Read it & WEEP libs! Even NPR admits the Russia investigation won't go ANYWHERE!

I can't wait to see a MASSIVE flood of liberal tears on here & everywhere else when the Russia investigation results in NO charges against Trump!!

The online community that's fervently depending on the 73-year-old former FBI director to shake up the Trump presidency may be in for its share of disappointment.

Three months into the job, however, it's not clear what, if anything, investigators may uncover about the president, who has repeatedly denied any improper contacts with people in Russia and has called the special counsel probe "a witch hunt."

"They're investigating something that never happened," Trump told reporters last week. "There was no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me."

Moreover, even if authorities uncover damaging information about Trump or anyone else in the White House, there are serious questions about whether that material will ever be made public, short of an indictment or impeachment.

Another complicating factor: Mueller is using grand juries in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D.C., and grand jury information is rarely made public.

In his leak investigation, a lot of information eventually became public through the prosecution of former vice presidential aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Absent a decision to charge someone with a crime, investigations in Congress may be the best way for people to understand what happened and why in last year's election interference.

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

No, Mueller might not be the savior, but then he might be. What you're reporting is that someone wrong that something MIGHT NOT HAPPEN. Oh, wow. It might not rain tomorrow, wow.

WRONG! I'm saying the election interference has NOTHING to do with Trump because you KNOW the Russians would've likely interfered with our election even if Trump NEVER got into politics JUST like we interfere in their and other nations' elections!!

THAT is why this entire CHARADE by the Dems is such a FRAUD because Russians would likely have interfered in our elections regardless of WHO was running!

I bet you liberal crackpots didn't know that Russians tried to interfere in the 2012 election did you??
But you DON'T care because your guy won!!
I can't wait to see a MASSIVE flood of liberal tears on here & everywhere else when the Russia investigation results in NO charges against Trump!!

The online community that's fervently depending on the 73-year-old former FBI director to shake up the Trump presidency may be in for its share of disappointment.

Three months into the job, however, it's not clear what, if anything, investigators may uncover about the president, who has repeatedly denied any improper contacts with people in Russia and has called the special counsel probe "a witch hunt."

"They're investigating something that never happened," Trump told reporters last week. "There was no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me."

Moreover, even if authorities uncover damaging information about Trump or anyone else in the White House, there are serious questions about whether that material will ever be made public, short of an indictment or impeachment.

Another complicating factor: Mueller is using grand juries in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D.C., and grand jury information is rarely made public.

In his leak investigation, a lot of information eventually became public through the prosecution of former vice presidential aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Absent a decision to charge someone with a crime, investigations in Congress may be the best way for people to understand what happened and why in last year's election interference.

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

No, Mueller might not be the savior, but then he might be. What you're reporting is that someone wrong that something MIGHT NOT HAPPEN. Oh, wow. It might not rain tomorrow, wow.

WRONG! I'm saying the election interference has NOTHING to do with Trump because you KNOW the Russians would've likely interfered with our election even if Trump NEVER got into politics JUST like we interfere in their and other nations' elections!!

THAT is why this entire CHARADE by the Dems is such a FRAUD because Russians would likely interfered in our elections regardless of WHO was running!

I bet you liberal crackpots didn't know that Russians tried to interfere in the 2012 election did you??
But you DON'T care because your guy won!!

So, you're saying that the Russians would have interfered in the elections anyway, so it's okay if Trump potentially got the Russians to help him out?

I can't wait to see a MASSIVE flood of liberal tears on here & everywhere else when the Russia investigation results in NO charges against Trump!!

The online community that's fervently depending on the 73-year-old former FBI director to shake up the Trump presidency may be in for its share of disappointment.

Three months into the job, however, it's not clear what, if anything, investigators may uncover about the president, who has repeatedly denied any improper contacts with people in Russia and has called the special counsel probe "a witch hunt."

"They're investigating something that never happened," Trump told reporters last week. "There was no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me."

Moreover, even if authorities uncover damaging information about Trump or anyone else in the White House, there are serious questions about whether that material will ever be made public, short of an indictment or impeachment.

Another complicating factor: Mueller is using grand juries in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D.C., and grand jury information is rarely made public.

In his leak investigation, a lot of information eventually became public through the prosecution of former vice presidential aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Absent a decision to charge someone with a crime, investigations in Congress may be the best way for people to understand what happened and why in last year's election interference.

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For
You wingnuts are DESPERATE for mainstream validation.
I can't wait to see a MASSIVE flood of liberal tears on here & everywhere else when the Russia investigation results in NO charges against Trump!!

The online community that's fervently depending on the 73-year-old former FBI director to shake up the Trump presidency may be in for its share of disappointment.

Three months into the job, however, it's not clear what, if anything, investigators may uncover about the president, who has repeatedly denied any improper contacts with people in Russia and has called the special counsel probe "a witch hunt."

"They're investigating something that never happened," Trump told reporters last week. "There was no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me."

Moreover, even if authorities uncover damaging information about Trump or anyone else in the White House, there are serious questions about whether that material will ever be made public, short of an indictment or impeachment.

Another complicating factor: Mueller is using grand juries in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D.C., and grand jury information is rarely made public.

In his leak investigation, a lot of information eventually became public through the prosecution of former vice presidential aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Absent a decision to charge someone with a crime, investigations in Congress may be the best way for people to understand what happened and why in last year's election interference.

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

No, Mueller might not be the savior, but then he might be. What you're reporting is that someone wrong that something MIGHT NOT HAPPEN. Oh, wow. It might not rain tomorrow, wow.

WRONG! I'm saying the election interference has NOTHING to do with Trump because you KNOW the Russians would've likely interfered with our election even if Trump NEVER got into politics JUST like we interfere in their and other nations' elections!!

THAT is why this entire CHARADE by the Dems is such a FRAUD because Russians would likely interfered in our elections regardless of WHO was running!

I bet you liberal crackpots didn't know that Russians tried to interfere in the 2012 election did you??
But you DON'T care because your guy won!!

So, you're saying that the Russians would have interfered in the elections anyway, so it's okay if Trump potentially got the Russians to help him out?


WRONG again! The Russians did it on their OWN like they ALWAYS do & like we do!! Just like they tried to in 2012!I

IF there was any SOLID evidence that Trump interfered he would already be out of office. Paul Ryan has already said it would take a SMOKING gun to have an impeachment vote like the Nixon tapes with AUDIO of Trump trying to rig the election & you KNOW that is pure liberal FANTASY!!
I can't wait to see a MASSIVE flood of liberal tears on here & everywhere else when the Russia investigation results in NO charges against Trump!!

The online community that's fervently depending on the 73-year-old former FBI director to shake up the Trump presidency may be in for its share of disappointment.

Three months into the job, however, it's not clear what, if anything, investigators may uncover about the president, who has repeatedly denied any improper contacts with people in Russia and has called the special counsel probe "a witch hunt."

"They're investigating something that never happened," Trump told reporters last week. "There was no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me."

Moreover, even if authorities uncover damaging information about Trump or anyone else in the White House, there are serious questions about whether that material will ever be made public, short of an indictment or impeachment.

Another complicating factor: Mueller is using grand juries in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D.C., and grand jury information is rarely made public.

In his leak investigation, a lot of information eventually became public through the prosecution of former vice presidential aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Absent a decision to charge someone with a crime, investigations in Congress may be the best way for people to understand what happened and why in last year's election interference.

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

No, Mueller might not be the savior, but then he might be. What you're reporting is that someone wrong that something MIGHT NOT HAPPEN. Oh, wow. It might not rain tomorrow, wow.

WRONG! I'm saying the election interference has NOTHING to do with Trump because you KNOW the Russians would've likely interfered with our election even if Trump NEVER got into politics JUST like we interfere in their and other nations' elections!!

THAT is why this entire CHARADE by the Dems is such a FRAUD because Russians would likely interfered in our elections regardless of WHO was running!

I bet you liberal crackpots didn't know that Russians tried to interfere in the 2012 election did you??
But you DON'T care because your guy won!!

So, you're saying that the Russians would have interfered in the elections anyway, so it's okay if Trump potentially got the Russians to help him out?


WRONG again! The Russians did it on their OWN like they ALWAYS do & like we do!! Just like they tried to in 2012!I

IF there was any SOLID evidence that Trump interfered he would already be out of office. Paul Ryan has already said it would take a SMOKING gun to have an impeachment vote like the Nixon tapes with AUDIO of Trump trying to rig the election & you KNOW that is pure liberal FANTASY!!

Did they? Where's your evidence?

Basically we're in a position where we don't know the facts. You can BELIEVE whatever you like, but if you're going to tell me what you BELIEVE, at least back it up with the evidence.

Yes, it would take some really hard evidence, and these sort of people aren't just going to throw around hard evidence. That doesn't mean it didn't happen.
We are not at war with Russia. It is not illegal to speak to Russians. It is not illegal to conduct business transactions with Russians. That's why this investigation is going noplace.
Title 11 of CFR section 110.20 (g) says that "No person shall knowingly solicit, accept or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation" for a political campaign. Something of value also includes information about political opponent.

No it doesn't, moron.
I can't wait to see a MASSIVE flood of liberal tears on here & everywhere else when the Russia investigation results in NO charges against Trump!!

The online community that's fervently depending on the 73-year-old former FBI director to shake up the Trump presidency may be in for its share of disappointment.

Three months into the job, however, it's not clear what, if anything, investigators may uncover about the president, who has repeatedly denied any improper contacts with people in Russia and has called the special counsel probe "a witch hunt."

"They're investigating something that never happened," Trump told reporters last week. "There was no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me."

Moreover, even if authorities uncover damaging information about Trump or anyone else in the White House, there are serious questions about whether that material will ever be made public, short of an indictment or impeachment.

Another complicating factor: Mueller is using grand juries in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D.C., and grand jury information is rarely made public.

In his leak investigation, a lot of information eventually became public through the prosecution of former vice presidential aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Absent a decision to charge someone with a crime, investigations in Congress may be the best way for people to understand what happened and why in last year's election interference.

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For

We shall see

The stink of Russian intervention hangs over the Trump Presidency

The "stink" is all coming from snowflakes like you who make accusations without a shred of evidence.
I can't wait to see a MASSIVE flood of liberal tears on here & everywhere else when the Russia investigation results in NO charges against Trump!!

The online community that's fervently depending on the 73-year-old former FBI director to shake up the Trump presidency may be in for its share of disappointment.

Three months into the job, however, it's not clear what, if anything, investigators may uncover about the president, who has repeatedly denied any improper contacts with people in Russia and has called the special counsel probe "a witch hunt."

"They're investigating something that never happened," Trump told reporters last week. "There was no collusion between us and Russia. In fact, the opposite. Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me."

Moreover, even if authorities uncover damaging information about Trump or anyone else in the White House, there are serious questions about whether that material will ever be made public, short of an indictment or impeachment.

Another complicating factor: Mueller is using grand juries in Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D.C., and grand jury information is rarely made public.

In his leak investigation, a lot of information eventually became public through the prosecution of former vice presidential aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Absent a decision to charge someone with a crime, investigations in Congress may be the best way for people to understand what happened and why in last year's election interference.

Robert Mueller May Not Be The Savior The Anti-Trump Internet Is Hoping For
Nothing that article justifies the title. A much better article is Mueller cant save us from WaPo.,

But you just need to step back for a bit and wonder why Trump is dragging his ffet on sanctions; and i'm sure Mueller knows or will know.
Trump made the ill-advised snarky remark about how he hoped the Russians would hack Hillary's emails and documents and release them so there would be some sort of transparency ... and liberals, desperate as Hillary was losing and distraught and butt-hurt after Hillary loss, created this entire mythical excuse for Hillary losing, falsely accusing president Trump of something that never happened.

To date, after 11 months of several investigations, they still are incapable of producing evidence that a crime was even committed let alone that President Trump was colluding with anyone.

As a result of casting these faults as allegations, all they did were exposed the Democrats on collusion with foreign agents and exposed Democrat crimes in an attempt to undermine the newly elected president.

Just about everyone has given up on this massive lie, maybe the biggest most drawn-out political lie in u.s. history, except for the desperate snowflakes out there.
No one knows what's going on with the Russian investigations except those involved.
And one who knows, Joachim Castro has already said "there will people going to prison"
YOUre in for shocking surprise.

LMAO! A Cuban Democratic rep has ZERO info on the Trump campaign!!

Only liberals who CREATED this FRAUD will be in trouble! I will bet ANYTHING the Trump campaign will be absolved of any Russian interference! The only charge that may come is Manafort wasn't registered as a foreign agent which one is NOTHING!

BOOKMARK this thread!! NO ONE in the 240 year history of the USA has EVER been impeached and removed from office! Trump will NEVER be impeached & you can take that to the BANK!!

I don't expect Trump to be impeached unless they find evidence of his money laundering which wouldn't be a surprise.

You elected a dishonest con man as President. Did you expect an honest President? If you did, I have a ski resort in Miami I'd like to sell you.
No one knows what's going on with the Russian investigations except those involved.
And one who knows, Joachim Castro has already said "there will people going to prison"
YOUre in for shocking surprise.

LMAO! A Cuban Democratic rep has ZERO info on the Trump campaign!!

Only liberals who CREATED this FRAUD will be in trouble! I will bet ANYTHING the Trump campaign will be absolved of any Russian interference! The only charge that may come is Manafort wasn't registered as a foreign agent which one is NOTHING!

BOOKMARK this thread!! NO ONE in the 240 year history of the USA has EVER been impeached and removed from office! Trump will NEVER be impeached & you can take that to the BANK!!

I don't expect Trump to be impeached unless they find evidence of his money laundering which wouldn't be a surprise.

You elected a dishonest con man as President. Did you expect an honest President? If you did, I have a ski resort in Miami I'd like to sell you.
No one knows what's going on with the Russian investigations except those involved.
And one who knows, Joachim Castro has already said "there will people going to prison"
YOUre in for shocking surprise.

LMAO! A Cuban Democratic rep has ZERO info on the Trump campaign!!

Only liberals who CREATED this FRAUD will be in trouble! I will bet ANYTHING the Trump campaign will be absolved of any Russian interference! The only charge that may come is Manafort wasn't registered as a foreign agent which one is NOTHING!

BOOKMARK this thread!! NO ONE in the 240 year history of the USA has EVER been impeached and removed from office! Trump will NEVER be impeached & you can take that to the BANK!!

I don't expect Trump to be impeached unless they find evidence of his money laundering which wouldn't be a surprise.

You elected a dishonest con man as President. Did you expect an honest President? If you did, I have a ski resort in Miami I'd like to sell you.

There was no money laundering, dingbat. There was no anything. It's all a great big con to fool morons like you.
No one knows what's going on with the Russian investigations except those involved.
And one who knows, Joachim Castro has already said "there will people going to prison"
YOUre in for shocking surprise.

LMAO! A Cuban Democratic rep has ZERO info on the Trump campaign!!

Only liberals who CREATED this FRAUD will be in trouble! I will bet ANYTHING the Trump campaign will be absolved of any Russian interference! The only charge that may come is Manafort wasn't registered as a foreign agent which one is NOTHING!

BOOKMARK this thread!! NO ONE in the 240 year history of the USA has EVER been impeached and removed from office! Trump will NEVER be impeached & you can take that to the BANK!!

I don't expect Trump to be impeached unless they find evidence of his money laundering which wouldn't be a surprise.

You elected a dishonest con man as President. Did you expect an honest President? If you did, I have a ski resort in Miami I'd like to sell you.
There is no money laundering, dingbat. There is no anything. It's all a great big con designed to fool suckers like you.

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