Rare 3-Planet Sight Tonight: See Jupiter, Mercury and Venus Together


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2004
Pretty cool. At the link the editor is also asking if anyone would like to share any neat pics and images they may get while viewing for the picture gallery they are creating.


Three planets will perform a rare celestial dance in the sunset sky tonight (May 26), a cosmic show that stars Jupiter, Venus and Mercury.

Weather permitting, the three planets will shine together in a triangle formation low in the western sky in a planetary meet-up known as a conjunction. But there is more to the night sky sight than meets the eye.

"Triple conjunctions of planets are fairly rare," astronomer Tony Phillips explained in a NASA observing guide. "The last time it happened was in May 2011 and it won't happen again until October 2015."

Rare 3-Planet Sight Tonight: See Jupiter, Mercury and Venus Together
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... it's a sign o' the end times...

... all ye lefty lib'rals better repent...

... or ya gonna get left behind...

... when the Rapture comes."
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... it's a sign o' the end times...

... all ye lefty lib'rals better repent...

... or ya gonna get left behind...

... when the Rapture comes."

I take it that prediction was for October 2015? :)
Jumpin' Jupiter!...

Jupiter Aligns With Earth for Its Extra Bright Close-up
April 06, 2017 — Jupiter is extra close and extra bright this week, and that means some amazing, new close-ups.
The Hubble Space Telescope zoomed in on the solar system giant Monday, and NASA released the pictures Thursday. Jupiter was a relatively close 415 million miles (668 million kilometers) away.

The planet’s Great Red Spot is especially vivid. It’s a storm big enough to swallow Earth, but is mysteriously shrinking. Hubble’s ongoing observations may help explain why. Also visible in the photos is Red Spot Jr.


This image from NASA shows Jupiter about 668 million kilometers (415 million miles) from Earth. Jupiter is extra close and extra bright this week, and the Hubble Space Telescope took advantage of the opportunity to make this photo of the gas giant.​

On Friday, Jupiter will be in opposition. That’s when Jupiter, Earth and the sun all line up, with Earth in the middle. Jupiter will appear brighter than usual — the brightest all year. Stargazers won’t want to miss it. Look for one of the brightest objects in the night sky, visible from sundown to sunrise near the moon.

Jupiter Aligns With Earth for Its Extra Bright Close-up
Jupiter's poles got monstrous cyclones...

Monstrous cyclones churning over Jupiter's poles
May 25, 2017 — Monstrous cyclones are churning over Jupiter's poles, until now a largely unexplored region that is more turbulent than scientists expected.
NASA's Juno spacecraft spotted the chaotic weather at the top and bottom of Jupiter once it began skimming the cloud tops last year, surprising researchers who assumed the giant gas planet would be relatively boring and uniform down low. "What we're finding is anything but that is the truth. It's very different, very complex," Juno's chief scientist Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute said Thursday. With dozens of cyclones hundreds of miles across — alongside unidentifiable weather systems stretching thousands of miles — the poles look nothing like Jupiter's equatorial region, instantly recognizable by its stripes and Great Red Spot, a raging hurricane-like storm. "That's the Jupiter we've all known and grown to love," Bolton said. "And when you look from the pole, it looks totally different ... I don't think anybody would have guessed this is Jupiter."

He calls these first major findings — published Thursday — "Earth-shattering. Or should I say, Jupiter-shattering." Turning counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere just like on Earth, the cyclones are clearly clustered near the poles. The diameters of some of these confirmed cyclones stretch up to 1,700 miles (2,800 kilometers). Even bigger, though shapeless weather systems are present in both polar regions. At the same time, the two poles don't really resemble each other, which is puzzling, according to Bolton. Scientists are eager to see, over time, whether these super cyclones are stable or dynamic. "Are they going to stay the same way for years and years like the Great Red Spot ... Of course, only time will tell," Bolton said. Just as intriguing will be how fast these super cyclones are moving.


This image made available by NASA on Thursday, May 25, 2017, and made from data captured by the Juno spacecraft shows Jupiters south pole. The oval features are cyclones, up to 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) in diameter.​

Launched in 2011 and orbiting Jupiter since last summer, Juno is providing the best close-up views ever of our solar system's largest planet, peering beneath the clouds for a true portrait. It's made five close passes over Jupiter so far for science collection, the most recent last week; they occur about every two months given Juno's extremely oblong orbit. The next one will be in July, with investigators targeting the Great Red Spot. Juno is moving so fast during these chummy encounters that it takes only two hours to get from the north pole to the south. Besides polar cyclones, Juno has spotted white ice caps on Jupiter — frozen bits of ammonia and water. Bolton refers to them as Jovian snowfall — or maybe hail.

Juno also has detected an overwhelming abundance of ammonia deep down in Jupiter's atmosphere, and a surprisingly strong magnetic field in places — roughly 10 times greater than Earth's. It's also led scientists to believe Jupiter may have a "fuzzy" core — as Bolton puts it — big but partially dissolved. Then there are the eerie sounds of plasma waves at Jupiter — "nature's music," according to Bolton. During the teleconference, he played two minutes of the spacecraft's recording from February, adjusted for the human ear and full of percussion sounds as well as high-pitched beeps and squeals, and even flute-like notes. Results were published in Science and Geophysical Research Letters.

Jupiter's poles appear dramatically different from neighboring Saturn's, according to the scientists, with nothing like the hexagon-shaped cloud system over Saturn's north pole. Researchers hope to compare Juno's observations with those of NASA's Cassini spacecraft, in its final months orbiting Saturn. Juno's findings are "really going to force us to rethink not only how Jupiter works, but how do we explore Saturn, Uranus and Neptune," Bolton said.

Monstrous cyclones churning over Jupiter's poles

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