Ready to Learn Real 'Red' History??


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Once an individual has drunk the Kool-Aid, mere mention of Senator Joseph McCarthy results in foaming at the mouth and the imbedded blather: “Most terrible time etc., etc.” But, ask ‘em to name individuals who were ‘ruined’- but not communists….and it’s sputter, sputter….And, there is this:

1. “…I have watched the exhumation, by Oliver Stone, Peter Kuznick, and other members of a leftist claque of revisionist historians and pseudo-historians, of the putrefied historic corpse of Vice President Henry Agard Wallace. …Wallace [held the agriculture secretary] position under Franklin D. Roosevelt for eight years. When FDR broke a tradition as old as the republic by running for a third term in the war emergency of 1940, he astounded and scandalized his party by choosing Wallace as his running mate.

a. Even with FDR’s endorsement (and his threat to withdraw from the presidential race if Wallace were not chosen by the Democratic convention), Wallace won by only 628 to 459…Wallace was not allowed to give an acceptance speech.

2. He had been under the influence of a White Russian mystic agronomist, Nicholas Roerich, and the Republicans got hold of correspondence between them that, as Roosevelt biographer Kenneth Davis wrote, “called into question [Wallace’s] mental and emotional stability.

3. It is fair to say [Roosevelt's] that the nomination of Wallace was rivaled only by the appointments of Stalin-bootlicker Joseph Davies as ambassador to Moscow; of fascist sympathizer, appeaser, and defeatist Joseph P. Kennedy to the London embassy; and of anti-Semite Breckinridge Long as under secretary of state for immigration and refugees, as the most disastrous appointment of Roosevelt’s four terms as president.

a. Wallace was never informed of anything during his time as vice president, and was sent on lengthy trips to obscure places, including Siberia, where he took camps of the infamous Gulag to be cooperative farms.

b. J. Edgar Hoover warned Roosevelt that Wallace was friendly with Communists in Hollywood and had inappropriate connections with overseas Communists, including in the Soviet Union.

4. …historian John Lewis Gaddis has written that “there is Soviet documentation that Wallace was regularly reporting to the Kremlin in 1945 and 1946 while he was in the Truman administration,” and that later, when Truman was considering a secret effort to approach the Soviets, his effort was “blown wide open by Wallace when he was running for president on the Progressive Party ticket” in 1948. This was after Truman fired Wallace for giving an address in Madison Square Garden attacking the Truman administration for excessive anti-Communist zeal.

5. Wallace … advocated unilateral disarmament, the immediate end of the draft, and the end of the Marshall Plan (and of any assistance against Communist subversion anywhere), and declined to repudiate the endorsement he received from the American Communist party….He was reviled as a Communist dupe by H. L. Mencken, Dorothy Parker, and even perennial Socialist-party presidential candidate Norman Thomas.

6. Oliver Stone is a notorious myth-maker, and is responsible for the films on John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon that claim, inter alia, that Kennedy was murdered by a conspiracy led by Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and a group of Texas oil centi-millionaires…

7. Stone and Kuznick, in as preposterous an act of historical myth-making as Stone’s scurrilous fabrications about Kennedy and Nixon, claim that if Wallace had been renominated for vice president and had succeeded to the presidency on the death of Roosevelt in April 1945, Stalin would not have been provoked into the Cold War, and the wartime good relations between Moscow and Washington would have continued.

8.(Stalin told Yugoslav Communist Milovan Djilas after the initial Big Three meeting at Tehran — which ended with the communiqué saying that the leaders parted “as friends in fact, in spirit, and in purpose” — that “Churchill would pick my pocket for a kopek but Roosevelt would only dip in his hand for larger coins.”)

9. ‘Wallace would have created an American foreign policy run by Soviet agents he had installed in the White House, including Lauchlin Currie, Harry Dexter White, his former assistant at Commerce, and the secret Communist and Soviet agent Harry Magdof, who wrote Wallace’s Madison Square Garden speech in 1946 . . . all of whom would have given Joseph Stalin precisely what he sought: control of Eastern Europe and inroads into subversion of France, Italy, and Great Britain as well… evidence has emerged that points to just how much Wallace was under the control of the Soviets, and how they were counting on him as the man in the United States best suited to serve their ends.’

10. No one could expect anything more rigorous or responsible from a compulsively mendacious fiction-producer like Stone, but it is distressing to see the New York Times and the New York Review of Books, suckers for or even aggressive propagators of self-flagellating American leftist revisionism though they often are, taking up the cudgels to respectabilize such lies. We seem to come closer every year to the triumph of Malcolm Muggeridge’s famous and familiar “great liberal death wish.” FDR, Stalin, and Oliver Stone - The New York Sun
How lucky America was to have Senator Joe McCarthy revealing the depth of communist infiltration in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations.....
He was a drunken, loud-mouthed liar and will go down in history that way, no matter how much you want to revise it. :cool:
The New York Sun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The New York Sun was a weekday daily newspaper published in New York City from 2002 to 2008. When it debuted on April 16, 2002, adopting the name, motto, and masthead of an otherwise unrelated earlier New York paper, The Sun (1833-1950), it became the first general-interest broadsheet newspaper to be started in New York in several decades.
He was a drunken, loud-mouthed liar and will go down in history that way, no matter how much you want to revise it. :cool:

1. Were you able to digest the facts in the OP?

2. Fifty years of liberal propaganda people to thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice. Allowing card-carrying members of the Communist Party to handle classified material after the Alger Hiss case would be like encouraging al-Qaeda members to carry box cutters on airplanes after 9-11.
"Trreason," Coulter

3. Let's see if 'history' is behaving as you predict....or if you remain consistently in error:

Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact."

Accepted fact!

And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

Foes....I believe he is speaking of you. seem not to be correct. How...unusual.

I'd be happy to recommend a couple of books....once you are no longer resistant to learning.
The New York Sun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The New York Sun was a weekday daily newspaper published in New York City from 2002 to 2008. When it debuted on April 16, 2002, adopting the name, motto, and masthead of an otherwise unrelated earlier New York paper, The Sun (1833-1950), it became the first general-interest broadsheet newspaper to be started in New York in several decades.

I was a subscriber.
Loved it.
PC giving us her monthly St Joe rant

Must be getting bored
You are in a vast minority of this country if you think McCarthy is a hero believe 'minority' is synonymous with 'incorrect'?

Wait 'til black folks hear about your idea.

You can spout stupid stuff all day.

You dont get your way legislatively.

that is not how the founders planned it.

they did think that democracy would be better for man
He was a drunken, loud-mouthed liar and will go down in history that way, no matter how much you want to revise it. :cool:

1. Were you able to digest the facts in the OP?

2. Fifty years of liberal propaganda people to thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice. Allowing card-carrying members of the Communist Party to handle classified material after the Alger Hiss case would be like encouraging al-Qaeda members to carry box cutters on airplanes after 9-11.
"Trreason," Coulter

3. Let's see if 'history' is behaving as you predict....or if you remain consistently in error:

Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact."

Accepted fact!

And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

Foes....I believe he is speaking of you. seem not to be correct. How...unusual.

I'd be happy to recommend a couple of books....once you are no longer resistant to learning.

You're revising history to make McCarthy look good, despite the fact that the few times he was right were far outweighed by the times he was wrong and bullied and destroyed innocent people. He wasn't called out at the time by people with totally clean records for nothing. He wasn't censured by the Senate fort nothing. Waving blank sheets and claiming they contained lists of names isn't the sign of an American hero; it's the sign of a demagogue.

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