Really? This is our Guy to Stand Up to Putin? What a Joke...that's no pun

Why didn't any reporter ask Biden why he gave Putin a list of our most critical sites? Biden identified our 16 most sensitive infrastructure sites, energy, water, defense. Why would he do that?

How many of Hunter Biden's blow art papers did Russians buy at half a million dollars each?

To tell Putin that if he touches that sht there will be serious blowback...DUH?

Or maybe you think Russia can't really figure out which infrustructure is important to us and so they need Biden's help? :slap:
Why didn't any reporter ask Biden why he gave Putin a list of our most critical sites? Biden identified our 16 most sensitive infrastructure sites, energy, water, defense. Why would he do that?

How many of Hunter Biden's blow art papers did Russians buy at half a million dollars each?

To tell Putin that if he touches that sht there will be serious blowback...DUH?

Or maybe you think Russia can't really figure out which infrustructure is important to us and so they need Biden's help? :slap:
Oh please anyone can see through this don't touch it ruse. You don't give a stranger your bank account information and tell them not to use it.
Weakest President since Carter. Unreal. This is what stolen elections get you.

Obviously someone fell into amnesia at some point in the last 4 years.

You people call Trump a liar all of the time. I think Trump has a tendency to stretch the truth....especially when he knows telling the truth will damage an ongoing negotiation.
I'm sure he knows Putin is untrustworthy in practice. He wants to give him the benefit of the doubt in public....but he knows that Putin is dishonest. Maybe not as dishonest as Biden....but dishonest when it comes to sticking to agreements.


Show me a SINGLE TIME, before or after Trump's negotiating that he said a single bad thing about Putin.

You can take your certainties and wipe with them, anyone half way objective saw clearly how Trump bent over backwards to defend Putin and his regime.
Ask yourself why Trump has to say anything bad

Are you fucking kidding me? Trump ran his mouth all day long about EVERYONE, from Chinese to our close Allies and his own Party members. Whatever happened to the supposed artful dealing there?

You excusing Trump for his cowering before Putin is both laughable and pathetic. What a tool.
I think you're really confused.
Maybe you need to get your facts right before you spew your media induced psychotic minutia.
Trump never cowered before Putin......nor did he bow over and kiss his hand. Course Trump also knows that you don't insult someone to their face if you want to reach agreements with them. This is called diplomacy. Look it up. Also ref. The Art Of War - Sun Tzu.

“Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.” – Sun Tzu

At the very least Trump had the guts to show up at a presser on the same stage without pissing his pants. Biden can't say the same. He didn't feel confident enough to occupy the same stage with him. Remarkably Trump didn't supply Putin with a list of areas to Biden did yesterday.

Last edited:
After the disgraceful, humiliating Helsinki Orange Bend-Over, Biden is a breath of fresh air.

And the relief continues to wash over me.

Are you vaccinated?

Thank you for taking The TRUMP VACCINE as directed by your POTUS Trump.

Now go get your fucken shine box and get back to work
View attachment 502382
View attachment 502384
So what, he met everyone. Now... let's have a proper investigation into Trumpolini's sex crimes...

Your TDS / Trump OCD is flaring up.

Seek help.
I think he has worse issues that TDS.
1) No Stolen Election
2) No Secret meetings with Putin
3) As usual, you have NO CLUE
We've placed in the WH some grumpy old man that is the guy that tells kids to get off his lawn.
When a reporter asks the president a question the proper response isn't "If you don't know're in the wrong business!!"

Yea, the last guy was way more personable, wasn't he?

Do you ever listen to yourself before you hit ENTER?
I remember Trump's press conferences and his answering every question from reporters. For awhile he was acting press secretary when Sarah Huckabee-Sanders was leaving. He took every nasty question they threw at him.

You see I can remember what really happened....I didn't get everything from CNN and MSNBC....that hated everything Trump stood for. I'm going from how Trump acted......not how shitty the press thinks about the way he acted. I don't watch CNN or MSNBC anymore because I got tired of their biased coverage....and their nasty commentary on the president.
I remember Trump's press conferences and his pontificating about how wonderful and intelligent he was and all the things he didn't do or did do without considering the unintended consequences. I remember him personally insulting and interrupting reporters whose questions he didn't like or just walking out of the press conference when he didn't like the question. His press conferences were worthless. Which press conferences were you watching?
I remember Trump insulting obnoxious reporters that Trump knew personally. They were being obnoxious to him and he put them in their place. Obama did that all of the time. Must I show you examples?
No, Trump insulted reporters that he didn't know personally. Obama and Reagan are class acts who knew how to criticize the press. Trump is just a con who wants attention.
Reagan and Obama never had to deal with the type of journalists that Trump has had to deal with. Jim Acosta got his reputation from being an insufferable prick to the president. Many of these assholes called Trump a liar to his outright breach of professional etiquette.
Breach, my ass. Trump is not a president, and he is a grifter. When he attacks journalists or lies incessantly, he exposes himself to questions that he doesn't want to answer, becomes aggressive
which plays to your ilk.
Weakest President since Carter. Unreal. This is what stolen elections get you.

Obviously someone fell into amnesia at some point in the last 4 years.

You people call Trump a liar all of the time. I think Trump has a tendency to stretch the truth....especially when he knows telling the truth will damage an ongoing negotiation.
I'm sure he knows Putin is untrustworthy in practice. He wants to give him the benefit of the doubt in public....but he knows that Putin is dishonest. Maybe not as dishonest as Biden....but dishonest when it comes to sticking to agreements.


Show me a SINGLE TIME, before or after Trump's negotiating that he said a single bad thing about Putin.

You can take your certainties and wipe with them, anyone half way objective saw clearly how Trump bent over backwards to defend Putin and his regime.
Ask yourself why Trump has to say anything bad

Are you fucking kidding me? Trump ran his mouth all day long about EVERYONE, from Chinese to our close Allies and his own Party members. Whatever happened to the supposed artful dealing there?

You excusing Trump for his cowering before Putin is both laughable and pathetic. What a tool.
I think you're really confused.
Maybe you need to get your facts right before you spew your media induced psychotic minutia.
Trump never cowered before Putin......nor did he bow over and kiss his hand. Course Trump also knows that you don't insult someone to their face if you want to reach agreements with them. This is called diplomacy. Look it up. Also ref. The Art Of War - Sun Tzu.

“Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.” – Sun Tzu

At the very least Trump had the guts to show up at a presser on the same stage without pissing his pants. Biden can't say the same. He didn't feel confident enough to occupy the same stage with him. Remarkably Trump didn't supply Putin with a list of areas to Biden did yesterday.

Trump knows nothing about diplomacy. He functions with threats and "locked and loaded" rhetoric.
He treated Putin like they were buds and accepted Russia's explanations rather than his own intelligence community. He treated our allies like shit and they are happy to see him go bye-bye.
1) No Stolen Election
2) No Secret meetings with Putin
3) As usual, you have NO CLUE
We've placed in the WH some grumpy old man that is the guy that tells kids to get off his lawn.
When a reporter asks the president a question the proper response isn't "If you don't know're in the wrong business!!"

Yea, the last guy was way more personable, wasn't he?

Do you ever listen to yourself before you hit ENTER?
I remember Trump's press conferences and his answering every question from reporters. For awhile he was acting press secretary when Sarah Huckabee-Sanders was leaving. He took every nasty question they threw at him.

You see I can remember what really happened....I didn't get everything from CNN and MSNBC....that hated everything Trump stood for. I'm going from how Trump acted......not how shitty the press thinks about the way he acted. I don't watch CNN or MSNBC anymore because I got tired of their biased coverage....and their nasty commentary on the president.
I remember Trump's press conferences and his pontificating about how wonderful and intelligent he was and all the things he didn't do or did do without considering the unintended consequences. I remember him personally insulting and interrupting reporters whose questions he didn't like or just walking out of the press conference when he didn't like the question. His press conferences were worthless. Which press conferences were you watching?
I remember Trump insulting obnoxious reporters that Trump knew personally. They were being obnoxious to him and he put them in their place. Obama did that all of the time. Must I show you examples?
No, Trump insulted reporters that he didn't know personally. Obama and Reagan are class acts who knew how to criticize the press. Trump is just a con who wants attention.
Reagan and Obama never had to deal with the type of journalists that Trump has had to deal with. Jim Acosta got his reputation from being an insufferable prick to the president. Many of these assholes called Trump a liar to his outright breach of professional etiquette.
Breach, my ass. Trump is not a president, and he is a grifter. When he attacks journalists or lies incessantly, he exposes himself to questions that he doesn't want to answer, becomes aggressive
which plays to your ilk.
That's your opinion.....but then again you aren't a fair arbiter of the truth anyway.

We can all agree that Trump's relationship with the media is strained at best. But then again....when the media is actually cheerleaders for Democrats.....and their primary job was to trip Trump up....I don't think he had much of a choice at times then to become confrontational with them. Most of the time they asked him leading questions designed to get a specific response or acted disrespectful to him. Trump probably should have just told them no comment....but he had to learn the hard way that the media couldn't be trusted. They weren't fair & balanced by any stretch....and that was the primary cause of it. Trump was used to running a company.....not dealing with people who were snakes in the grass. He could always fire those types. Things are different for a president.

Trump handled the press much better than Joe Biden. Yesterday Biden couldn't have acted worse. Even with a fawning press Biden got really nasty yesterday from a valid question. There is no excuse for what he did. Then he had to apologize later.

CNN and MSNBC wanted to destroy Trump.
Now why would they want to do that?

Because they work for the Democrat Party.

I don't think any of their reporting was fair....and it usually was misleading....if not downright dishonest. The only part of Trump that they showed us was the dust-ups with the press....never the good moments.

Last edited:
Weakest President since Carter. Unreal. This is what stolen elections get you.

Colbert's pretty funny.

Carter was ahead of his time. He championed energy independence and wanted to decriminalize pot. The oil industry and big capitalist have been demonizing him ever since. He reversed his policy of detente and laid the groundwork for the next 40 years of military interventionism in the ME by the US with the 'Carter Doctrine'.
Weakest President since Carter. Unreal. This is what stolen elections get you.

Obviously someone fell into amnesia at some point in the last 4 years.

You people call Trump a liar all of the time. I think Trump has a tendency to stretch the truth....especially when he knows telling the truth will damage an ongoing negotiation.
I'm sure he knows Putin is untrustworthy in practice. He wants to give him the benefit of the doubt in public....but he knows that Putin is dishonest. Maybe not as dishonest as Biden....but dishonest when it comes to sticking to agreements.


Show me a SINGLE TIME, before or after Trump's negotiating that he said a single bad thing about Putin.

You can take your certainties and wipe with them, anyone half way objective saw clearly how Trump bent over backwards to defend Putin and his regime.
Ask yourself why Trump has to say anything bad

Are you fucking kidding me? Trump ran his mouth all day long about EVERYONE, from Chinese to our close Allies and his own Party members. Whatever happened to the supposed artful dealing there?

You excusing Trump for his cowering before Putin is both laughable and pathetic. What a tool.
I think you're really confused.
Maybe you need to get your facts right before you spew your media induced psychotic minutia.
Trump never cowered before Putin......nor did he bow over and kiss his hand. Course Trump also knows that you don't insult someone to their face if you want to reach agreements with them. This is called diplomacy. Look it up. Also ref. The Art Of War - Sun Tzu.

“Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.” – Sun Tzu

At the very least Trump had the guts to show up at a presser on the same stage without pissing his pants. Biden can't say the same. He didn't feel confident enough to occupy the same stage with him. Remarkably Trump didn't supply Putin with a list of areas to Biden did yesterday.

Trump knows nothing about diplomacy. He functions with threats and "locked and loaded" rhetoric.
He treated Putin like they were buds and accepted Russia's explanations rather than his own intelligence community. He treated our allies like shit and they are happy to see him go bye-bye.

You're obviously mistaken....and extremely biased.
He was standing next to him. He didn't want to have to call the guy a liar while he was standing there.
Is that a problem for you.....because if it is....then you clearly know nothing about diplomacy.
After the disgraceful, humiliating Helsinki Orange Bend-Over, Biden is a breath of fresh air.

And the relief continues to wash over me.

You need psychiatric care.
I would argue that Trump's embodiment of poisonous, pompous, divisive, erratic, narcissistic
behavior over the last 4 years has created a toxic environment in our country that has resulted in everyday violence and shootings, threats against elected government officials and employees,
the grand finale being the insurrection of Jan 6 in which 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured.
Hate groups that grew in size during the past 4 years, supported by Trump since they voted for him, has lead to illegal, violent activity also supported by Trump due to his refusal to stifle them.
Now, Trump is attempting to destroy our democracy with his phony election fraud accusations and
the trumpaciles are being conned once again by a very experienced con-man. Stupid does what stupid says.
Does your nose itch?
Or is it just sore all of the time?
Nothing to do with noses. Too bad that you can't see what is right in front of you. If you did your homework on this guy and his past life, you would see him for what he is- a grifter and a cunning one.
I did my homework. Trump didn't become the Devil till he started running as a Republican. Before then....he was friends with alot of his critics.

And this has everything to do with that ring in your nose that the media likes jerking every time they want you to notice something or ignore something.
All You and I have to do is to watch Trump in action. don't need media coverage.

Weakest President since Carter. Unreal. This is what stolen elections get you.

Obviously someone fell into amnesia at some point in the last 4 years.

You people call Trump a liar all of the time. I think Trump has a tendency to stretch the truth....especially when he knows telling the truth will damage an ongoing negotiation.
I'm sure he knows Putin is untrustworthy in practice. He wants to give him the benefit of the doubt in public....but he knows that Putin is dishonest. Maybe not as dishonest as Biden....but dishonest when it comes to sticking to agreements.


Show me a SINGLE TIME, before or after Trump's negotiating that he said a single bad thing about Putin.

You can take your certainties and wipe with them, anyone half way objective saw clearly how Trump bent over backwards to defend Putin and his regime.
Ask yourself why Trump has to say anything bad

Are you fucking kidding me? Trump ran his mouth all day long about EVERYONE, from Chinese to our close Allies and his own Party members. Whatever happened to the supposed artful dealing there?

You excusing Trump for his cowering before Putin is both laughable and pathetic. What a tool.
I think you're really confused.
Maybe you need to get your facts right before you spew your media induced psychotic minutia.
Trump never cowered before Putin......nor did he bow over and kiss his hand. Course Trump also knows that you don't insult someone to their face if you want to reach agreements with them. This is called diplomacy. Look it up. Also ref. The Art Of War - Sun Tzu.

“Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.” – Sun Tzu

At the very least Trump had the guts to show up at a presser on the same stage without pissing his pants. Biden can't say the same. He didn't feel confident enough to occupy the same stage with him. Remarkably Trump didn't supply Putin with a list of areas to Biden did yesterday.

Trump knows nothing about diplomacy. He functions with threats and "locked and loaded" rhetoric.
He treated Putin like they were buds and accepted Russia's explanations rather than his own intelligence community. He treated our allies like shit and they are happy to see him go bye-bye.

You're obviously mistaken....and extremely biased.
He was standing next to him. He didn't want to have to call the guy a liar while he was standing there.
Is that a problem for you.....because if it is....then you clearly know nothing about diplomacy.

Trump knows nothing about diplomacy and is full of bullshit and bluster. That is his and your idea of diplomacy. He could have called Putin a liar at any time but sided with him instead. Putin has something on Trump and that is the only explanation other than Trump's lack of mental capacity.
Why didn't any reporter ask Biden why he gave Putin a list of our most critical sites? Biden identified our 16 most sensitive infrastructure sites, energy, water, defense. Why would he do that?

How many of Hunter Biden's blow art papers did Russians buy at half a million dollars each?
Every country has those same problems so it is no secret if Biden did that. Trump did much worse--
talking to world leaders on an unsecured phone, giving away info on Israeli spies, having Russias' chief spy at the White House, etc.
After the disgraceful, humiliating Helsinki Orange Bend-Over, Biden is a breath of fresh air.

And the relief continues to wash over me.

You need psychiatric care.
I would argue that Trump's embodiment of poisonous, pompous, divisive, erratic, narcissistic
behavior over the last 4 years has created a toxic environment in our country that has resulted in everyday violence and shootings, threats against elected government officials and employees,
the grand finale being the insurrection of Jan 6 in which 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured.
Hate groups that grew in size during the past 4 years, supported by Trump since they voted for him, has lead to illegal, violent activity also supported by Trump due to his refusal to stifle them.
Now, Trump is attempting to destroy our democracy with his phony election fraud accusations and
the trumpaciles are being conned once again by a very experienced con-man. Stupid does what stupid says.
Does your nose itch?
Or is it just sore all of the time?
Nothing to do with noses. Too bad that you can't see what is right in front of you. If you did your homework on this guy and his past life, you would see him for what he is- a grifter and a cunning one.
I did my homework. Trump didn't become the Devil till he started running as a Republican. Before then....he was friends with alot of his critics.

And this has everything to do with that ring in your nose that the media likes jerking every time they want you to notice something or ignore something.
All You and I have to do is to watch Trump in action. don't need media coverage.

Weakest President since Carter. Unreal. This is what stolen elections get you.

Obviously someone fell into amnesia at some point in the last 4 years.

You people call Trump a liar all of the time. I think Trump has a tendency to stretch the truth....especially when he knows telling the truth will damage an ongoing negotiation.
I'm sure he knows Putin is untrustworthy in practice. He wants to give him the benefit of the doubt in public....but he knows that Putin is dishonest. Maybe not as dishonest as Biden....but dishonest when it comes to sticking to agreements.


Show me a SINGLE TIME, before or after Trump's negotiating that he said a single bad thing about Putin.

You can take your certainties and wipe with them, anyone half way objective saw clearly how Trump bent over backwards to defend Putin and his regime.
Ask yourself why Trump has to say anything bad

Are you fucking kidding me? Trump ran his mouth all day long about EVERYONE, from Chinese to our close Allies and his own Party members. Whatever happened to the supposed artful dealing there?

You excusing Trump for his cowering before Putin is both laughable and pathetic. What a tool.
I think you're really confused.
Maybe you need to get your facts right before you spew your media induced psychotic minutia.
Trump never cowered before Putin......nor did he bow over and kiss his hand. Course Trump also knows that you don't insult someone to their face if you want to reach agreements with them. This is called diplomacy. Look it up. Also ref. The Art Of War - Sun Tzu.

“Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.” – Sun Tzu

At the very least Trump had the guts to show up at a presser on the same stage without pissing his pants. Biden can't say the same. He didn't feel confident enough to occupy the same stage with him. Remarkably Trump didn't supply Putin with a list of areas to Biden did yesterday.

Trump knows nothing about diplomacy. He functions with threats and "locked and loaded" rhetoric.
He treated Putin like they were buds and accepted Russia's explanations rather than his own intelligence community. He treated our allies like shit and they are happy to see him go bye-bye.

You're obviously mistaken....and extremely biased.
He was standing next to him. He didn't want to have to call the guy a liar while he was standing there.
Is that a problem for you.....because if it is....then you clearly know nothing about diplomacy.

Trump knows nothing about diplomacy and is full of bullshit and bluster. That is his and your idea of diplomacy. He could have called Putin a liar at any time but sided with him instead. Putin has something on Trump and that is the only explanation other than Trump's lack of mental capacity.

The world knew he was a clown and treated him like one.

Now they know we're serious and stable again. Phew.
Weakest President since Carter. Unreal. This is what stolen elections get you.

Trump gave Putin a blow job behind closed doors in Helsinki before coming out to the podium and saying in a WEAK weanie voice that there's no reason to believe it was Russia (behind election meddling). That's just ONE of the reasons he got his ass kicked last November. I could list another thousand but it's time for me to inject more bleach into my arm so I won't get COVID.

(You're such a fucking idiot.)
After the disgraceful, humiliating Helsinki Orange Bend-Over, Biden is a breath of fresh air.

And the relief continues to wash over me.

You need psychiatric care.
I would argue that Trump's embodiment of poisonous, pompous, divisive, erratic, narcissistic
behavior over the last 4 years has created a toxic environment in our country that has resulted in everyday violence and shootings, threats against elected government officials and employees,
the grand finale being the insurrection of Jan 6 in which 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured.
Hate groups that grew in size during the past 4 years, supported by Trump since they voted for him, has lead to illegal, violent activity also supported by Trump due to his refusal to stifle them.
Now, Trump is attempting to destroy our democracy with his phony election fraud accusations and
the trumpaciles are being conned once again by a very experienced con-man. Stupid does what stupid says.
All that live in blue areas know full well what stupid is. And it is dangerous with it.
After the disgraceful, humiliating Helsinki Orange Bend-Over, Biden is a breath of fresh air.

And the relief continues to wash over me.

You need psychiatric care.
I would argue that Trump's embodiment of poisonous, pompous, divisive, erratic, narcissistic
behavior over the last 4 years has created a toxic environment in our country that has resulted in everyday violence and shootings, threats against elected government officials and employees,
the grand finale being the insurrection of Jan 6 in which 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured.
Hate groups that grew in size during the past 4 years, supported by Trump since they voted for him, has lead to illegal, violent activity also supported by Trump due to his refusal to stifle them.
Now, Trump is attempting to destroy our democracy with his phony election fraud accusations and
the trumpaciles are being conned once again by a very experienced con-man. Stupid does what stupid says.
Does your nose itch?
Or is it just sore all of the time?
Nothing to do with noses. Too bad that you can't see what is right in front of you. If you did your homework on this guy and his past life, you would see him for what he is- a grifter and a cunning one.
I did my homework. Trump didn't become the Devil till he started running as a Republican. Before then....he was friends with alot of his critics.

And this has everything to do with that ring in your nose that the media likes jerking every time they want you to notice something or ignore something.
All You and I have to do is to watch Trump in action. don't need media coverage.

Weakest President since Carter. Unreal. This is what stolen elections get you.

Obviously someone fell into amnesia at some point in the last 4 years.

You people call Trump a liar all of the time. I think Trump has a tendency to stretch the truth....especially when he knows telling the truth will damage an ongoing negotiation.
I'm sure he knows Putin is untrustworthy in practice. He wants to give him the benefit of the doubt in public....but he knows that Putin is dishonest. Maybe not as dishonest as Biden....but dishonest when it comes to sticking to agreements.


Show me a SINGLE TIME, before or after Trump's negotiating that he said a single bad thing about Putin.

You can take your certainties and wipe with them, anyone half way objective saw clearly how Trump bent over backwards to defend Putin and his regime.
Ask yourself why Trump has to say anything bad

Are you fucking kidding me? Trump ran his mouth all day long about EVERYONE, from Chinese to our close Allies and his own Party members. Whatever happened to the supposed artful dealing there?

You excusing Trump for his cowering before Putin is both laughable and pathetic. What a tool.
I think you're really confused.
Maybe you need to get your facts right before you spew your media induced psychotic minutia.
Trump never cowered before Putin......nor did he bow over and kiss his hand. Course Trump also knows that you don't insult someone to their face if you want to reach agreements with them. This is called diplomacy. Look it up. Also ref. The Art Of War - Sun Tzu.

“Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.” – Sun Tzu

At the very least Trump had the guts to show up at a presser on the same stage without pissing his pants. Biden can't say the same. He didn't feel confident enough to occupy the same stage with him. Remarkably Trump didn't supply Putin with a list of areas to Biden did yesterday.

Trump knows nothing about diplomacy. He functions with threats and "locked and loaded" rhetoric.
He treated Putin like they were buds and accepted Russia's explanations rather than his own intelligence community. He treated our allies like shit and they are happy to see him go bye-bye.

You're obviously mistaken....and extremely biased.
He was standing next to him. He didn't want to have to call the guy a liar while he was standing there.
Is that a problem for you.....because if it is....then you clearly know nothing about diplomacy.

Trump knows nothing about diplomacy and is full of bullshit and bluster. That is his and your idea of diplomacy. He could have called Putin a liar at any time but sided with him instead. Putin has something on Trump and that is the only explanation other than Trump's lack of mental capacity.

Sorry....but you're just Trolling.
First of all....they shouldn't have put Trump on the spot by making him have to butter up the prick standing next to him. No answer would have been correct considering the loaded question they threw at him. Either he treats him nice....or he cusses him out. It's a no-win situation....BY DESIGN.

Biden's baby-sitters knew this....and refused to let him stand next to Putin.....which turned out to be a major blunder.
Weakest President since Carter. Unreal. This is what stolen elections get you.

Trump gave Putin a blow job behind closed doors in Helsinki before coming out to the podium and saying in a WEAK weanie voice that there's no reason to believe it was Russia (behind election meddling). That's just ONE of the reasons he got his ass kicked last November. I could list another thousand but it's time for me to inject more bleach into my arm so I won't get COVID.

(You're such a fucking idiot.)
Pack of lies.

Nothing to see here.
Why didn't any reporter ask Biden why he gave Putin a list of our most critical sites? Biden identified our 16 most sensitive infrastructure sites, energy, water, defense. Why would he do that?

How many of Hunter Biden's blow art papers did Russians buy at half a million dollars each?
Every country has those same problems so it is no secret if Biden did that. Trump did much worse--
talking to world leaders on an unsecured phone, giving away info on Israeli spies, having Russias' chief spy at the White House, etc. mean the times that Obama gave away national secrets preventing an Israeli attack on our enemies?

Actually....Trump didn't talk on an unsecured phone.
You can thank LtCol Vindman for spying on the president to help the Democrats.

Frankly I would have shot the pasty-faced little shit.
After the disgraceful, humiliating Helsinki Orange Bend-Over, Biden is a breath of fresh air.

And the relief continues to wash over me.

You need psychiatric care.
I would argue that Trump's embodiment of poisonous, pompous, divisive, erratic, narcissistic
behavior over the last 4 years has created a toxic environment in our country that has resulted in everyday violence and shootings, threats against elected government officials and employees,
the grand finale being the insurrection of Jan 6 in which 6 people were killed and 130 police officers were injured.
Hate groups that grew in size during the past 4 years, supported by Trump since they voted for him, has lead to illegal, violent activity also supported by Trump due to his refusal to stifle them.
Now, Trump is attempting to destroy our democracy with his phony election fraud accusations and
the trumpaciles are being conned once again by a very experienced con-man. Stupid does what stupid says.
Does your nose itch?
Or is it just sore all of the time?
Nothing to do with noses. Too bad that you can't see what is right in front of you. If you did your homework on this guy and his past life, you would see him for what he is- a grifter and a cunning one.
I did my homework. Trump didn't become the Devil till he started running as a Republican. Before then....he was friends with alot of his critics.

And this has everything to do with that ring in your nose that the media likes jerking every time they want you to notice something or ignore something.
All You and I have to do is to watch Trump in action. don't need media coverage.

Weakest President since Carter. Unreal. This is what stolen elections get you.

Obviously someone fell into amnesia at some point in the last 4 years.

You people call Trump a liar all of the time. I think Trump has a tendency to stretch the truth....especially when he knows telling the truth will damage an ongoing negotiation.
I'm sure he knows Putin is untrustworthy in practice. He wants to give him the benefit of the doubt in public....but he knows that Putin is dishonest. Maybe not as dishonest as Biden....but dishonest when it comes to sticking to agreements.


Show me a SINGLE TIME, before or after Trump's negotiating that he said a single bad thing about Putin.

You can take your certainties and wipe with them, anyone half way objective saw clearly how Trump bent over backwards to defend Putin and his regime.
Ask yourself why Trump has to say anything bad

Are you fucking kidding me? Trump ran his mouth all day long about EVERYONE, from Chinese to our close Allies and his own Party members. Whatever happened to the supposed artful dealing there?

You excusing Trump for his cowering before Putin is both laughable and pathetic. What a tool.
I think you're really confused.
Maybe you need to get your facts right before you spew your media induced psychotic minutia.
Trump never cowered before Putin......nor did he bow over and kiss his hand. Course Trump also knows that you don't insult someone to their face if you want to reach agreements with them. This is called diplomacy. Look it up. Also ref. The Art Of War - Sun Tzu.

“Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.” – Sun Tzu

At the very least Trump had the guts to show up at a presser on the same stage without pissing his pants. Biden can't say the same. He didn't feel confident enough to occupy the same stage with him. Remarkably Trump didn't supply Putin with a list of areas to Biden did yesterday.

Trump knows nothing about diplomacy. He functions with threats and "locked and loaded" rhetoric.
He treated Putin like they were buds and accepted Russia's explanations rather than his own intelligence community. He treated our allies like shit and they are happy to see him go bye-bye.

You're obviously mistaken....and extremely biased.
He was standing next to him. He didn't want to have to call the guy a liar while he was standing there.
Is that a problem for you.....because if it is....then you clearly know nothing about diplomacy.

Trump knows nothing about diplomacy and is full of bullshit and bluster. That is his and your idea of diplomacy. He could have called Putin a liar at any time but sided with him instead. Putin has something on Trump and that is the only explanation other than Trump's lack of mental capacity.

Sorry....but you're just Trolling.
First of all....they shouldn't have put Trump on the spot by making him have to butter up the prick standing next to him. No answer would have been correct considering the loaded question they threw at him. Either he treats him nice....or he cusses him out. It's a no-win situation....BY DESIGN.

Biden's baby-sitters knew this....and refused to let him stand next to Putin.....which turned out to be a major blunder.

Trump not only stood next to him, but he arranged a very private meeting without any aides present
and continued his support for Putin over his own intelligence and still does.
Why didn't any reporter ask Biden why he gave Putin a list of our most critical sites? Biden identified our 16 most sensitive infrastructure sites, energy, water, defense. Why would he do that?

How many of Hunter Biden's blow art papers did Russians buy at half a million dollars each?
Every country has those same problems so it is no secret if Biden did that. Trump did much worse--
talking to world leaders on an unsecured phone, giving away info on Israeli spies, having Russias' chief spy at the White House, etc. mean the times that Obama gave away national secrets preventing an Israeli attack on our enemies?

Actually....Trump didn't talk on an unsecured phone.
You can thank LtCol Vindman for spying on the president to help the Democrats.

Frankly I would have shot the pasty-faced little shit.
The truth hurts, don't it? Vindman did not "spy" on Trump as he is an expert on Ukraine and was privy to Trump's nefarious dealings there. I guess that it is better for your career if you are not an honorable person to work with Trump and the verification is all the incompetent losers in Trump's inner sphere.
Why didn't any reporter ask Biden why he gave Putin a list of our most critical sites? Biden identified our 16 most sensitive infrastructure sites, energy, water, defense. Why would he do that?

How many of Hunter Biden's blow art papers did Russians buy at half a million dollars each?
Every country has those same problems so it is no secret if Biden did that. Trump did much worse--
talking to world leaders on an unsecured phone, giving away info on Israeli spies, having Russias' chief spy at the White House, etc. mean the times that Obama gave away national secrets preventing an Israeli attack on our enemies?

Actually....Trump didn't talk on an unsecured phone.
You can thank LtCol Vindman for spying on the president to help the Democrats.

Frankly I would have shot the pasty-faced little shit.
The truth hurts, don't it? Vindman did not "spy" on Trump as he is an expert on Ukraine and was privy to Trump's nefarious dealings there. I guess that it is better for your career if you are not an honorable person to work with Trump and the verification is all the incompetent losers in Trump's inner sphere.
Lt Col Vindman was a spy working for the Democrats.
When I was in the Army his job was under my first MOS classification as a 36L. One of my job assignments would have been the White House Communications Office.
He committed the ultimate sin.....going public with private conversations of the president.
He should have been put in prison....but I think what he did was agree to testify against the president to keep from going to prison. In most other countries he would have either been shot or put in prison. I would have had him breaking rocks at Leavenworth.

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