Reducing illegal entry into the USA.


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Reducing illegal entry into the USA.

There’s little point to any immigration legislation unless we’re able to reasonably secure our national borders. I'm aware of only four proposed methods for border security that may somewhat reduce illegal entry into the USA.

(1) Drone surveillance aircraft with infra red heat sensors could patrol our more desolate border areas day and night in almost all weather at feasible cost. They would augment, not replace our current border patrols. I think such drone aircraft will also soon be adopted worldwide for search and rescue missions.

(2) Our border fence is expensive to build, maintain, and repair holes made by border crossers; but we may have to keep at least some of it.

(3) I regret that we may need to adopt a national ID cards required by law to be presented by EVERY prospective employee. I feel that our lack of such an ID card is among our nation’s admirable attributes; but this may be among the most effective methods to secure our borders.

(4) Applicant entrepreneurs seeking to import and employ foreign temporary labor must attest such qualified labor is unavailable in the USA. I’d be more willing to believe such an affidavit if the employers stated qualification requirement reasonably fit the tasks to be performed and the employer had previously made a sincere effort to recruit such labor from our nation’s labor pool. In a capitalist economy, offering more money and improved conditions are indications of sincerity.

Did the applicant widely offer 5/4 the greater of the median or mean average pay for temporary work at the given task? What was done for how long a duration to recruit USA’s existing labor?

For comparison purposes, if such tasks are not generally performed in the USA, we’ll use 5/4 the pay scales of labor requiring the most similar skills, study, training and practice. The pay rate of imported workers should not be less than that 5/4 rate. We do not intend to encourage import of labor to undermine USA pay rates.

Each temporary laborer must be bonded for an amount equal to the greater of USA’s annual median or mean average wage. That amount should be annually adjusted. The bonds are forfeited and arrest orders are issued for those who overstay within the USA.

The federal expense due to administrating “guest worker” programs should be entirely defrayed by fees to applicants and additionally to those that have their applications approved. There are significant per capita expenses in policing the treatment and the location of those guest workers. The effects upon our nation’s wage rates, enterprises competing against others employing guest workers all have interests that require federal oversight.

Respectfully, Supposn
Granny says don't believe it till ya see it...
AP Source: Senate plan to stiffen border security
Apr 10,`13 WASHINGTON (AP) -- A bipartisan group of senators finalizing a landmark immigration bill has agreed to require greatly increased surveillance of the border and apprehensions of people trying to cross it, a person familiar with the proposals said Wednesday.
The legislation, to be released within days, would call for surveillance of 100 percent of the U.S. border with Mexico and apprehension of 90 percent of people trying to cross in certain high-risk areas. People living here illegally could begin to get green cards in 10 years but only if a new southern border security plan is in place, employers have adopted mandatory electronic verification of their workers' legal status and a new electronic exit system is operating at airports and seaports. The person provided the information on condition of anonymity because the deliberations were private.

The contours of the tough new border security plans emerged as senators moved closer to unveiling sweeping legislation that would put some 11 million immigrants living here illegally on a path to citizenship and allow tens of thousands of high- and low-skilled workers into the country on new visa programs, in addition to securing the border. Lawmakers and aides said all the major elements were complete, or close to. A final deal was near on a new visa for agriculture workers. There were small details to be dealt with on visas for high-tech workers, but Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said it wasn't enough to hold up the bill. "We are closer now than we have been in 25 years for serious immigration reform," Durbin told reporters Wednesday after he and other Democrats in the Senate negotiating group briefed members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. "This president is behind it, and there is a strong, growing bipartisan effort in the Senate to support it. We hope that the House will do the same."

Meanwhile tens of thousands of pro-immigration activists massed outside the Capitol and in cities around the country to push Congress to act. They waved American flags and carried signs reading, "Reform immigration for America now!" The border security piece of the legislation is critical to getting support from Republicans, but some Democrats have opposed making a path to citizenship contingent on border security. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said that the new requirements wouldn't impede citizenship. "A lot of people here would not want to put dollars into the border, but as a price to get citizenship, as long as it's not an impediment to citizenship but rather works alongside citizenship, it's something we can all live with," Schumer said, after talking to the Hispanic House members. "What we've said all along is triggers have to be objective and attainable in a way it doesn't interfere or delay with people becoming citizens, and that's in the bill."

According to the person familiar with the proposals, the new border security requirements call for 100 percent surveillance of the entire border, and apprehending 90 percent of border crossers or would-be crossers - or getting them to turn back to Mexico - in sectors where the majority of unauthorized entries take place.

No matter if the border is closed and deportation continue if nothing is done about businesses that hire them and automatic birthright citizenship for their children we are never going to get control of illegal immigration. Stop the incentives that bring them here and they will leave and they will not come unless for criminal activities because crime is a more lucrative business here than in Mexico. The solution is as simple as mandatory E-Verify with sanctions like fines, jail and confiscating businesses. E-Verify is voluntary now and that is why is does not work. Laws only work if they are enforced. Fix the broken and corrupt government.
We have more foreign doctors and nurses in this county then we have domestic. We have a very generous and liberal legal immigration system and it works.
No matter if the border is closed and deportation continue if nothing is done about businesses that hire them and automatic birthright citizenship for their children we are never going to get control of illegal immigration. Stop the incentives that bring them here and they will leave and they will not come unless for criminal activities because crime is a more lucrative business here than in Mexico. The solution is as simple as mandatory E-Verify with sanctions like fines, jail and confiscating businesses. E-Verify is voluntary now and that is why is does not work. Laws only work if they are enforced. Fix the broken and corrupt government.

LilOlLady, and Unkotare, please note that Unkotare has quoting one sentence,
“ (4) Applicant entrepreneurs seeking to import and employ foreign temporary labor must attest such qualified labor is unavailable in the USA”
from this thread’s first post. There’s more in that post that’s relative to that sentence.

LilOlLady, your post's correct; E-Verify doesn’t work if it’s not mandatory. It wouldn’t solve all of our problems but it certainly would significantly reduce the number of additional illegals that will otherwise enter our nation.

Refer from points #3 through the end of the first post within this thread.

Respectfully, Supposn
That's easy. Built it right the first time and save the expense of building it again.

10 Walls from Around the World

A fence? McCain saw a pregnant woman jumping a fence when he was on the border, didn't he? We need a wall or nothing. A fence only marks the border not a protective barrier. You build a fence around your home to make you property line not even to keep children out of your garden.
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