Rashida Tlaib’s Grandmother Doesn’t Live In The Deprived Situation Tlaib Claimed


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

I’ve been close to that town. Med Climate up in the cool mountains, beautiful.

Tlaib is an antisemitic Nazi. She is just one of a few Democrats who express such beliefs against Israel. Fact is most antisemitic Nazis are Republican Trump supporters.
Tlaib is an antisemitic Nazi. She is just one of a few Democrats who express such beliefs against Israel. Fact is most antisemitic Nazis are Republican Trump supporters.
President Trump has a huge base, Mr. Bernstein, and he and his supporters are against Nazism and other extremists.

One other thing--I see by your post info that you joined USMB on Tuesday. Welcome! Hope you enjoy the boards. :)
She lives in the Israeli controlled area of the Left Bank in a nice house with all of the creature comforts. Totally unlike those living in the other areas.
Rep Tlaib used her grandmother as a political prop. It was a pathetic attempt at a “gotcha”
Dang people quit responding to this Marxist troll calling himself
Eduard Bernstein
German politician
Eduard Bernstein was a German social-democratic Marxist theorist and politician. A member of the Social Democratic Party, Bernstein had held close association to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, but he ... Wikipedia
'So proud of her'
The modest home of Tlaib's grandfather, Issa Abdullah, lies west of Ramallah city. The one-story house is nestled between two Israeli military bases at an intersection between adjacent Palestinian villages Beit Ur al-Fawqa and Beit Ur al-Tahta.

About 100 metres east of the house sits an Israeli military site that has been in place since 2011. Israeli soldiers are positioned behind cement blocks with their weapons pointed at passersby, and about 15 Israeli surveillance cameras are peppered across the area.

To the north lies Road 443, reserved exclusively for Israeli settlers' use, which was built on some of the family's land. Finally, about 500 metres west, there lies another Israeli military site in place since 1988.

Bassam, 53, is one of Rashida's eight uncles. He told MEE that Israeli soldiers monitor all of the family's movements in the area, restrict their access to the main road directly in front of their home, and regularly raid the house. The last time a raid took place was when a large group of journalists gathered to cover Rashida's electoral victory in November.

Despite such limitations, the family has been preparing for Rashida’s visit since July.

"We're ready to receive Rashida and her colleagues, but we are worried that the Israeli occupation will prevent her from entering," Bassam told MEE before Israel officially announced it would bar her entry.
Rashida Tlaib's family disappointed but not surprised by Israeli ban
'So proud of her'
The modest home of Tlaib's grandfather, Issa Abdullah, lies west of Ramallah city. The one-story house is nestled between two Israeli military bases at an intersection between adjacent Palestinian villages Beit Ur al-Fawqa and Beit Ur al-Tahta.

About 100 metres east of the house sits an Israeli military site that has been in place since 2011. Israeli soldiers are positioned behind cement blocks with their weapons pointed at passersby, and about 15 Israeli surveillance cameras are peppered across the area.

To the north lies Road 443, reserved exclusively for Israeli settlers' use, which was built on some of the family's land. Finally, about 500 metres west, there lies another Israeli military site in place since 1988.

Bassam, 53, is one of Rashida's eight uncles. He told MEE that Israeli soldiers monitor all of the family's movements in the area, restrict their access to the main road directly in front of their home, and regularly raid the house. The last time a raid took place was when a large group of journalists gathered to cover Rashida's electoral victory in November.

Despite such limitations, the family has been preparing for Rashida’s visit since July.

"We're ready to receive Rashida and her colleagues, but we are worried that the Israeli occupation will prevent her from entering," Bassam told MEE before Israel officially announced it would bar her entry.
Rashida Tlaib's family disappointed but not surprised by Israeli ban

Nobody prevented her from going, SHERI
'So proud of her'
The modest home of Tlaib's grandfather, Issa Abdullah, lies west of Ramallah city. The one-story house is nestled between two Israeli military bases at an intersection between adjacent Palestinian villages Beit Ur al-Fawqa and Beit Ur al-Tahta.

About 100 metres east of the house sits an Israeli military site that has been in place since 2011. Israeli soldiers are positioned behind cement blocks with their weapons pointed at passersby, and about 15 Israeli surveillance cameras are peppered across the area.

To the north lies Road 443, reserved exclusively for Israeli settlers' use, which was built on some of the family's land. Finally, about 500 metres west, there lies another Israeli military site in place since 1988.

Bassam, 53, is one of Rashida's eight uncles. He told MEE that Israeli soldiers monitor all of the family's movements in the area, restrict their access to the main road directly in front of their home, and regularly raid the house. The last time a raid took place was when a large group of journalists gathered to cover Rashida's electoral victory in November.

Despite such limitations, the family has been preparing for Rashida’s visit since July.

"We're ready to receive Rashida and her colleagues, but we are worried that the Israeli occupation will prevent her from entering," Bassam told MEE before Israel officially announced it would bar her entry.
Rashida Tlaib's family disappointed but not surprised by Israeli ban

Nobody prevented her from going, SHERI

She should of went, I agree.
Wonder how the PLO and Hamas explain all those private swimming pools dotting Gaza and the housing estates of the PLO leaership's neighborhoods? Every pic anybody has ever seen shows their kids to be well dressed, clean, and have excellent dental care as well.
Dang people quit responding to this Marxist troll calling himself
Eduard Bernstein
German politician
View attachment 275605
Eduard Bernstein was a German social-democratic Marxist theorist and politician. A member of the Social Democratic Party, Bernstein had held close association to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, but he ... Wikipedia

Some sock that turned up about the same time the wave of 'nazis' showed up; they get bored and leave eventually, since they're too stupid to win many recruits; most only exist because the FBI pays their 'leaders' money as 'CI's' to rat out their 'followers' while egging them to commit crimes.

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