Reid Gloats over Budget Brinksmanship Strategy


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Reid gloats because he knows the media will not expose Democrat lying.

Despite opining that “a government shutdown would be the worst possible outcome in our negotiations over the budget,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) vowed he will “make no compromises to avoid it.”

“We’ve got control of the narrative,” Reid boasted. “Why should we give Republicans a break? Almost half of Americans depend on the government to put money in their pockets. The other half are afraid of riots in the streets if the flow of subsidies to client populations is halted. The media are ‘all in’ for blaming the GOP if anything bad happens. When you have the winning hand you don’t need to be nice.”

The Senate Majority Leader’s perspective was echoed by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). “We’re past the point of no return in this country,” Boehner argued. “Too many people are on the government teat. The slide into the abyss can’t be avoided. All we can do is try to get our fair share of the loot before it all goes to Hell.”

Reid acknowledged that he wasn’t entirely unsympathetic to Boehner’s plight. “We’ve offered to help him fend off the Tea Partiers in his Party,” Reid said. “If he can bring enough Republicans over to our side on the budget we’ll see to it that those who cooperate get a bigger piece of the pie when it’s carved up.”​

if you missed any of this week's other semi-news/semi-satire posts you can find them at...

Dem Says Abortion Clinic Regs ?Too Stringent? | The Arizona Conservative
In other words, the reactionary far righties are pissed because they no longer have power to shut down government.
Reid gloats because he knows the media will not expose Democrat lying.

Despite opining that “a government shutdown would be the worst possible outcome in our negotiations over the budget,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) vowed he will “make no compromises to avoid it.”

“We’ve got control of the narrative,” Reid boasted. “Why should we give Republicans a break? Almost half of Americans depend on the government to put money in their pockets. The other half are afraid of riots in the streets if the flow of subsidies to client populations is halted. The media are ‘all in’ for blaming the GOP if anything bad happens. When you have the winning hand you don’t need to be nice.”

The Senate Majority Leader’s perspective was echoed by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). “We’re past the point of no return in this country,” Boehner argued. “Too many people are on the government teat. The slide into the abyss can’t be avoided. All we can do is try to get our fair share of the loot before it all goes to Hell.”

Reid acknowledged that he wasn’t entirely unsympathetic to Boehner’s plight. “We’ve offered to help him fend off the Tea Partiers in his Party,” Reid said. “If he can bring enough Republicans over to our side on the budget we’ll see to it that those who cooperate get a bigger piece of the pie when it’s carved up.”​

if you missed any of this week's other semi-news/semi-satire posts you can find them at...

Dem Says Abortion Clinic Regs ?Too Stringent? | The Arizona Conservative

Boehner and Reid, 2 gutless nitwits in search of a brain:doubt:
IOW, "the good of teh country" is not what motivates the Democratic party. It's "How do we stick it to the GOP?"

Poor JFK would be treated like Joe Lieberman. I can just imagine the modern version of his famous line:
"Ask not just what your country can do for you. Ask what can we do to the GOP."
Another wonderful mess you made for us Harry. Half the population on government assistance so there is no hope to stop out of control spending. What a wonderful position the democrats have put us in. Pretty soon everyone will be on the government teat and there will be nobody left to tax. What then harry. Just like a democrat to plunge blindly ahead with no end game. What are you going to do? Blame the repuiblicans for not stopping you? How about you pass a fuckin' budget some time and then live by it. I hate the assholes in Washington.
I truly am embarrassed to have Harry Reid as my Senator. I tell his office that all the time.
Why do we allow jackasses like Reid and McCain to remain in their positions? Are the American people really this god damn stupid?

Watching their stupid games in congress reminds me of my girls when they were todlers, "not me daddy"
Long before the sequester deal was struck, the GOP-run House voted and passed a Balanced Budget amendment. Guess who killed it in the Senate?

I'll give you 2 hints:
It was no one from the Republican Party.
The person's last name starts with the letter "R".
Why do we allow jackasses like Reid and McCain to remain in their positions? Are the American people really this god damn stupid?

Watching their stupid games in congress reminds me of my girls when they were todlers, "not me daddy"
They expect US to buy it...and can't stand it when WE call them on it....this past week? Reid said the Republicans were taken over BY the TEA Party...And whom could forget Juan McCain and his "Tea Party Hobbits" comment?

These people and their power are threatened...and are afraid...and damned skippy, they had better be.
Reid gloats because he knows the media will not expose Democrat lying.

Despite opining that “a government shutdown would be the worst possible outcome in our negotiations over the budget,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) vowed he will “make no compromises to avoid it.”

“We’ve got control of the narrative,” Reid boasted. “Why should we give Republicans a break? Almost half of Americans depend on the government to put money in their pockets. The other half are afraid of riots in the streets if the flow of subsidies to client populations is halted. The media are ‘all in’ for blaming the GOP if anything bad happens. When you have the winning hand you don’t need to be nice.”

The Senate Majority Leader’s perspective was echoed by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). “We’re past the point of no return in this country,” Boehner argued. “Too many people are on the government teat. The slide into the abyss can’t be avoided. All we can do is try to get our fair share of the loot before it all goes to Hell.”

Reid acknowledged that he wasn’t entirely unsympathetic to Boehner’s plight. “We’ve offered to help him fend off the Tea Partiers in his Party,” Reid said. “If he can bring enough Republicans over to our side on the budget we’ll see to it that those who cooperate get a bigger piece of the pie when it’s carved up.”
if you missed any of this week's other semi-news/semi-satire posts you can find them at...

Dem Says Abortion Clinic Regs ?Too Stringent? | The Arizona Conservative
BOTH these asshats need to go.

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