Rangel’s Dem opponent claims voter suppression


MeBelle 4 Prez 2024
Jul 16, 2011
I don't watch Fox or listen to Rush, etc, etc...
I can't recall where I heard this. I can only find it on Fox.


Rangel challenger, Democratic New York State Sen. Adrian Espaillat, is suggesting the tight race – in which Rangel declared victory – was marred by voter fraud.
"Voters have been pushed away, and as a result many feel that they were suppressed from voting," Espaillat declared. “The legitimacy of this election is at place right now ... there was a level of voter suppression. We are here to protect a process that must be reliable."
Yes, everyone has come quite accustom to the right wingers throwing a tantrum and claiming "voter fraud!" "suppression!" "conspiracy!" every time they lose.

Being adults and taking your loss like a man is out of the question for these goons.
Yes, everyone has come quite accustom to the right wingers throwing a tantrum and claiming "voter fraud!" "suppression!" "conspiracy!" every time they lose.

Being adults and taking your loss like a man is out of the question for these goons.

Hey fucktard, it's a DEMOCRAT making the allegation!!!
Yes, everyone has come quite accustom to the right wingers throwing a tantrum and claiming "voter fraud!" "suppression!" "conspiracy!" every time they lose.

Being adults and taking your loss like a man is out of the question for these goons.

Hey fucktard, it's a DEMOCRAT making the allegation!!!

It's fox reporting it and the OP said no one else has it, so it's more right wing propaganda trying to smear Rangel
Espaillat's NY-13 Court Challenge Gets A Do-Over

BY Celeste Katz

Refresh your page for more updates! We're still getting more info here, but an update: Looks like there's going to be a do-over in state Sen. Adriano Espaillat's court proceeding regarding NY-13.

Barbara Ross reports Team Espaillat will be refiling its case Tuesday under a different section of the law. The proceedings were slated to start at 2:30, but with about 200 spectators on hand, the case was moved to a larger courtroom, Ross reports. More to follow...

Update: At the brief hearing in Manhattan Supreme Court, Espaillat’s new lawyer, Martin Connor, withdrew the lawsuit because of a technicality and said a new action will be filed tomorrow.

“The primary goal is to make sure every vote is counted,” said Espaillat spokesman Ibrahim Khan. “This was done to preserve more legal options… including an option to hold an election one more time.”

Update: BOE Spokeswoman Valerie Vazquez responds, "The Board has acted in accordance with the law and its duly adopted procedures throughout this process. This was acknowledged by counsel to Senator Espaillat who stated in open court that the Board's procedures are more than sufficient to ensure the security for ballots. We believe that the withdrawal of this proceeding today indicates the baseless nature of the unsupported allegations contained in the papers that were filed in court."

Rangel’s campaign manager, Moises Perez, said he has confidence in the Board of Elections:

“We want this process to be cleared as soon as possible. We are confident the Board of Elections will do it,” said Perez, adding that he does “not have a position” on whether there should be a manual recount.

(As we've discussed here on the blog in the past, BOE rules trip a manual recount trigger if the margin of victory after all votes are counted is less than .5% of the total number of votes cast or 10 votes.)

Update: More details for you from our Barbara Ross, who says the court papers (which I posted here on Friday night) were withdrawn because they were misapplied and incomplete.

They were drafted, she explains, based on laws applying to general elections, not primaries, and also didn't include certain claims that would enable Espaillat, in the future, to ask a judge for a brand-new election if he discovered massive fraud in the next few weeks.

To preserve his rights to challenge the election results (and possibly call for a new one), Espaillat must file a proper petition before Friday. The plan is to do so tomorrow.

Espaillat's NY-13 Court Challenge Gets A Do-Over | New York Daily News
Yes, everyone has come quite accustom to the right wingers throwing a tantrum and claiming "voter fraud!" "suppression!" "conspiracy!" every time they lose.

Being adults and taking your loss like a man is out of the question for these goons.

Hey fucktard, it's a DEMOCRAT making the allegation!!!

It's fox reporting it and the OP said no one else has it, so it's more right wing propaganda trying to smear Rangel

Why paint yourself in a corner? Measure twice, cut once. ;)
Hmmm. I think I'll wait for some actual FACTS to come out and not just a bunch of whiners crying "voter suppression". As someone who works in an Elections Office I know for a fact that voters whine "voter suppression" at the drop of a hat.
How this happened is a great puzzle.

LatinoJustice PRLDEF, an advocacy group, says it found that the board transferred an oddly high number of bilingual poll workers to other precincts that day. Mr. Espaillat says his family members arrived at the polls to find their names not in the election books.

“My family members, we call them ‘prime voters,’ right?” Mr. Espaillat said. “Don’t you think it’s likely that they’re registered?”

The board did not respond Monday to an inquiry about the election.

The temptation is to think conspiratorially. Mr. Rangel is a Grand Old Man in the Harlem Democratic machine. One of its more junior members, Assemblyman Keith L. T. Wright, doubles as the Manhattan Democratic chairman, and many board employees owe their jobs to him.

A few years back, the Westchester lawyer Anthony J. Mangone, who shared an office with Jay Savino, the Bronx Republican leader, earned a cool $100,000 lobbying the board on behalf of a voting machine company, Election Systems and Software. In 2010, the board gave the company a $50 million contract. The next day, federal prosecutors indicted Mr. Mangone in an unrelated bribery case. Mr. Mangone has pleaded guilty and is talking with investigators. Mr. Savino received a subpoena two years ago. Election Systems has not been accused of wrongdoing.

The board’s incompetence, however, is well established. In 2010, it disqualified more than 40 percent of the vote in two Bronx precincts. That same year, it sent out an absentee ballot instructing voters to fill out the bubble above the name of the candidate they favored, instead of below it.

Election commissioners knocked one fellow off the ballot a year back because, they said, his petitions’ weight indicated they did not have enough signatures.

A report for a city official found: “Nearly every Board of Elections employee we interviewed at some point rationalized what we believe to be an outdated or inefficient procedure by indicating that, ‘This is the way it has always been done.’ ”

That report was released in 1985. Others found similar problems later. Some verities are eternal.

Employment is explicitly political. Every employee is a Republican or a Democrat. The idea is that one party keeps the other in line. This is the theory of mutually assured destruction applied to governance.

The senior staff all carry a city politics DNA. The Democratic deputy director, Pamela Green Perkins, is married to Senator Bill Perkins, a Democrat. The Republican deputy director, Dawn Sandow, is closely connected to the Bronx Republicans. A few years back, investigators found that she lived in Westchester but voted in the Bronx. Whatever. The board notes this occurred before she worked for it.

The position of executive director remains vacant. The last one was fired after the 2010 primary elections ended in a near meltdown. Commissioners have not agreed on a successor, and relations have grown curse-in-your-face testy.

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Hmmm. I think I'll wait for some actual FACTS to come out and not just a bunch of whiners crying "voter suppression". As someone who works in an Elections Office I know for a fact that voters whine "voter suppression" at the drop of a hat.

Is that your reaction too when the Obama dministration tries to intervene pre-emptively in Florida on the pretext that there might be voter suppression?
Yes, everyone has come quite accustom to the right wingers throwing a tantrum and claiming "voter fraud!" "suppression!" "conspiracy!" every time they lose.

Being adults and taking your loss like a man is out of the question for these goons.

Looks like old 'Head in Ass' has bailed, he must be embarrassed.

Nah, that can't be, LOLberals have NO shame... :eusa_whistle:
Hmmm. I think I'll wait for some actual FACTS to come out and not just a bunch of whiners crying "voter suppression". As someone who works in an Elections Office I know for a fact that voters whine "voter suppression" at the drop of a hat.


You didn't read the article did you?
Hmmm. I think I'll wait for some actual FACTS to come out and not just a bunch of whiners crying "voter suppression". As someone who works in an Elections Office I know for a fact that voters whine "voter suppression" at the drop of a hat.


You didn't read the article did you?

I did indeed read it. Lots of accusations without supporting evidence.
Hmmm. I think I'll wait for some actual FACTS to come out and not just a bunch of whiners crying "voter suppression". As someone who works in an Elections Office I know for a fact that voters whine "voter suppression" at the drop of a hat.

Is that your reaction too when the Obama dministration tries to intervene pre-emptively in Florida on the pretext that there might be voter suppression?

Two entirely different situations.
Hmmm. I think I'll wait for some actual FACTS to come out and not just a bunch of whiners crying "voter suppression". As someone who works in an Elections Office I know for a fact that voters whine "voter suppression" at the drop of a hat.


You didn't read the article did you?

I did indeed read it. Lots of accusations without supporting evidence.

And WHO is 'whining' in the article?

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