

Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
[ame=]The reincarnation recall of MANDY SEABROOK. An amazing story of a young chid. - YouTube[/ame]

How can this be explained? Or are they all lying??

Our created existence is energy, which is God's stored thoughts. These stored thoughts in the form of wavelengths of energy have to be processed through the brain of each one of us invisible "beings" to give us illusions of flesh and the things of this world we live in ( a defined world that we can understand ).

The main dream experience that we all partake is called Earth. We will get many different kinds of bodies in our individual visions and dreams like when we're able to fly.

Have you ever had the ability to fly in your individual dream at night?

What kind of body did you have to fly with?

When under hypnosis one can say things from suggestion or from imagination.

However I believe that some people are sent back to get things right or because they serve a purpose for God.

If Jesus said that John the Baptist was the awaited Elijah and of himself that he would come again, he must have held a belief in reincarnation..

When Jesus appeared the first time he said that he came down from heaven, but everyone knows that he was born into a family like everyone else.. If he is to appear a second time how could he possibly come down from heaven in any other way?

When under hypnosis one can say things from suggestion or from imagination.

However I believe that some people are sent back to get things right or because they serve a purpose for God.

If Jesus said that John the Baptist was the awaited Elijah and of himself that he would come again, he must have held a belief in reincarnation..

When Jesus appeared the first time he said that he came down from heaven, but everyone knows that he was born into a family like everyone else.. If he is to appear a second time how could he possibly come down from heaven in any other way?

Most Christians don't realize that John the Baptist was Elijah reincarnated. Reincarnation is God's way of giving us more chances to come to the truth. And some are reincarnated for God's purposes. Eventually we all go back to where we came. God's grace is infinite.
Interesting Gracie, here's some more kids telling reincarnation stories.

[ame=]The Ghost Inside My Child - Paranormal Documentary - YouTube[/ame]
this post reminds me of a date i had this summer. he did not tell me he was a Buddhist and a believer in Reincarnation!. he said he was once a bird :eek:so as you would figure i ran first chance i got.
I immediately smelled a rat when Mandy talked of her burial place. She was not alive then so how could she know about it. Only by being a discarnate spirit between incarnations, and looking down on it. But she seemed to know nothing about an afterlife.
this post reminds me of a date i had this summer. he did not tell me he was a Buddhist and a believer in Reincarnation!. he said he was once a bird :eek:so as you would figure i ran first chance i got.

Did he say he actually remembered being a bird? I have studied reincarnation theory under spirit teachers supposedly speaking through trance mediums, and they have said we do not evolve from animals. Animals folllow their own path to perfection, and do not become human, nor do humans come back as animals.
this post reminds me of a date i had this summer. he did not tell me he was a Buddhist and a believer in Reincarnation!. he said he was once a bird :eek:so as you would figure i ran first chance i got.

Did he say he actually remembered being a bird? I have studied reincarnation theory under spirit teachers supposedly speaking through trance mediums, and they have said we do not evolve from animals. Animals folllow their own path to perfection, and do not become human, nor do humans come back as animals.

no i asked so you think you where or could be a bird if you wanted to be one he said i see no reason why i just thought that's what he meant.he said he was just getting into studying it.but was a practicing Buddhist. i ended the date .so to speak i don't date .
I don't think we reincarnate to a "self" that is "less than what we are now". So coming back as a bird? No. I can't see that at all. So I agree with Dajjal. If we are sent back, we are sent back as a different settings, i.e. country, sex, environment, etc. We are supposed to learn something we didn't in this lifetime.
I DO believe dogs come back again. I have a story about that and someday I will share it. But beloved dogs that I lost...did come back to me. I have one now. He came back as a she. He was a black lab and is now a yellow lab.
Gracie came back as female and only lived 9 years and was an australian shepherd. She used to be Charlie, a golden retriever, male, who lived 13 years. I got Gracie AFTER I let some time pass....because I knew he would return..I just didn't know what body he would come as and he needed time to be born and then old enough to be adopted and for me to be in the right place and the right time to find him. Gracie was 17 weeks old when she was discovered. And I knew immediately who she was. Charlie. I even asked her if she was Charlie..and the look in her eyes, the wag of the tail, the personality she showed when I posed the question....there was no doubt in my mind it was him.

Now I patiently await Gracie. She has been gone almost 17 weeks.
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I don't think we reincarnate to a "self" that is "less than what we are now". So coming back as a bird? No. I can't see that at all. So I agree with Dajjal. If we are sent back, we are sent back as a different settings, i.e. country, sex, environment, etc. We are supposed to learn something we didn't in this lifetime.

It is my understanding that our immortal spirit is breathed out of God as a pure being.
But it is untested and untried and cannot know itself fully without experience. So we begin a long journey of incarnations. Maybe as many as thousands of lives, on this and many other planets. We act and then must face the reaction, and so develop karma that must be paid, and can only be paid by reincarnating, as there is no pressure on us in the spirit world.

We spend time between lives in the spirit world, but eventually realize we need to reincarnate to progress, and to pay karma. In the end, after countless lives, we settle all the karmic debts and reach a state of grace, or enlightenment, after which we remain in the spirit world as immortal souls. At that time we remember all our past lives.

The reason we need to have our conciousness broken up by many incarnations is that we would be stuck in one, possibly damaged personality, with all kinds of guilt that would inhibit us. So we forget our past lives, and incarnate in a fresh body with no memory in its brain. Thereby getting a fresh chance to act freely. Although the circumstances of our lives are controlled by the angels of karma, who lead us into a life experience that most suits the needs of the soul.

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