Reasons I like Ted Cruz for POTUS

Mojo2 and his folks need to get on the Christie train or be left at the station and prevented from helping to govern America.

Until Ted is legally or statistically eliminated from contention I am riding the Cruz train.

Ted will be a President for ALL the people, including Christie's voters.

Finally, a sensible statement, but Ted won't make it through IA and NH.

And CC will never make him a VeeP candidate.
Mojo2 and his folks need to get on the Christie train or be left at the station and prevented from helping to govern America.

Until Ted is legally or statistically eliminated from contention I am riding the Cruz train.

Ted will be a President for ALL the people, including Christie's voters.

In the unfortunate event that Cruz is appointed he will be doing it only for himself and no one else!

Ted is a latter day McCarthy.
Mojo2 and his folks need to get on the Christie train or be left at the station and prevented from helping to govern America.

Until Ted is legally or statistically eliminated from contention I am riding the Cruz train.

Ted will be a President for ALL the people, including Christie's voters.

In the unfortunate event that Cruz is appointed he will be doing it only for himself and no one else!

Not true, however the same can be said about Obama et al. The dems shoved a bill through without reading it, forced it on Americans, yet made sure they were exempt. And I'll throw the RINO's in that bunch too. Who is doing what for themselves?
kathy58, stop the hysteria.

The congress is subject to ACA as you are: they cannot exempt themselves.

Please look this up.
Until Ted is legally or statistically eliminated from contention I am riding the Cruz train.

Ted will be a President for ALL the people, including Christie's voters.

In the unfortunate event that Cruz is appointed he will be doing it only for himself and no one else!

Not true, however the same can be said about Obama et al. The dems shoved a bill through without reading it, forced it on Americans, yet made sure they were exempt. And I'll throw the RINO's in that bunch too. Who is doing what for themselves?

Ahh, I love the smell of arrogance in the afternoon...

First off, I can tell that you are reading off of talking points for the RW almost immediately. As you obviously have not read up on the law or the issue surrounding it, Jake is exactly correct. Misinformation and hysteria are the right's favorite it spreads like wildfire and stirs emotions. Even though ACA was created for those with pre-existing conditions, those who are poor or disabled, and those in need of cheaper insurance. Politicians in Congress are not exempt but receive employer-based health coverage, they could sign up if they wanted to and I believe some have.

So again, PLEASE go read the law or fact will help you in the long run.
In the unfortunate event that Cruz is appointed he will be doing it only for himself and no one else!

Not true, however the same can be said about Obama et al. The dems shoved a bill through without reading it, forced it on Americans, yet made sure they were exempt. And I'll throw the RINO's in that bunch too. Who is doing what for themselves?

Ahh, I love the smell of arrogance in the afternoon...

First off, I can tell that you are reading off of talking points for the RW almost immediately. As you obviously have not read up on the law or the issue surrounding it, Jake is exactly correct. Misinformation and hysteria are the right's favorite it spreads like wildfire and stirs emotions. Even though ACA was created for those with pre-existing conditions, those who are poor or disabled, and those in need of cheaper insurance. Politicians in Congress are not exempt but receive employer-based health coverage, they could sign up if they wanted to and I believe some have.

So again, PLEASE go read the law or fact will help you in the long run.

FWIW, I read the first 1300 or so pages before I called it quits. Have you? I doubt very seriously that Congress has, except for Cruz.
The Hypocrisy Of Congress's Gold-Plated Health Care -
Cruz did not read the entire act or even major parts of it.

His only word that he did is his word, and we know what that is worth.

He encouraged the Senate to shut down the government then voted for the measure to bring up the continuing resolution. So he could vote against the bill.

He learned that from John Kerry.
Cruz did not read the entire act or even major parts of it.

His only word that he did is his word, and we know what that is worth.

He encouraged the Senate to shut down the government then voted for the measure to bring up the continuing resolution. So he could vote against the bill.

He learned that from John Kerry.

You have no clue if Cruz read the bill or not. And no comment about the WSJ article? Yep, that's what I thought :cool:
On any given day, Cruz will say whatever he thinks rw's will fall for.

Meet Ted Cruz-Second Amendment Hypocrite - Forbes

And sure nuff ...

But, just like last general, it would be fun to see the rw's turn themselves into pretzels while they try to persuade themselves that this clown could actually function as the leader of the free world.

Get real. This is the same idiot who did a fake filibuster against a bill he was actually in favor of and them voted for.

He's as brain dead as his fans.
Cruz did not read the entire act or even major parts of it.

His only word that he did is his word, and we know what that is worth.

He encouraged the Senate to shut down the government then voted for the measure to bring up the continuing resolution. So he could vote against the bill.

He learned that from John Kerry.

You have no clue if Cruz read the bill or not. And no comment about the WSJ article? Yep, that's what I thought :cool:

Nor do you.

That would be the point. :eusa_hand:
Cruz did not read the entire act or even major parts of it.

His only word that he did is his word, and we know what that is worth.

He encouraged the Senate to shut down the government then voted for the measure to bring up the continuing resolution. So he could vote against the bill.

He learned that from John Kerry.

You have no clue if Cruz read the bill or not. And no comment about the WSJ article? Yep, that's what I thought :cool:

Nor do you.

That would be the point. :eusa_hand:

I would venture that a boy that memorized the Constitution at age 13 would read such an important bill before running for office. Again, no comment about the WSJ article? I just read that Feinstein is backtracking on her support of Obamacare. Funny how dems are running far, far, away from Obamacare as 2014 gets closer.
You have no clue if Cruz read the bill or not. And no comment about the WSJ article? Yep, that's what I thought :cool:

Nor do you.

That would be the point. :eusa_hand:

I would venture that a boy that memorized the Constitution at age 13 would read such an important bill before running for office. Again, no comment about the WSJ article? I just read that Feinstein is backtracking on her support of Obamacare. Funny how dems are running far, far, away from Obamacare as 2014 gets closer.

Again, I don't believe he memorized the constitution when he was 13.

The man lies.

A lot.
Nor do you.

That would be the point. :eusa_hand:

I would venture that a boy that memorized the Constitution at age 13 would read such an important bill before running for office. Again, no comment about the WSJ article? I just read that Feinstein is backtracking on her support of Obamacare. Funny how dems are running far, far, away from Obamacare as 2014 gets closer.

Again, I don't believe he memorized the constitution when he was 13.

The man lies.

A lot.

Obama lies. Cruz tells it like it is.

It is plain Washington establishment fears "Ted Cruz " ? The Constitutional Conservatives.
Until Ted is legally or statistically eliminated from contention I am riding the Cruz train.

Ted will be a President for ALL the people, including Christie's voters.

In the unfortunate event that Cruz is appointed he will be doing it only for himself and no one else!

Not true, however the same can be said about Obama et al. The dems shoved a bill through without reading it, forced it on Americans, yet made sure they were exempt. And I'll throw the RINO's in that bunch too. Who is doing what for themselves?

Republicans not only wrote the original ACA bill but they have had almost 2 decades to read it thoroughly and they had over 100 amendments added to it so your fallacious claim that it was never read is utter nonsense.
In the unfortunate event that Cruz is appointed he will be doing it only for himself and no one else!

Not true, however the same can be said about Obama et al. The dems shoved a bill through without reading it, forced it on Americans, yet made sure they were exempt. And I'll throw the RINO's in that bunch too. Who is doing what for themselves?

Republicans not only wrote the original ACA bill but they have had almost 2 decades to read it thoroughly and they had over 100 amendments added to it so your fallacious claim that it was never read is utter nonsense.

Liar Alert! Liar Alert!:eusa_liar: What the Rs wrote was not close to being the same!

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