Reagan, the Reds, And Religion


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Ronald Reagan was deeply religious.

This, of course, marked him as the antithesis of the communists. of those bizarre facts, based on the ...confusion...of certain simple-thinking folks, was this: some of the animosity that Reagan faced was from folks who had 'misguided' understanding of both their religion, and of communism
Those who fail to understand human nature fall into Leftist beliefs.

Many who should have been Ronald Reagan's firmest allies were enemies because the had they subscribed to wish fulfillment, 'can't we all just get along,' rather than a study of history and the facts.
They sided with beliefs that starved their citizens to death to impost their objectives.

1. From the start of the 20th century, communism made dramatic inroads with mainline Protestants. The Social Gospel enthusiasts switched the aim from labor rights to attacks on the “profit motive,”…capitalism.

a. “The church, therefore, in the opinion of the federation, must accept
the Marxist point of view…
The federation, therefore, wants the religious leaders to preach a religious creed, not based upon the Bible and in defense of the American way of life, but one that is based upon the atheistic foundations of the philosophy of Marx. The federation wants the ministers to declare their judgment against the social economic system under which Americans live and prosper today in favor of the Socialist system, which in Russia and the satellite countries has brought the peoples.”
Read the eBook Investigation of Communist activities in the New York City area. Hearings (Volume pt. 5-6, pp. 1969-2143) by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-Am online for free (page 22 of 24)

b. "Big Peace: Where did they have their best success?

Kengor: That's easy. The mainline Protestant denominations: Episcopal Church, Presbyterian Church USA, and Methodist Church.

Herb Romerstein, the veteran investigator of the communist movement, and himself an ex-communst, told me that communists found progressive pastors to be "the biggest suckers of them all."
'Communists found progressive pastors to be "the biggest suckers of them all."' (Wizbang)

And to this day, the most vociferous haters of religion often claim that the Bible supports their Leftist views.

Strange, because there is no support for socialism, communism or Liberalism in the Bible.
Dumb as usual Joe.

Not going to church, doesn't mean anything.

...and if you haven't figured it out yet, you can't be held responsible for the acts of others.

Okay, when someone tells me that he is deeply religious... I actually expect him to pay more than lip service.

Reagan was very good at playing the religious stupids and getting them to vote against their own economic interests.

And that's about it.

Or do you think it was a coincidence that after 12 years of him and Poppy Bush, the Religious Stupids didn't get one thing on their agenda accomplished.

Prayer was still banned in school
Abortion was still legal
Kids are still being taught evolution
Dumb as usual Joe.

Not going to church, doesn't mean anything.

...and if you haven't figured it out yet, you can't be held responsible for the acts of others.

Okay, when someone tells me that he is deeply religious... I actually expect him to pay more than lip service.

Reagan was very good at playing the religious stupids and getting them to vote against their own economic interests.

And that's about it.

Or do you think it was a coincidence that after 12 years of him and Poppy Bush, the Religious Stupids didn't get one thing on their agenda accomplished.

Prayer was still banned in school
Abortion was still legal
Kids are still being taught evolution
Dumb again Joe.

You EXPECT him!

Do you fail to see how stupid that is?
Nixon started it, but Reagan fed the fake Christian movement during the 80's when TV Evangelicals, Mega Churches, celebrity preachers and hucksters turned religion into a political force with politics being primary and Christian values being ignored at the expense of those political goals.
Nixon started it, but Reagan fed the fake Christian movement during the 80's when TV Evangelicals, Mega Churches, celebrity preachers and hucksters turned religion into a political force with politics being primary and Christian values being ignored at the expense of those political goals.

Then that kind of falls on Christians for letting their movement get hijacked like that.
2. No adherent of the church would have every fallen into the communist sphere if they knew history.

The physical assault on religion ....eginning in 1928 with the closure of ...532 religious houses, by 1940 the overwhelming majority had been dynamited, closed or taken over....
The Russian Orthodox Church had 46, 457 churches and 1,028 monasteries at the time of the revolution; by 1939...less than 1,000 were operating. de Grunwald, 'God and the Soviets,' p. 54

3. "....the Soviet regime looked for ways to force the churches to accept the existence of the new order and to acknowledge their political subordination to it. In 1922....the churches were ordered to hand over all of their sacred treasures, including the chalices and vestments used for the holy sacrament.

The stated then seized the objects by force in the course of the expropriation over 8,000 clergy were killed and there were more than 1,400 violent clashes.....

The regime staged fifty-five trials of recalcitrant clergy.....executed a number of prominent churchmen... "The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia," by Richard Overy, p. 272-273

"...dictatorship was the objective laws of nature and history. The result was a displacement that relieved the regimes and their agents of direct responsibility for their actions: it could be, and was, argued that biological or historical necessity, not human caprice, produced a now moral order and governed human behavior."
"The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia," by Richard Overy, p. 268-9

Yet the most weak minded find religion and totalitarian views consubstantial.
Go figure.
Nixon started it, but Reagan fed the fake Christian movement during the 80's when TV Evangelicals, Mega Churches, celebrity preachers and hucksters turned religion into a political force with politics being primary and Christian values being ignored at the expense of those political goals.

Then that kind of falls on Christians for letting their movement get hijacked like that.
I find it entertaining that someone would try to portray the President of the USA that ruled over an era that did more harm to Cristian churches in America than any other administration in history would be touted as a great man of the Christian religion.
Oh, shit, she'd going to treat us to more of her "Batshit Crazy Number Points..."

I'm out.
You should have known when you saw the deflect and pivot potential to a discussion about Russia, Marxism, and pre-Reagan era history.
Reagan's big score with the Christian Right was when he sided with racist/segregationist Bob Jones University over their eligibilities for tax exemptions.
Dumb again Joe.

You EXPECT him!

Do you fail to see how stupid that is?

Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.

Modern conservatives Christians are Creationists,

in the sense that they have created a Jesus that fits their agenda.
Dumb again Joe.

You EXPECT him!

Do you fail to see how stupid that is?

Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
Nixon started it, but Reagan fed the fake Christian movement during the 80's when TV Evangelicals, Mega Churches, celebrity preachers and hucksters turned religion into a political force with politics being primary and Christian values being ignored at the expense of those political goals.

Then that kind of falls on Christians for letting their movement get hijacked like that.
I find it entertaining that someone would try to portray the President of the USA that ruled over an era that did more harm to Cristian churches in America than any other administration in history would be touted as a great man of the Christian religion.

I brought another comm-symp out of the woodwork!

Didn't even need cheese this time.
4. The bulwark, Christianity itself, was subject to the attack as well. Dr.Paul Kengor, in “DUPES: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century,” writes of the infiltration of religion:

"Generally, the Religious Left is a tragic case. Herb Romerstein, the veteran investigator of the communist movement and authority on the Venona papers, calls the Religious Left “the biggest suckers of them all.” I think that’s right.

Picture this scenario: here was the Religious Left, invoking Jesus — “blessed are the peacemakers,” “turn the other cheek” — being exploited by clandestine communists, who they trusted to a fault.

Bear in mind that these were militantly atheistic communists, whose leader, Stalin, was blowing up churches and locking up and executing priests, and yet the Religious Left, again and again, joined the communists at their rallies, in their petitions, and on and on — sometimes literally locked arm in arm. It would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic. These liberal Christians were sheep led to the slaughter.

The brooding communists privately held them in contempt for their breathtaking gullibility."
10 questions with “DUPES” author Paul Kengor

5. It must be said that the Bolsheviks didn't just laugh at Religious Left.....they mocked the demigod Roosevelt, at least as much.

Roosevelt signed the recognition agreement: Litvinov "returned to the Soviet embassy.....all smiles....and said 'Well, it's all in the bag; we have it.'"
On September 23, 1939, Dr. D. H. Dombrowsky testified before the Dies committee.
The Winona Republican-Herald from Winona Minnesota Page 12

a. The Russians laughed about their alleged promises of future behavior. This is the conversation that Litvinov had with staff at his embassy after the 'agreement' was signed:
"Well, it's all in the bag. They wanted us to recognize the debts we owed them and I promised we were going to negotiate. But they did not know we were going to negotiate until doomsday. The next one was a corker; they wanted us to promise freedom of religion in the Soviet Union, and I promised that, too. I was very much prompted to offer that I would personally collect all the Bibles and ship them over."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.33.

Democrats should change their name to the 'Maple Syrup Party' 'cause they're such saps.
Ronald Reagan was deeply religious.
If he was so damn religious, why did he curse so often with the crudest and foulest of language when he flubbed a line in those Hollywood blooper movies of his outtakes then? And how about his schtupping of Nancy Davis after he dumped and divorced Jane Wyman and knocking up Nancy leading to a shotgun wedding?

Saint Raygun? More like normal guy Reagan with faults and foibles who NEVER stood on a pedestal nor was he ever a paragon of virtue.

Best that you get that straight and stop telling your very pitiful and transparent lies all the damn time Cynthia!! Using that argument for the first chapter of this iteration of your tome like novella as one of your three legged stool argumentation ploys saws that leg off the base with the resultant collapse being inevitable. Why do you Long Island JAP's persist with these types of irrational attempts to be relevant? That type of narcissistic behavior is so... 'Orange'!
Ronald Reagan was deeply religious.

This, of course, marked him as the antithesis of the communists. of those bizarre facts, based on the ...confusion...of certain simple-thinking folks, was this: some of the animosity that Reagan faced was from folks who had 'misguided' understanding of both their religion, and of communism
Those who fail to understand human nature fall into Leftist beliefs.

Many who should have been Ronald Reagan's firmest allies were enemies because the had they subscribed to wish fulfillment, 'can't we all just get along,' rather than a study of history and the facts.
They sided with beliefs that starved their citizens to death to impost their objectives.

1. From the start of the 20th century, communism made dramatic inroads with mainline Protestants. The Social Gospel enthusiasts switched the aim from labor rights to attacks on the “profit motive,”…capitalism.

a. “The church, therefore, in the opinion of the federation, must accept
the Marxist point of view…
The federation, therefore, wants the religious leaders to preach a religious creed, not based upon the Bible and in defense of the American way of life, but one that is based upon the atheistic foundations of the philosophy of Marx. The federation wants the ministers to declare their judgment against the social economic system under which Americans live and prosper today in favor of the Socialist system, which in Russia and the satellite countries has brought the peoples.”
Read the eBook Investigation of Communist activities in the New York City area. Hearings (Volume pt. 5-6, pp. 1969-2143) by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-Am online for free (page 22 of 24)

b. "Big Peace: Where did they have their best success?

Kengor: That's easy. The mainline Protestant denominations: Episcopal Church, Presbyterian Church USA, and Methodist Church.

Herb Romerstein, the veteran investigator of the communist movement, and himself an ex-communst, told me that communists found progressive pastors to be "the biggest suckers of them all."
'Communists found progressive pastors to be "the biggest suckers of them all."' (Wizbang)

And to this day, the most vociferous haters of religion often claim that the Bible supports their Leftist views.

Strange, because there is no support for socialism, communism or Liberalism in the Bible.
Yeah, read about heaven and tell me it's a capitalistic operation with free trade..

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