Rape will rise if the jobs bill isn't passed?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Is it just another example of left wing craziness or is the vice president having another "episode" after his two brain embolisms? The liberal media is relatively silent about Biden's peculiar statement and even hard core democrats seem to be cringing. Biden was adamant about his claim that rape would increase if Obama's "jobs bill" wasn't passed. There is no foundation for the statement and in fact Obama's "jobs bill" would only fund a handfull of Law Enforcement personnel for about a year and then the hard pressed local jourisdictions would have to lay them off again due to economic constraints.
Those damn fear-mongering Republicans!

It's the craziest claim any administration has ever made and it deserves a big discussion in the media but sadly the media thinks it doesn't enhance the administrations image so they will try to ignore it and hope it goes away.
I think even the vice president can access the FBI crime reports like I did. It's his own justice dept after all. It seems that national statistics during the period between January and June 2010 indicate incidents of forcible rape declined by 6.2%.. Should the VP be indicted for attempting to panic American citizens with fake information?
I have no idea about the connection between C-span and rapists. The point is that the Vice President of the freaking United States of America told Americans that incidents of forcible rape would increase if the senate didn't pass Obama's "jobs bill". There must be a statute in federal law that prevents the administration from making crazy statements like that.
I have no idea about the connection between C-span and rapists. The point is that the Vice President of the freaking United States of America told Americans that incidents of forcible rape would increase if the senate didn't pass Obama's "jobs bill". There must be a statute in federal law that prevents the administration from making crazy statements like that.

The rapists are waiting to see if the bill is passed, that is why they are watching C-SPAN. If the bill is passed, they will put their planned rapes on hold- they will then know that the police will be "on the job". If not, well then it's RAPE TIME!! WOOHOOO!!! Rapists are Republicans, didn't you know that? :lol:

We can always count on Jumpin Joe Bite-me to say something incredibly stupid! He's very reliable in that regard...:lol:
Is it just another example of left wing craziness or is the vice president having another "episode" after his two brain embolisms? The liberal media is relatively silent about Biden's peculiar statement and even hard core democrats seem to be cringing. Biden was adamant about his claim that rape would increase if Obama's "jobs bill" wasn't passed. There is no foundation for the statement and in fact Obama's "jobs bill" would only fund a handfull of Law Enforcement personnel for about a year and then the hard pressed local jourisdictions would have to lay them off again due to economic constraints.

If he were a Repubik he would be laughed at and ridiculed.

If Im not mistaking, are'nt police, firemen, and teachers paid for with local taxes?

That man needs to stop drinking during lunch :cuckoo:
Those damn fear-mongering Republicans!

It's the craziest claim any administration has ever made and it deserves a big discussion in the media but sadly the media thinks it doesn't enhance the administrations image so they will try to ignore it and hope it goes away.
Of course. Anyone who says the media isn't dutifully carrying water for the Democrats is disconnected from reality.
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