Refuting Liberal Distortion/Propaganda About Florida's New Six-Week Abortion Law


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Naturally, liberals are up in arms over Florida's new abortion law, calling it "extreme" and even claiming that it "tramples on human rights." Let's take a look at this supposedly "extreme" law, based on the actual text of the law (LINK):

-- It allows abortions up to the sixth week of pregnancy. This is based on the medical, scientific fact that unborn babies have a heartbeat by the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy (LINK, LINK, LINK).

The argument that many women don't know they're pregnant by week six is dubious given the easy availability and low cost of DIY pregnancy tests. Furthermore, most women miss their upcoming period after they've gotten pregnant. Many women also begin to urinate much more frequently after they get pregnant and even before their upcoming period, and this is a well-known indication of pregnancy.

-- It includes exceptions for rape and incest. It allows abortions in cases of rape and incest up to week 15 of pregnancy.

Liberals are upset because the law requires that anyone claiming those exceptions must provide a copy of a police report, a medical record, or a court order. Well, yeah, because otherwise a woman could just falsely claim that she's been raped to get an abortion up to week 15. It takes about 15-20 minutes to file a police report, and you don't even have to go to a police station to do it--you can call and have the police come to your residence.

-- It includes an exception for the life of the mother. It even allows the expenditure of state funds to transport women to other states to receive an abortion for the reason of endangerment (life of the mother) if necessary.

-- Significantly, it changes the state's pregnancy support and wellness services network to expand eligibility for such services to women who are up to 12 months postpartum and to parents or guardians of children under the age of three for up to 12 months. The bill adds new services and assistance which the network is required to provide, including counseling, mentoring, educational materials, and classes, as well as material assistance including clothing, car seats, cribs, baby formula, and diapers.

-- It requires just two in-person doctor visits and only a 24-hour waiting period between the visits. People often have two doctor visits before getting any kind of surgery, even minor surgery. When I had minor shoulder surgery, I saw a doctor three times before the surgery was performed.

-- It bans abortion by telemedicine and requires any medication abortion to be dispensed in person. Liberals are howling about these provisions as well. Yet, I can't even give myself a dental fluoride treatment--my dentist or a dental tech has to do it, even though I could easily do it myself. So this is not an outrageous requirement.

One thing that stands out to me as I read liberal attacks on Florida's new abortion law is that they say nothing--absolutely nothing--about the rights and/or humanity of the unborn baby. Indeed, they talk about abortion the same way that slavery apologists in the 1800s talked about slavery, never mentioning the victims.

In fact, liberals are furious that abortions have declined in states that have placed time limits on when abortions can be performed. They aren't the least bit happy that thousands of babies who would have otherwise been killed have been spared death and allowed to live.
Wow, Mormon Mike letting us know his vast knowledge of female biology.

Many women won't know they are pregnant at 6 weeks.

Liberals are upset because the law requires that anyone claiming those exceptions must provide a copy of a police report, a medical record, or a court order. Well, yeah, because otherwise a woman could just falsely claim that she's been raped to get an abortion up to week 15. It takes about 15-20 minutes to file a police report, and you don't even have to go to a police station to do it--you can call and have the police come to your residence.
Wow, that's crazy. Making a woman jump through additional hoops. The fact is half of rapes are never reported. The woman is usually too ashamed (especially in the case of acquaintance rape.)

-- It bans abortion by telemedicine and requires any medication abortion to be dispensed in person. Liberals are howling about these provisions as well. Yet, I can't even give myself a dental fluoride treatment--my dentist or a dental tech has to do it, even though I could easily do it myself. So this is not an outrageous requirement.

There's probably no reason for that, other than the Dental industry insists on it. Still no reason why a woman can't get a telemedicine prescription for Plan B.

One thing that stands out to me as I read liberal attacks on Florida's new abortion law is that they say nothing--absolutely nothing--about the rights and/or humanity of the unborn baby. Indeed, they talk about abortion the same way that slavery apologists in the 1800s talked about slavery, never mentioning the victims.
Because Fetuses aren't people.

We don't count fetuses in the Census
You can't claim a fetus as a dependent on your taxes.
If you make a fetus a legal person, every miscarriage has to now be investigated as a potential homicide.
Pregnant women can be charged with assault for smoking, drinking, eating the wrong food, or doing any kind of exercise.
To compare fetuses to slaves or Holocaust victims is an insult to the REAL people who suffered those horrors.
Wow, Mormon Mike letting us know his vast knowledge of female biology.

Many women won't know they are pregnant at 6 weeks.

Wow, that's crazy. Making a woman jump through additional hoops. The fact is half of rapes are never reported. The woman is usually too ashamed (especially in the case of acquaintance rape.)

There's probably no reason for that, other than the Dental industry insists on it. Still no reason why a woman can't get a telemedicine prescription for Plan B.

Because Fetuses aren't people.

We don't count fetuses in the Census
You can't claim a fetus as a dependent on your taxes.
If you make a fetus a legal person, every miscarriage has to now be investigated as a potential homicide.
Pregnant women can be charged with assault for smoking, drinking, eating the wrong food, or doing any kind of exercise.
To compare fetuses to slaves or Holocaust victims is an insult to the REAL people who suffered those horrors.
Oh, look, it's our resident Marxist apologist for mass murderers Mao Tse Tung and Joseph Stalin. Indeed, according to JoeB131, Stalin didn't really murder millions of people, and Mao is actually worthy of admiration and didn't really murder millions of people either.

"Please," he says, "take me seriously, even though I make these obscene arguments that make Holocaust denial seem mild by comparison."
h, look, it's our resident Marxist apologist f....
Hey, guy, I get that you don't want to logically argue your MISOGYNY.

You belong to a cult where the women's only job is to make babies, so I could imagine a woman desiring to be anything other than a mindless breeder horrifies you.

But when you enslave 50% of the population, you are gonna get a whoopin'.

Florida is putting Abortion on the ballot in November... and Biden will carry the state!
Naturally, liberals are up in arms over Florida's new abortion law, calling it "extreme" and even claiming that it "tramples on human rights." Let's take a look at this supposedly "extreme" law, based on the actual text of the law (LINK):

-- It allows abortions up to the sixth week of pregnancy. This is based on the medical, scientific fact that unborn babies have a heartbeat by the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy (LINK, LINK, LINK).

The argument that many women don't know they're pregnant by week six is dubious given the easy availability and low cost of DIY pregnancy tests. Furthermore, most women miss their upcoming period after they've gotten pregnant. Many women also begin to urinate much more frequently after they get pregnant and even before their upcoming period, and this is a well-known indication of pregnancy.

-- It includes exceptions for rape and incest. It allows abortions in cases of rape and incest up to week 15 of pregnancy.

Liberals are upset because the law requires that anyone claiming those exceptions must provide a copy of a police report, a medical record, or a court order. Well, yeah, because otherwise a woman could just falsely claim that she's been raped to get an abortion up to week 15. It takes about 15-20 minutes to file a police report, and you don't even have to go to a police station to do it--you can call and have the police come to your residence.

-- It includes an exception for the life of the mother. It even allows the expenditure of state funds to transport women to other states to receive an abortion for the reason of endangerment (life of the mother) if necessary.

-- Significantly, it changes the state's pregnancy support and wellness services network to expand eligibility for such services to women who are up to 12 months postpartum and to parents or guardians of children under the age of three for up to 12 months. The bill adds new services and assistance which the network is required to provide, including counseling, mentoring, educational materials, and classes, as well as material assistance including clothing, car seats, cribs, baby formula, and diapers.

-- It requires just two in-person doctor visits and only a 24-hour waiting period between the visits. People often have two doctor visits before getting any kind of surgery, even minor surgery. When I had minor shoulder surgery, I saw a doctor three times before the surgery was performed.

-- It bans abortion by telemedicine and requires any medication abortion to be dispensed in person. Liberals are howling about these provisions as well. Yet, I can't even give myself a dental fluoride treatment--my dentist or a dental tech has to do it, even though I could easily do it myself. So this is not an outrageous requirement.

One thing that stands out to me as I read liberal attacks on Florida's new abortion law is that they say nothing--absolutely nothing--about the rights and/or humanity of the unborn baby. Indeed, they talk about abortion the same way that slavery apologists in the 1800s talked about slavery, never mentioning the victims.

In fact, liberals are furious that abortions have declined in states that have placed time limits on when abortions can be performed. They aren't the least bit happy that thousands of babies who would have otherwise been killed have been spared death and allowed to live.

A Woman does not even know if she is pregnant at 6-Weeks.
Some people just love big govt and hate bodily autonomy
I think it depends on context.

I am for a woman's right to choose, not because I like abortion (although I enjoy how some people get their Magic Underwear in a twist), but because as a practical matter, if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

Conversely, I supported vaccine mandates because an infected person had the potential to infect other people.
I think it depends on context.

I am for a woman's right to choose, not because I like abortion (although I enjoy how some people get their Magic Underwear in a twist), but because as a practical matter, if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

Conversely, I supported vaccine mandates because an infected person had the potential to infect other people.
Abortion is an abomination, but it isnt anyones business what that woman does with her body. Certainly isnt the govts.
Even though they didnt stop transmission lol... You totalitarians never get old with your ignorant BS.
Abortion is an abomination, but it isnt anyones business what that woman does with her body. Certainly isnt the govts.
Even though they didnt stop transmission lol... You totalitarians never get old with your ignorant BS.
Well, to start with, we never got anywhere near a Vaccine Mandate.

Secondly, if you are immune, you are less likely to be able to spread it. That's how herd immunity works.

As to abortion- I don't put the same value on a fetus that I do on an actual baby, and neither does anyone else sane.

If you really want to get to less abortions, that would take MORE government, but in the form of mandates for universal health care, comprehensive sex education, availability of contraception, and paid family leave.

France has these things, and even though the government will pay for your abortion, they have half the number of abortions per Capita that the US has.

Meanwhile, the Philippines has the kinds of draconian laws that Mormon Mike wants. Despite that, it's estimated that Filipinas have 500K to 800K abortions a year, a far higher per capita rate than the US.
How are you expected to know if you were raped within 6 weeks of conception?

It takes 9 months to determine if you were fucked against your will.

It also takes 9 months to determine if a blood family member fucked you and impregnated you. No way of knowing prior to 9 months.

If you disagree, you hate women.
A Woman does not even know if she is pregnant at 6-Weeks.
Oh, please. I know this is a favorite pro-abortion talking point, but it is idiotic. It is amazing that anyone takes it seriously. First off, if a woman has had sex and wants to know if she's pregnant, for just a few dollars she can buy a home pregnancy test that has a 98%-plus accuracy rate.

If she wants to be double-certain, she can buy two home pregnancy tests and use the second one a few days after the first one. With two tests, the odds of an inaccurate result are far below 1%.
Oh, please. I know this is a favorite pro-abortion talking point, but it is idiotic. It is amazing that anyone takes it seriously. First off, if a woman has had sex and wants to know if she's pregnant, for just a few dollars she can buy a home pregnancy test that has a 98%-plus accuracy rate.

If she wants to be double-certain, she can buy two home pregnancy tests and use the second one a few days after the first one. With two tests, the odds of an inaccurate result are far below 1%.

Or she can do what she pleases and you can mind your own business.

Again, keep pushing laws like this, I don't think you are going to like the result.
Oh, please. I know this is a favorite pro-abortion talking point, but it is idiotic. It is amazing that anyone takes it seriously. First off, if a woman has had sex and wants to know if she's pregnant, for just a few dollars she can buy a home pregnancy test that has a 98%-plus accuracy rate.

If she wants to be double-certain, she can buy two home pregnancy tests and use the second one a few days after the first one. With two tests, the odds of an inaccurate result are far below 1%.

To repeat, most Women do NOT know they are pregnant at six weeks. Men have no right to decide for a Woman, any Woman what medications she can take and what medical procedures she can undergo.
To repeat, most Women do NOT know they are pregnant at six weeks. Men have no right to decide for a Woman, any Woman what medications she can take and what medical procedures she can undergo.
Also , how would they enforce it?

Let's take the Telemedicine ban. The days of a paper prescription are long gone, it's all done electronically now. Furhtermore. the records are protected by HIPAA.

So if your doctor sends an electronic prescription to Walgreens, who is going to know if she saw you in person or not?
Also , how would they enforce it?

Let's take the Telemedicine ban. The days of a paper prescription are long gone, it's all done electronically now. Furhtermore. the records are protected by HIPAA.

So if your doctor sends an electronic prescription to Walgreens, who is going to know if she saw you in person or not?

Hell, I've been using Kaiser's e-pharmacy for years. They let me know when I have a script available and I place the order. Two or three days I have the script in my mail box.

There is no such thing as being "Pro-Abortion". Women have the right to the same bodily automoy as Men.

Women the right to decide their own health care. Women have the right to decide what medications they can and cannot take. At no time do MEN have the right to decide health care a Woman they do not know.
Women are NOT property. Women are owned. They are free and independent individuals who have the right to decide for themselves how they live their lives.

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