on for rational debate.
It's my assumption that the vast majority of the Tea party are religious Christians.

This may be wrong, but I doubt it.

If so then, by their very own religious convictions, it would stand to reason that the recent disasters suffered in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and the rest of the South and mid-west - right in the heart of Tea Party country - are nothing less than God's punishment for the Tea Party.

God does not like stupid.

God does not like greed.

God does not like TPs wiping the asses of the wealthy!

Floods and tornadoes would be God's way of punishing, now wouldn't it?
I'd suspect God does not like politically motivated gasbags creating strawmen to try and speak for him, either.
Could anyone have attended the big Palin/Beck Rally in DC and not thought that religion was a major factor in the tea party?
It's my assumption that the vast majority of the Tea party are religious Christians.

This may be wrong, but I doubt it.

If so then, by their very own religious convictions, it would stand to reason that the recent disasters suffered in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and the rest of the South and mid-west - right in the heart of Tea Party country - are nothing less than God's punishment for the Tea Party.

God does not like stupid.

God does not like greed.

God does not like TPs wiping the asses of the wealthy!

Floods and tornadoes would be God's way of punishing, now wouldn't it?

I wasn't aware that Everyone in Japan were part of the Tea party.


Dunno if the teabaggers are religious or not, but I do know they spend a lot of time talking about God, and how abortion and homosexuality are sins.
Damn TP members moved into my hunting club and screwed it to hell.

They started having prayers, and saying the pledge at meetings and talking politics.
They tried to make NRA membership mandatory.

I resigned.
It's my assumption that the vast majority of the Tea party are religious Christians.

This may be wrong, but I doubt it.

If so then, by their very own religious convictions, it would stand to reason that the recent disasters suffered in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and the rest of the South and mid-west - right in the heart of Tea Party country - are nothing less than God's punishment for the Tea Party.

God does not like stupid.

God does not like greed.

God does not like TPs wiping the asses of the wealthy!

Floods and tornadoes would be God's way of punishing, now wouldn't it?

You don't know what the hell you are talking about.

God doesn't like people mocking Him. In the end, He won't be mocked, and all knees will bow. I don't know if you've noticed lately, but we've got a heck of a lot of mocking going around from many of the liberals. (not all, but many)
Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
God doesn't like saying something isnt a sin when it is. (Abortion, homosexuality - which are both leftist agendas)

God doesn't like stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Stealing is stealing, no matter how you slice it. Charity comes from our hearts, and should come from a person, and that is learning from the REAL KING, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

If anything, (I don't claim to know) but perhaps the disasters are happening because people are forgetting the Lord our God? Many leftists, (not all) wanna take the Lord our God out of everything in this country. Btw, wasnt it ole Barry who said, "We are no longer a "christian nation", yada yada... ?

2 Chronicles 7:14 - If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

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It's my assumption that the vast majority of the Tea party are religious Christians.

This may be wrong, but I doubt it.

If so then, by their very own religious convictions, it would stand to reason that the recent disasters suffered in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and the rest of the South and mid-west - right in the heart of Tea Party country - are nothing less than God's punishment for the Tea Party.

God does not like stupid.

God does not like greed.

God does not like TPs wiping the asses of the wealthy!

Floods and tornadoes would be God's way of punishing, now wouldn't it?

You don't know what the hell you are talking about.

God doesn't like people mocking Him. In the end, He won't be mocked, and all knees will bow. I don't know if you've noticed lately, but we've got a heck of a lot of mocking going around from many of the liberals. (not all, but many)
Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
God doesn't like saying something isnt a sin when it is. (Abortion, homosexuality - which are both leftist agendas)

God doesn't like stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Stealing is stealing, no matter how you slice it. Charity comes from our hearts, and should come from a person, and that is learning from the REAL KING, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

If anything, (I don't claim to know) but perhaps the disasters are happening because people are forgetting the Lord our God? Many leftists, (not all) wanna take the Lord our God out of everything in this country. Btw, wasnt it ole Barry who said, "We are no longer a "christian nation", yada yada... ?

2 Chronicles 7:14 - If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


Since you have troubles figuring out what God likes and doesn't, it may help to look things up in the Bible, specifically Proverbs 6:16.................................

16 These six things doth the LORD hate;
yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 a proud look, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,
feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 a false witness that speaketh lies,
and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Proverbs 6. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
Since you have troubles figuring out what God likes and doesn't, it may help to look things up in the Bible, specifically Proverbs 6:16.................................

16 These six things doth the LORD hate;
yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 a proud look, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,
feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 a false witness that speaketh lies,
and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Proverbs 6. The Holy Bible: King James Version.

Amen to all of God's Word, thank you. Always can use a rebuke when needed. I'm a little upitty today with recent news, my apologies for being harsh.

It's my assumption that the vast majority of the Tea party are religious Christians.

This may be wrong, but I doubt it.

If so then, by their very own religious convictions, it would stand to reason that the recent disasters suffered in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and the rest of the South and mid-west - right in the heart of Tea Party country - are nothing less than God's punishment for the Tea Party.

God does not like stupid.

God does not like greed.

God does not like TPs wiping the asses of the wealthy!

Floods and tornadoes would be God's way of punishing, now wouldn't it?

I bet you also assume you are intelligent, don't you?

The vast majority of the Tea Party are Americans who are fed up with federal spending. It is a single issue party, and does not care what the religious affiliation of anyone is as long as they are willing to cut spending.

Personally, since I am a religious Christian, I also understand that God does not punish people through floods or other natural disasters. If I did believe that type of claptrap I would argue that god is punishing that area for supporting politicians who do not care about the deficit, not because the Tea Party exists. those Republicans, and Democrats, are bot incredibly greedy and stupid. They, like you, believe that calling for the government to cut taxes and spending for everyone means that we want to take money from the poor and give it to the rich. They, like you, believe that good intentions mean more than results.

If God did punish people through things like that I would gladly point out how he is punishing those who believe that we can keep doing the same thing and get a different result. Since He doesn't, I have to settle for pointing out how stupid you are.
Damn TP members moved into my hunting club and screwed it to hell.

They started having prayers, and saying the pledge at meetings and talking politics.
They tried to make NRA membership mandatory.

I resigned.

What? Really.

Well this is one teapartier that wont have prayer services anywhere ever.

If you want to pray to/talk to god that is between you and god and no one else's business and you shouldn't make it other people's business.
The Christian Right attached itself to the Tea Party early on. The tea party is now just the same old rightwing base of the Republican party.

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