Reduced Velocity Does Not Guarantee Victory


Sep 23, 2010
If members of Congress understood the First Amendment they would see that Europe is falling to Islam faster than is the U.S.A. Our First Amendment only slows down Islam. Reduced velocity only guarantees defeat at a slower rate.

Gert Wilders can be forgiven for not understanding our Constitution. There is no excuse for our legislators. They should all be fighting theocracy not fighting Islam as a separate enemy. Note that Wilders cites Communism and fascism:

In his interview with WND, Wilders insisted there will be no solution to the threat Western civilization faces unless its leaders and people recognize “Islam is the problem.”

“We can only deal with [the threat] if we first face the truth, [which] might not be too politically correct, but still is the truth, and that is that Islam — and not Islamism or radical Islam, but Islam — is an evil ideology like communism or fascism that has no place in a free society,” he told WND.

“And at the end of the day it will replace us, and we will lose our freedom,” he said.​

Geert Wilders: Words of shock 'hollow' after Manchester
Posted By Art Moore On 05/26/2017 @ 4:55 pm

Geert Wilders: Words of shock ‘hollow’ after Manchester

The evil is in the fools who will always believe that a benign totalitarian government will deliver Utopia. Islam, Communism, European Socialism, Fascism are tyrannical theocracies. Future generations will do nothing more than change the name of their “brand new” organized religion.

NOTE: It took centuries for theocracies to replace European monarchies with a far greater evil. Our Constitution is the only document in the long sorry history of totalitarian governments that overthrew monarchies with individual liberties rather than replacing monarchies with something worse. These ten words overthrew theocracy along with abolishing governing monarchies:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,​

Those ten words are the least understood words among all of the words in America’s founding documents and thousands of laws. Islam’s militarism should have opened the eyes of the few good people who govern —— it did not any more than their eyes are open to Socialism’s militarism:

Good men who distrust theocracy sever Islam the religion from Islam the political movement. And just like Socialism/Communism, Islam cannot survive as a religion alone. Islam can only survive as a theocracy; i.e., a totalitarian government.

Islam is a political movement because it establishes theocracy by combining government and religion; the exact opposite of what America stands for. Islam’s biggest fear is losing its status as a religion should the First Amendment be applied as it applies to every other Supreme Deity religion. Churches can lose their tax exempt status for preaching politics from the pulpit, yet Islam does just that every time it tries to gain a foothold in America’s judicial system with Shariah law.

Both Islam and Socialism/Communism are theocracies that must destroy individual liberties if they are to survive. Both fly in the face of mankind’s march towards freedom from totalitarian government. Ultimately, Islam must be legally defined as a political movement, while Socialism must be legally defined as a religion. That is the only way to deny both their First Amendment protection.

Notice that America is the only country that provides a tool for reining in theocracy. Stopping theocracy is infinitely more difficult than is simply stopping big government alone. Here’s the reason. Religion and government will always plague mankind. The trick is to limit government and keep religion voluntary. Theocracy does the opposite.

Socialism has been the most destructive of the two theocracy movements to date because Socialists fund their religion with income tax dollars thanks to the XVI Amendment, while petroleum money is responsible for Islam’s resurgence in the past century. Ask yourself: Where would Socialism be today without the tax on income? and where would Islam be today without petro-dollars?​

MAYDAY Is A Distress Signal

NOTE: This country’s first revolutionaries fought for one thing —— INDEPENDENCE. Every other revolutionary before and after the WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE promised change. Every one of them demanded the political power to change this, change that, change everything in sight so they could make the world a better place. In fact, I never heard of a revolution fought for something the people already have.

Interestingly, reversing Communism is called counter-revolutionary? I assume that a successful Communist revolution makes it settled law in Democrat doublespeak.

Finally, Islam has the full support of many federal judges including a few on the Supreme Court irrespective of their oath(s). I am not sure which oath the current Supreme Court justices swore:

The Combined Oath
Upon occasion, appointees to the Supreme Court have taken a combined version of the two oaths, which reads:

"I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States; and that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."​

Text of the Oaths of Office for Supreme Court Justices

Bottom line: Judicial oaths are not worth the effort it takes to say them. Supreme Court justices violate their oath of office every time one of their rulings legislates. No matter. America’s extreme danger is coming from the Congress for refusing to protect and defend against theocracy —— foreign and domestic:

theocracy (noun)
plural theocracies

1. A government ruled by or subject to religious authority.

2. A state so governed.​

Parenthetically, democracy’s advocate are theocrats who can only rule collectively because they lack the courage and wisdom to serve a free people:

theocrat (noun)

1. A ruler of a theocracy.

2. A believer in theocracy.​
I came in for bullet info. What I got: A wall of text bullshit OP based on a false interpretation of "separation of Church and State". :eek:
Islam has the full support of many federal judges
Add the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal’s to the:

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal’s ruling against President Trump’s so-called travel ban empowers both radical Islam and judicial imperialism. The combination portends lasting damage to the United States.​

Sponsored Links by How Sharia Supremacism and Judicial Imperialism Threaten National Security
by Andrew C. McCarthy
May 27, 2017 4:00 AM

How Sharia Supremacism and Judicial Imperialism Threaten National Security
Reduced velocity only guarantees defeat at a slower rate.
He said it better:


Niccolò Machiavelli's_portrait_headcrop.jpg

“There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.”​
I assume that a successful Communist revolution makes it settled law in Democrat doublespeak.
Additions to doublespeak dictionary:


By Linda Goudsmit
June 24, 2017


The latest additions are good, almost on par with 1984 “War is peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

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