Rasmussen poll shows Gingrich with double-digit lead in Iowa

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I really didn't think Newt had much of a chance when this race started. Aside from a fleeting dance with Cain prior to his Terrorist trade and abortion flops I've supported Newt since he got in. This lead in the polls isn't because he's the "new flavor" its because of his ideas and presentation. Nothing about Newt is "new" and most voting Americans are very familiar with him as he has always been public and outspoken. He speaks to the common sense that Americans can relate to.


Rasmussen’s latest poll in Iowa gives Newt Gingrich a big claim to legitimacy in the Republican nomination fight, but it also is pretty good news for Mitt Romney as well. Among likely caucus-goers, Gingrich now leads Romney 32/19, with Herman Cain dropping more than half of his previous support

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers shows Gingrich with 32% followed by former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney at 19%. Georgia businessman Herman Cain, who led in Iowa last month, drops to third with 13% of the vote. Texas Congressman Ron Paul draws 10% of the vote in Iowa, while Texas Governor Rick Perry and Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann each grab six percent (6%).

This comes from a sample of 700 respondents, which is larger than the Bloomberg survey released this week showing a four-way tie in Iowa. This survey took place more recently than the Bloomberg poll as well, incorporating the Saturday debate on foreign policy, in which Cain struggled. As far as the Ron Paul surge Bloomberg noted, it seems to have bypassed Rasmussen’s sample. In fact, while Paul continues to hold onto about 10% of the caucus goers in Iowa, he’s not likely to get much more:

Rasmussen poll shows Gingrich with double-digit lead in Iowa « Hot Air
He's at least got some brains. He has a gigantic lack of personal decency but I'd take his brains over most of the other Candidates.
I wonder if Paul Ryan is interested, he probably would consider it being Obama treated him like a child as he at least tried to come up with a plan to reduce the budget while Obama went on vacation every month spending our tax dollars.
Overall, Romney still leads by 1 point, which is nothing. Gingrich is right behind. I said a month ago that once Newt had survived his early stupidities that all he had to do was wait out the other more stupids. Turned out to be so. RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

Romney at least has a true opponent in Newt, whether the hard right likes it or not. Both of them, if they are nominated, will turn from the Hard Right and play to the middle. RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - President Obama vs. Republican Candidate

They have to beat Obama, who is still up in the polls.

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