Rap music originated in medieval Scottish pubs


Free: Mudholes Stomped
Jan 8, 2007

Rap music originated in medieval Scottish pubs, claims American professor
Rap music originated in the medieval taverns of Scotland rather than the mean streets of the Bronx and Brooklyn, an American academic has claimed.

Professor Ferenc Szasz argued that so-called rap battles, where two or more performers trade elaborate insults, derive from the ancient Caledonian art of "flyting".

According to the theory, Scottish slave owners took the tradition with them to the United States, where it was adopted and developed by slaves, emerging many years later as rap.

Professor Szasz is convinced there is a clear link between this tradition for settling scores in Scotland and rap battles, which were famously portrayed in Eminem's 2002 movie 8 Mile.

He said: "The Scots have a lengthy tradition of flyting - intense verbal jousting, often laced with vulgarity, that is similar to the dozens that one finds among contemporary inner-city African-American youth.

"Both cultures accord high marks to satire. The skilled use of satire takes this verbal jousting to its ultimate level - one step short of a fist fight."

The academic, who specialises in American and Scottish culture at the University of New Mexico, made the link in a new study examining the historical context of Robert Burn's work.

The most famous surviving example of flyting comes from a 16th-century piece in which two rival poets hurl increasingly obscene rhyming insults at one another before the Court of King James IV.

Titled the Flyting Of Dunbar And Kennedy, it has been described by academics as "just over 500 lines of filth".

Professor Szasz cites an American civil war poem, printed in the New York Vanity Fair magazine on November 9, 1861, as the first recorded example of the battles being used in the United States.

Professor Willie Ruff, of Yale University, agreed that Scottish slave owners had a profound impact on the development of African American music traditions.

Comparing flyting and rap battles, he said: "Two people engage in ritual verbal duelling and the winner has the last word in the argument, with the loser falling conspicuously silent."


Rap music originated in medieval Scottish pubs, claims American professor - Telegraph

So instead of "Straight Outta Compton" it should have been, "Straight Outta Glasgow!"
So instead of "Straight Outta Compton" it should have been, "Straight Outta Glasgow!"


that is fucking hilarious!

"Fear of a Scottish Planet"

oh, this could go on and on..
NWA's "Appetite For Destruction"- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Appetite for Haggis!"


Now I KNOW There is something wrong with you! :eek:

My friend Stuart came here from Scotland, we called him the snotty scottie.

He took some haggis out of his freezer to cook up one morning....(this was with a wicked hangover too) and I about lost my cookies! How anyone can eat that @#@$&**^!(#)%) is beyond me!

But to each his own! ;)
Now, not the canned shit....fresh or frozen fresh. We used to get some from a butcher in a town called Dingwall....it won all sorts of awards....Good Haggis is excellent.....

It is one of those things...people either love it or hate it......

Roll on January 25th!!!!!
Oh yeah, I'm sure before the Scots came along, no other people on earth bragged or rhymed while they were doing it, either.

Thank god for scholars, eh?
i'll be honest.. I was posting bait for (Charles) Bass fishing..
Rap music originated in medieval Scottish pubs, claims American professor
Rap music originated in the medieval taverns of Scotland rather than the mean streets of the Bronx and Brooklyn, an American academic has claimed.

To bad it didn’t stay in medieval Scottish pubs.

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