Reaganomics Vs.Obamanomics cuts work !!!

So W passed the biggest tax cut in US history, followed by the greatest economic crash since the Great Depression. Sure.....

they DO...

So W passed the biggest tax cut in US history, followed by the greatest economic crash since the Great Depression. Sure.....

Nevermind BUSH could never find his veto pen on Domestic speanding....but his tax cuts did produce alor of revenue to the government as tax cuts usually do...but press on looking like an ass shall you?
The reason we're in this mess is because of Reagan's supply-side voo-doo economincs bullshit.
So W passed the biggest tax cut in US history, followed by the greatest economic crash since the Great Depression. Sure.....
soo your answer is to spend tax and regulate the hell out of everybody???

The Bush Recession happened due to lax regulations. Not re-regulating them would only ensure that a crash of that level could happen again. Why would you want that to happen again?
Reagan cut taxes that were more than twice as high as now- the rich have money coming out of their ears now, and taxes as % of GDP have never been lower,- The problem now is no jobs, squeezed non rich, and NO DEMAND. Wanting to cut taxes on the rich now is ideological insanity and blindness. WE need intelligent (ie Dem) spending cuts, jobs bills paid for by taxes on the bloated rich. Pub dupes!:cuckoo::cuckoo:
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Reagan cut taxes that were more than twice as high as now- the rich have money coming out of their ears now, and taxes as % of GDP have never been lower,- The problem now is no jobs, squeezed non rich, and NO DEMAND. Wanting to cut taxes on the rich now ideological insanity and blindness. WE need intelligent (ie Dem) spending cuts, jobs bills paid for by taxes on the bloated rich. Pub dupes!:cuckoo::cuckoo:
what would have happened to our country with out Reagan !!! imagine 8 yrs of Carter !!
Reagan cut taxes that were more than twice as high as now- the rich have money coming out of their ears now, and taxes as % of GDP have never been lower,- The problem now is no jobs, squeezed non rich, and NO DEMAND. Wanting to cut taxes on the rich now ideological insanity and blindness. WE need intelligent (ie Dem) spending cuts, jobs bills paid for by taxes on the bloated rich. Pub dupes!:cuckoo::cuckoo:
what would have happened to our country with out Reagan !!! imagine 8 yrs of Carter !!

Reagan sure was great at taking credit for what would have happened anyway. With Carter: no S+L scandal, no Lebanon, El Salvador, Nicaraugua- He would have gotten more cooperation from Teddie 2nd term on austerity. GD it. LOL
The reason we're in this mess is because of Reagan's supply-side voo-doo economincs bullshit.

As you're standing IN BULLSHIT...



You can lead a Horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.........

let me rephrase the 1st statement for the slower individuals out there, you can show proof, but they cannot be forced to comprehend :lol:

Graph says it all. But Obama Loves Reagan...Statists fall for the dumbest shit, don't they?

We have been treated to so many Time/NewsWEAK covers explaining Obama to us...that we really have to ask who is the guy really?

As Longg as he has access to the website? He can sure write himself into history and BIOS of other presidents when not asked to.

These idiots are rewriting history...and the on your guard.

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