Rape Ridden Sanctuary County Gripes About Media Exposure


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Conservative media has been reporting about Maryland Montgomery County's excessive rape rate, and officials there are getting upset about it. They are criticizing conservative media and the Trump administration, for drawing attention to the recent spate of illegal aliens arrested for sexual assault.

Seven illegal aliens from Central America have been arrested in the county, just north of Washington, D.C., on sex crime-related charges since July 25. In a classic case of attacking the messengers when you don't like the message, local legislators claimed >> "there has been a lot of inaccurate information spread by the White House, President Trump, Acting USCIS Director Ken Cuccinelli, local and national conservative news outlets and neo-Nazi sympathizers regarding our criminal justice system and its process."

They did not specify what information was inaccurate or in what way.

These idiots are getting exactly what they asked for. By declaring their county a sanctuary for illegal aliens, they are receiving lawbreaking dirtbags, coming from a region with a long rape culture history. Latin American has long been a place where rape is common, considered normal and acceptable, and even against children and within the rapists' own families.

There's a reason why buses are segregated by sex in Mexico City. When President Trump said "they're rapists", that statement was fundamentally true and accurate. But nitwit liberals in Montgomery County, instead of heeding Trump's warnings, did just the opposite and extended an invitation to these lowlifes, to come to their county, when County Executive Marc Elrich, a Democrat, signed an executive order prohibiting county law enforcement officers from asking about any individual's immigration status.

County law enforcement also is barred from working with federal immigration agencies, such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Instead of griping about media coverage of their stupidity, these bozos ought to keep quiet about the illegal sanctuary city policies, which could land them in a federal prison for 20 years. If any victims, of these sanctuary-granted illegal aliens were to die, by US Code 8, Section 1324, these goofball legislators could get the death penalty.

'Sanctuary' county decries reporting on illegal-alien rapes - WND

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
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Conservative media has been reporting about Maryland Montgomery County's excessive rape rate, and officials there are getting upset about it. They are criticizing conservative media and the Trump administration, for drawing attention to the recent spate of illegal aliens arrested for sexual assault.

Seven illegal aliens from Central America have been arrested in the county, just north of Washington, D.C., on sex crime-related charges since July 25. In a classic case of attacking the messengers when you don't like the message, local legislators claimed >> "there has been a lot of inaccurate information spread by the White House, President Trump, Acting USCIS Director Ken Cuccinelli, local and national conservative news outlets and neo-Nazi sympathizers regarding our criminal justice system and its process."

They did not specify what information was inaccurate or in what way.

These idiots are getting exactly what they asked for. By declaring their county a sanctuary for illegal aliens, they are receiving lawbreaking dirtbags, coming from a region with a long rape culture history. Latin American has long been a place where rape is common, considered normal and acceptable, and even against children and within the rapists' own families.

There's a reason why buses are segregated by sex in Mexico City. When President Trump said "they're rapists", that statement was fundamentally true and accurate. But nitwit liberals in Montgomery County, instead of heeding Trump's warnings, did just the opposite and extended an invitation to these lowlifes, to come to their county, when County Executive Marc Elrich, a Democrat, signed an executive order prohibiting county law enforcement officers from asking about any individual's immigration status.

County law enforcement also is barred from working with federal immigration agencies, such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Instead of griping about media coverage of their stupidity, these bozos ought to keep quiet about the illegal sanctuary city policies, which could land them in a federal prison for 20 years. If any victims, of these sanctuary-granted illegal aliens were to die, by US Code 8, Section 1324, these goofball legislators could get the death penalty.

'Sanctuary' county decries reporting on illegal-alien rapes - WND

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
Crime County does not like the exposed
For so long, Illegal aliens wanted to be able to "come out of the shadows" and live. But now that the seedy world they live in has some light shed on it, they don't like it. They want to go back to the shadows. Eff illegal aliens and the politicians that aid them.
For so long, Illegal aliens wanted to be able to "come out of the shadows" and live. But now that the seedy world they live in has some light shed on it, they don't like it. They want to go back to the shadows. Eff illegal aliens and the politicians that aid them.
You can fix it by just giving them more free stuff and throw in the drug of their liking.
And LYING liberals still claim it as "racist", when Trump said "they're rapists"
Far Left Montgomery County, Maryland has always been an alleged hotbed for Forcible Rape going back many decades. Remember this is the home of Brett Kavanaugh who libs testified had weekly Rape Train parties in the 1980's.

It surprising that they didn't say anything about his last fall when their county was previously in the spotlight on rapery.
Far Left Montgomery County, Maryland has always been an alleged hotbed for Forcible Rape going back many decades. Remember this is the home of Brett Kavanaugh who libs testified had weekly Rape Train parties in the 1980's.

It surprising that they didn't say anything about his last fall when their county was previously in the spotlight on rapery.
As long as they keep on taking in lawbreaking, illegal alien invaders, who tend to engage in rape, and think it's normal and OK, they will continue to have these problems.

Looks like they are willing to make the trade-off. Lose safety for women and children, in exchange for DEMOCRAT VOTES. There is nothing these fiends will not do for VOTES.
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When Latin American men are arrested for rape and other sexual assault crimes, at their trials, they are commonly seen as puzzled, and wondering why they were arrested. When questioned, they habitually exhibit confusion as to what they had done wrong.

Sure, because "they're rapists", just like Trump said. That is they come from places where rape (of even of children) is not considered a bad thing (much less a crime), And the only things clueless Democrats can say about this, is that Trump is a "racist" for saying that these rapists are rapists.
Conservative media has been reporting about Maryland Montgomery County's excessive rape rate, and officials there are getting upset about it. They are criticizing conservative media and the Trump administration, for drawing attention to the recent spate of illegal aliens arrested for sexual assault.

Seven illegal aliens from Central America have been arrested in the county, just north of Washington, D.C., on sex crime-related charges since July 25. In a classic case of attacking the messengers when you don't like the message, local legislators claimed >> "there has been a lot of inaccurate information spread by the White House, President Trump, Acting USCIS Director Ken Cuccinelli, local and national conservative news outlets and neo-Nazi sympathizers regarding our criminal justice system and its process."

They did not specify what information was inaccurate or in what way.

These idiots are getting exactly what they asked for. By declaring their county a sanctuary for illegal aliens, they are receiving lawbreaking dirtbags, coming from a region with a long rape culture history. Latin American has long been a place where rape is common, considered normal and acceptable, and even against children and within the rapists' own families.

There's a reason why buses are segregated by sex in Mexico City. When President Trump said "they're rapists", that statement was fundamentally true and accurate. But nitwit liberals in Montgomery County, instead of heeding Trump's warnings, did just the opposite and extended an invitation to these lowlifes, to come to their county, when County Executive Marc Elrich, a Democrat, signed an executive order prohibiting county law enforcement officers from asking about any individual's immigration status.

County law enforcement also is barred from working with federal immigration agencies, such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Instead of griping about media coverage of their stupidity, these bozos ought to keep quiet about the illegal sanctuary city policies, which could land them in a federal prison for 20 years. If any victims, of these sanctuary-granted illegal aliens were to die, by US Code 8, Section 1324, these goofball legislators could get the death penalty.

'Sanctuary' county decries reporting on illegal-alien rapes - WND

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
Didn't even have to read the story and knew just who they were talking about. The City where the Mayor excepted a payoff on a book she wrote for kids. Sewage is dumped there from NY City.
As an American citizen, I'm pissed that I have to be unsafe in Montgomery County because some rich liberals and their friends in government defend criminal aliens. What's the problem? Can't find the cord that starts your lawnmower? Too lazy to make your own bed? Don't have time look after your own kids? Or maybe you just can't resist the prospect of having all those illegal votes in your pocket and the craving for perpetual power you think they'll give you.
SCENES FROM A SANCTUARY STATE: More than 1,500 aliens with ICE detainers released from the Orange County Jail in 2019, many re-offended.

“U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Acting Director Matthew T. Albence has repeatedly expressed concerns about how state or local policies limiting cooperation with ICE can lead to more crime. According to data recently released from the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, in the two years since the implementation of California’s State Bill 54 (SB54), the sheriff’s department has rearrested more than 400 of those they released on whom ICE had active detainers. The aliens who were rearrested include those with charges including: rape, assault with a deadly weapon, child sex offenses, domestic violence, identify theft, and driving under the influence.”​

Government’s job is to make the right people feel good, not to keep everyone else safe from rapists who shouldn’t even be in the country.

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