
][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Liberals in America are rushinbg head long into this type of system while eroupe is tring to rid itself of that system

You might want to get a less biased 'source'. Nigel is a representative of the UK Independence Party. They're anti the EU so they're hardly gonna be high fiving the current mess. I seriously doubt that the EU as a union is finished.
You might want to get a less biased 'source'. Nigel is a representative of the UK Independence Party. They're anti the EU so they're hardly gonna be high fiving the current mess. I seriously doubt that the EU as a union is finished.

True I started to say I doubt it, but what the heck I like watching those socialist scrum. Some even looked like they just swallowed a whole lemon.:lol:
Got news for you...the USA is finished, too.

It will continue to call itself the USA of course, but esstentially we are now a captive of a shadowy international corporate cabal (probably lead by the Banksters).

Ask yourself this question...

How is it that every nation on earth that was doing so well, nations that have no been destroyed by war or natural disaster, SUDDENLY are ALL BROKE.

Does that really make sense?

Everything works, but nothing works.

CAn you not sense that these economic disasters are MANIPILATED?

EVerything works but SUDDENLY there's no money?

Where the fuck did it go?

And, if you really want your head to explode?

Where did these Banksters get the money to lend to every government on earth?

Did they make it selling lemonade?

What did the BANSTERS do originally to get all this money that we reported borrowed from them?
Got news for you...the USA is finished, too.

It will continue to call itself the USA of course, but esstentially we are now a captive of a shadowy international corporate cabal (probably lead by the Banksters).

Ask yourself this question...

How is it that every nation on earth that was doing so well, nations that have no been destroyed by war or natural disaster, SUDDENLY are ALL BROKE.

Does that really make sense?

Everything works, but nothing works.

CAn you not sense that these economic disasters are MANIPILATED?

EVerything works but SUDDENLY there's no money?

Where the fuck did it go?

And, if you really want your head to explode?

Where did these Banksters get the money to lend to every government on earth?

Did they make it selling lemonade?

What did the BANSTERS do originally to get all this money that we reported borrowed from them?

Hey what can I say I didn't vote for him

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