Referendum results


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
26 constitutional ammendments were put in-front of population through referendum:
58% yes, 42% no. 99.65% of ballot-boxes have been counted so far.
National partcipation was 77.5 %.

Provinces that voted yes are yellow:

.... update coming
The amendments explained in 1:41 minutes video

[ame=]YouTube - Turkey's referendum explained[/ame]
They look relatively benign except;

they are turning the clock back, they want to try cases ala the 1980 coup? hummmmm....and will allow military members to be tried by civilian courts? Soldiers dismissed from miltary service can be reviewed by a civilian court? It appears that whoever crafted this referendum are attempting to send the military a message......

Expanding the Const. court.........I am not current, are there issues that the present president and or Parl. or political power structure have had with getting approval of changes from the current membership of the court?

Additions are usually political maneuvers to dilute present opinion and/or change the vote by appointing judges who will vote your way there fore making it easier to pass amendments here to fore denied etc.
Power Line - U.S. government hails ominous news from Turkey

The most significant event of the weekend, I would argue, occurred in Turkey. There, voters approved a sweeping package of constitutional reforms and, in the process, gave Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan a vote of confidence. Erdogan's party has deep Islamic roots but, as J.E. Dyer points out, has been stymied to some degree in carrying out its Islamic vision by a combination of the courts and the military.

The reforms will seriously reduce these checks (for example, the constitutional court has been expanded from 11 to 17 judges, with the Prime Minister to select 14 of them). They are thus democratic in a sense, but they are also ominous given Erdogan's lack of respect for free speech, a free press, and women's rights. Dyer is thus correct in wondering why the U.S. government hailed the results of this referendum...

President of the European Parliament
I welcome the result of the referendum in Turkey. Democracy has been boosted by Turkish citizens.
EP President Jerzy Buzek on the constitutional referendum in Turkey*

European Commission
As we consistently said in the past months, these reforms are a step in the right direction as they address a number of long-standing priorities in Turkey's efforts towards fully complying with the accession criteria
BBC News - Turkish reform vote gets Western backing
Tthe referendum permits the fascist AKP to hand-pick their own judges for the Turkish judiciary, thus, eliminating the checks and balances necessary for a democracy.

Turkey is going down the Islamic one-way highway to nowhere.

Allah is for losers.

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