Regarding CV-19, what is a "case"?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Apparently, it is a positive test result. But who cares about that?

Unless the person gets sick, it is irrelevant. Haven't we recently learned that transmission by asymptomatic persons is rare?

Why isn't the media focused on hospital admissions and deaths, which are REAL and relevant?

If a 21-year-old football player tests positive, so what? The chances that he will die from the disease are less than that he would be struck by lightning at practice.

And yet the CV-19 headline every day is the increase in cases - which is ALL about testing - which is nearly meaningless as a public health matter. What is the Media up to?
Apparently, it is a positive test result. But who cares about that?

Unless the person gets sick, it is irrelevant. Haven't we recently learned that transmission by asymptomatic persons is rare?

Why isn't the media focused on hospital admissions and deaths, which are REAL and relevant?

If a 21-year-old football player tests positive, so what? The chances that he will die from the disease are less than that he would be struck by lightning at practice.

And yet the CV-19 headline every day is the increase in cases - which is ALL about testing - which is nearly meaningless as a public health matter. What is the Media up to?

The media is just trying to keep people's interest with their alarmism.

If they gave the real stories about CV-19, people wouldn't be as captivated by the news. A story like "Casimir Kowalski, 83, of South Bumphuk, West Virginia died of CV related pneumonia last night. Mr. Kowalski was younger than most CV patients, but still lived a long productive life. Spent 40 years in the coal mines, the gentleman was a Vietnam Veteran exposed to Agent Orange. He enjoyed smoking an occasional pell mell, averaging 4 packs a day since the 1950's. At the time of his decedency , he was being treated for cirrhosis OTL as well as stage IV lung cancer." This kind of story doesn't work, as it doesn't scare young people. Even though someone like the fictional Mr. Kowalski is a lot closer to the average CV victim that someone in the prime of youth and of health.
There are a number of points that immediately jump into a persons mind.
When you have over a thousand so called health officials say no problem with those looting and rioting but say no to the economy opening or a rally.
When it used to be about dead or in the hospital now it is how many have it.
There is really only one conclusion. Politics over everything else.
Apparently, it is a positive test result. But who cares about that?

Unless the person gets sick, it is irrelevant. Haven't we recently learned that transmission by asymptomatic persons is rare?

Why isn't the media focused on hospital admissions and deaths, which are REAL and relevant?

If a 21-year-old football player tests positive, so what? The chances that he will die from the disease are less than that he would be struck by lightning at practice.

And yet the CV-19 headline every day is the increase in cases - which is ALL about testing - which is nearly meaningless as a public health matter. What is the Media up to?
The headlines are the result of the testing and media is in business reporting the results of the testing. The testing lets people in the medical field know if you are infected or not. How is it meaningless for science to know the results of those tested?
Apparently, it is a positive test result. But who cares about that?

Unless the person gets sick, it is irrelevant. Haven't we recently learned that transmission by asymptomatic persons is rare?

Why isn't the media focused on hospital admissions and deaths, which are REAL and relevant?

If a 21-year-old football player tests positive, so what? The chances that he will die from the disease are less than that he would be struck by lightning at practice.

And yet the CV-19 headline every day is the increase in cases - which is ALL about testing - which is nearly meaningless as a public health matter. What is the Media up to?

Also, what test? Antibody? Viral fragments? Live Virus?

And what combination. Someone with antibodies and immunity can still show live virus or viral fragments because the immune system isn't an instant response machine.
The headlines are the result of the testing and media is in business reporting the results of the testing. The testing lets people in the medical field know if you are infected or not. How is it meaningless for science to know the results of those tested?

How "useful" is it? Particularly in a case where someone is only slightly ill or totally asymptomatic? How would that affect someone's treatment plan?
Virus or not Virus

TRUMP will win again!

:TH_WAY~113: Dear Leader, President Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

President Trump said Monday that he will soon issue an executive order meant to protect public statues and monuments from being damaged or destroyed by far-left and anarchist protesters.

"We are going to do an executive order and make the cities guard their monuments," Trump told Eternal Word Television Network's Raymond Arroyo. "This is a disgrace."

Apparently, it is a positive test result. But who cares about that?

Unless the person gets sick, it is irrelevant. Haven't we recently learned that transmission by asymptomatic persons is rare?

Why isn't the media focused on hospital admissions and deaths, which are REAL and relevant?

If a 21-year-old football player tests positive, so what? The chances that he will die from the disease are less than that he would be struck by lightning at practice.

And yet the CV-19 headline every day is the increase in cases - which is ALL about testing - which is nearly meaningless as a public health matter. What is the Media up to?

It's as if your grasp on reality is 180-degrees completely wrong on purpose. So, I can only assume you're a cartoon.
The Covid-19 virus is a different sort of virus. We are seeing signs of this as it is studied.

from: We Still Don't Fully Understand The Label 'Asymptomatic'
"Even if someone is infected by the novel coronavirus and remains asymptomatic — free of coughing, fever, fatigue and other common signs of infection, that doesn't mean the coronavirus isn't taking a toll. The virus can still be causing mild — although likely reversible — harm to their lungs.

A new paper in Nature Medicine, published June 18, documents the clinical patterns of asymptomatic infections. It finds that many of the people studied developed signs of minor lung inflammation — akin to walking pneumonia — while exhibiting no other symptoms of the coronavirus."

from: Researcher: Asymptomatic Coronavirus Patients Can Still Face Organ Damage
"New analysis from Scripps Research has found that anywhere from 30 to 40% of people with coronavirus are asymptomatic, but that doesn't mean they aren’t impacted by the disease.
Scripps Research cardiologist Eric Topol and his colleagues looked at research on over a dozen cohorts of coronavirus patients around the world. He found many of the patients that were asymptomatic still incurred lung abnormalities."

"But the other thing that we uncovered that was a surprise to us, and I don't think most people know this, is that even though you don't have symptoms, which is silent enough as it is, there's another level of silence, which is you can have internal organ damage and not know it."
One study looked at CT scans conducted on individuals aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship. In that case, 54% of 76 asymptomatic individuals showed significant subclinical lung abnormalities"

from: COVID-19: Damage found in multiple organ systems | MDLinx
" Almost half of all patients with COVID-19 have evidence of blood or protein in the urine, indicating early kidney damage, according to Alan Kliger, MD, a nephrologist at Yale University. In addition, early data has shown that around 15% to 30% of patients with COVID-19 in the ICU in New York and Wuhan, China, have required dialysis or continuous renal replacement therapy. "

from: Half of coronavirus patients with NO symptoms may have lung damage
"Coronavirus patients without any symptoms can still suffer organ damage - often silently - a new study suggests.

Researchers analyzing public datasets found that as many as 45 percent of people infected with COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, never have traditional signs such as coughing, fever or shortness of breath.

What's more, in one of the datasets, more than half of asymptomatic patients had CT scans with signs of serious lung damage."

So even if someone survives the virus, there are serious health issues to deal with. And the fact that they have found lung damage in people who were asymptomatic is a new level of problems.

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