Reality (Max)


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
HBO Max is now just Max.

Reality is a re-enactment of the FBI interrogation of Reality Winner at her home the day she was arrested.

Reality Winner leaked a Top Secret NSA document which detailed Russia's attempts to hack the 2016 election. She sent the document to The Intercept. The Intercept did a shit job of protecting her anonymity as the source and this led to Reality's arrest.

Reality was pissed the government had proof Russia had hacked the election and would not release that proof. She was tired of seeing Fox News denying Russia had interfered and she couldn't take it any more.

The Max movie follows the transcript of her interrogation word for word, sound for sound, cough for cough. If you want to follow along, you can read the actual FBI transcript of her home interrogation here: DocumentCloud

When there are redacted parts of the interview, the movie distorts the video.

Interspersed through the movie are shots of the real Reality Winner.

I found it interesting Reality did not ask for a lawyer and how easily she ended up confessing.

Also, both FBI agents who interviewed were white, but they make one of them black in the movie.

Reality Winner was prosecuted under the Espionage Act and was sentenced to 63 months in prison.

You two are kindred spirits.
I read a story about her, they put her through hell, that's for sure. Glad she is out of jail and trying to rebuild her life, she is a bodybuilder and personal trainer now.
I watched the movie.

It is good that they caught Reality. She deserves her sentence.

However, during the movie I was disliking the FBI assholes knowing how they are sleazy dickheads nowadays and some other times in the past like Ruby Ridge and Waco.

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