Recruiting blues



from: New York Times, Juen 3, 2005

A Department of Defense survey last November, the latest, shows that only 25 percent of parents would recommend military service to their children, down from 42 percent in August 2003.

Told you so! GWB is the best thing Osama has going for him.
The interesting outcome will be that when the US military can no longer get enough manpower through volunteers, the very thing all the activists/pacifists were against in the 60's and 70's ...namely, the draft...will be reinstituted. Or does everyone think the US military will close up shop and all the soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines will just go home and get those great civilian jobs everyone else has?
Well put, CSM...People don't 'get it' that we are a volunteer force because of the luxory; When the volunteers don't volunteer, we'll draft them. Service to our nation is much more important than "I'm just not cut-out for the Military" excuses I hear so often.
Sir Evil said:
Ummm, I can see where many parent would recommend the military during a war! :rolleyes:
It certainly happened in WWII.
-=d=- said:
Well put, CSM...People don't 'get it' that we are a volunteer force because of the luxory; When the volunteers don't volunteer, we'll draft them. Service to our nation is much more important than "I'm just not cut-out for the Military" excuses I hear so often.
Dream on! Not when a majority of Americans think this Iraq fiasco was a mistake. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? I don't think so!
Sir Evil said:
Really it's people like yourself that are the best thing for Osama.
Brilliant! Why don't you stop talking and go over there yourself?
mrsx said:
Dream on! Not when a majority of Americans think this Iraq fiasco was a mistake. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? I don't think so!

Uh? In case you are a retard, I'll spell it out for you:

"If recruiting numbers create a shortage of personnel, the Army will draft your ass."

To be drafted means to be sorta 'forced' into Service to one's nation. Check out if you have any problems understanding. :)

Enjoy your are special!
-=d=- said:
Well put, CSM...People don't 'get it' that we are a volunteer force because of the luxory; When the volunteers don't volunteer, we'll draft them. Service to our nation is much more important than "I'm just not cut-out for the Military" excuses I hear so often.
I'm not fond of the 'I had other priorities' excuses either. :teeth:
mrsx said:
It certainly happened in WWII.
Not sure where you are getting your numbers from:

25% (648,500) of total forces in country were draftees, (66% of armed forces members were drafted during WWII.)
Draftees accounted for 30.4% (17,772) of combat deaths in Vietnam.
Reservists killed: 5,977.
National Guard: 6,140 served; 101 died.
Total draftees (1965 - 1973): 1,728,344.
Actually served in Vietnam: 38%.
Marine Corps draft: 42,633.
Last man drafted: June 30, 1973.
mrsx said:
from: New York Times, Juen 3, 2005

A Department of Defense survey last November, the latest, shows that only 25 percent of parents would recommend military service to their children, down from 42 percent in August 2003.

Told you so! GWB is the best thing Osama has going for him.

to bad your parents didn't read a survey recomending birth control
Sir Evil said:
Ummm, I can see where many parent would recommend the military during a war! :rolleyes:

somehow only 13% of military age Americans are elidgable to join the army... when I went for the physical and all that I saw at least 18 ppl that day be disqualified... one because he used to go to therapy when he was a kid all kinds of stuff.... I just think they're being a bit too anal about letting some ppl in... Back in the day judges would send u in the military if ur in and out of jail all the time... now if you were in jail more than onnce sometimes even once you can't even get in the military...
I almost got disqualified because I have three long reall bad scars on my upper arm from snagging speakers out of a car in a junk yard and because I had an assault charge when I was 14...
When a person who, supposedly lives in this country, celebrates us not haveing the defense to defend them, and their FREE RIGHT to spout craaaaaaaaaaap! :bsflag:
mrsx said:
from: New York Times, Juen 3, 2005

A Department of Defense survey last November, the latest, shows that only 25 percent of parents would recommend military service to their children, down from 42 percent in August 2003.

Told you so! GWB is the best thing Osama has going for him.

Right, because parents normally love putting their kids in the military during a war. Well, by the time people can join the military, it's not up to their parents, is it? Instead, try checking recruiting.
First of all, the military will lower its standards before a draft is instituted. Right now the standards are extremely high to get in. They only want the best and most fit. There is no need of a draft until world situations require the US to build another army like in WW2. The libs want a draft so they have something to protest against. Their anti-military stance doesn't stand up well with an all volunteer force.

If a draft is institued the scared little liberals with run away like they did with Vietnam. Yeah it interrupts your life for a bit but its a price that has to be paid for the rights we have. But you do what you have to do then pick up where you left off and go on from there.

I was a draftee myself. And a combat soldier. I hated being in the army but I felt I had a duty to serve. Most of the guys and gals today like the military and make careers of it. Its a whole different service than it was when I was in. Don't feel sorry for them, be proud of them. They are in Iraq because they have to be and will stay there until their mission is complete. They are also in Aganistan doing the same job against the same enemy. And they will go to the next flashpoint whenever it erupts as well. The libs will whine and wail again.
gaffer said:
First of all, the military will lower its standards before a draft is instituted. Right now the standards are extremely high to get in. They only want the best and most fit. There is no need of a draft until world situations require the US to build another army like in WW2. The libs want a draft so they have something to protest against. Their anti-military stance doesn't stand up well with an all volunteer force.

If a draft is institued the scared little liberals with run away like they did with Vietnam. Yeah it interrupts your life for a bit but its a price that has to be paid for the rights we have. But you do what you have to do then pick up where you left off and go on from there.

I was a draftee myself. And a combat soldier. I hated being in the army but I felt I had a duty to serve. Most of the guys and gals today like the military and make careers of it. Its a whole different service than it was when I was in. Don't feel sorry for them, be proud of them. They are in Iraq because they have to be and will stay there until their mission is complete. They are also in Aganistan doing the same job against the same enemy. And they will go to the next flashpoint whenever it erupts as well. The libs will whine and wail again.

It'all because of people like that fat idiot Michael Moore who ruin the image... You;re right completely... no one who enlisted with me nor I was seeking pity... nor do we want it... Pride and appreciation are all that is wanted or needed... It's because these idiot ppl make this war out to be so immensely vicious, and that all of the soldiers are somehow forced into war and everything... The ignorance promoted by the insufficient role models of this country is sickening... ruins a generation and breeds biased unknowledgable opinions...
-=d=- said:
Uh? In case you are a retard, I'll spell it out for you:

"If recruiting numbers create a shortage of personnel, the Army will draft your ass."

To be drafted means to be sorta 'forced' into Service to one's nation. Check out if you have any problems understanding. :)

Enjoy your are special!
Thanks for spelling it out. The army isn't going to draft anyone until Congress authorizes it and not even the simplest minded blowhard Jesus freak from down in Dogpatch is dumb enough to try that one. Of course, if all the tough talking macho men on this board joined up, there would be no shortage. I'd love to see GWB try it though. It would be the best thing short of his getting caught giving Pat Roberson a blow job in the Oval Office. No, boys, the all-volunteer army is here to stay. They are just going to have to go back to fighting people who won't fight back. Whatever else you can say about the jihadis, the've got guts. That little tea party in al-Anbar province killed 14 of them but we had 7 of our guys killed doing it. A 2-to-1 kill ratio with all our superiority of numbers and equipment tells you something.... and that something is: they are whipping our ass! Read it and weep.
mrsx said:
Thanks for spelling it out. The army isn't going to draft anyone until Congress authorizes it and not even the simplest minded blowhard Jesus freak from down in Dogpatch is dumb enough to try that one. Of course, if all the tough talking macho men on this board joined up, there would be no shortage. I'd love to see GWB try it though. It would be the best thing short of his getting caught giving Pat Roberson a blow job in the Oval Office. No, boys, the all-volunteer army is here to stay. They are just going to have to go back to fighting people who won't fight back. Whatever else you can say about the jihadis, the've got guts. That little tea party in al-Anbar province killed 14 of them but we had 7 of our guys killed doing it. A 2-to-1 kill ratio with all our superiority of numbers and equipment tells you something.... and that something is: they are whipping our ass! Read it and weep.

Freedom of speech is one thing, that kind of talk is sedition in my book. You are one sorry piece of al queda loving shit. You have stepped beyond political disagreement scumbag. Go crawl back under your rock.
gaffer said:
Freedom of speech is one thing, that kind of talk is sedition in my book. You are one sorry piece of al queda loving shit. You have stepped beyond political disagreement scumbag. Go crawl back under your rock.
Your book clearly isn't the dictionary, which defines sedition as "conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state." I'm hardly doing that; merely pointing out that, having lied his way in, GWB is clueless about what he is facing or how to get out of Iraq. It is sanity, not sedition, to recognize the nature of the enemy he has provoked in Baghdad. Remember, my foaming fellow citizen, that Saddam & Co. had nothing to do with al Qaeda - that was just one of the lies the government used to con its citizens into a war that even the Pope called illegal and immoral. It was GWB, not I, who sullied the name of this country and of its armed forces with his lies, torture and war crimes. We are despised around the globe for what he has done, not because of what I have said. As for the Bible-thumping blowhards who cheer others on to death in the squalid sands of Iraq, they are the ones who undermine America with their tin-pot fascism. Get a life, you faux patriot looser - or at least get a dictionary!
mrsx said:
Your book clearly isn't the dictionary, which defines sedition as "conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state." I'm hardly doing that; merely pointing out that, having lied his way in, GWB is clueless about what he is facing or how to get out of Iraq. It is sanity, not sedition, to recognize the nature of the enemy he has provoked in Baghdad. Remember, my foaming fellow citizen, that Saddam & Co. had nothing to do with al Qaeda - that was just one of the lies the government used to con its citizens into a war that even the Pope called illegal and immoral. It was GWB, not I, who sullied the name of this country and of its armed forces with his lies, torture and war crimes. We are despised around the globe for what he has done, not because of what I have said. As for the Bible-thumping blowhards who cheer others on to death in the squalid sands of Iraq, they are the ones who undermine America with their tin-pot fascism. Get a life, you faux patriot looser - or at least get a dictionary!

mrsx said:
Your book clearly isn't the dictionary, which defines sedition as "conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state." I'm hardly doing that; merely pointing out that, having lied his way in, GWB is clueless about what he is facing or how to get out of Iraq. It is sanity, not sedition, to recognize the nature of the enemy he has provoked in Baghdad. Remember, my foaming fellow citizen, that Saddam & Co. had nothing to do with al Qaeda - that was just one of the lies the government used to con its citizens into a war that even the Pope called illegal and immoral. It was GWB, not I, who sullied the name of this country and of its armed forces with his lies, torture and war crimes. We are despised around the globe for what he has done, not because of what I have said. As for the Bible-thumping blowhards who cheer others on to death in the squalid sands of Iraq, they are the ones who undermine America with their tin-pot fascism. Get a life, you faux patriot looser - or at least get a dictionary!

Even your friend has a comment about this.


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