Rangel takes leave

Charlie Rangel represents all that is wrong with Congress. Glad that corrupt, inept boob has stepped aside to allow an actual leader to take over the W&M Committee.
I'm hearing that the congressional black caucus is demanding that Rangel be replaced by another black. WTH is it with these congressional racists anyway? A white, brown, yellow or red skinned guy isn't good enough to run the Ways and Means committee?
I'm hearing that the congressional black caucus is demanding that Rangel be replaced by another black. WTH is it with these congressional racists anyway? A white, brown, yellow or red skinned guy isn't good enough to run the Ways and Means committee?

Wow....I had no idea Affirmative Action applied to Congressional Committees as well...:lol:
I'm hearing that the congressional black caucus is demanding that Rangel be replaced by another black. WTH is it with these congressional racists anyway? A white, brown, yellow or red skinned guy isn't good enough to run the Ways and Means committee?

Wow....I had no idea Affirmative Action applied to Congressional Committees as well...:lol:
When it comes to Liberal Black Congressmen and Congresswomen, Affirmative Action apples to everything. The skillful need not apply.
Charlie Rangel represents all that is wrong with Congress. Glad that corrupt, inept boob has stepped aside to allow an actual leader to take over the W&M Committee.

This should be remembered about Representative Rangel, as well as his flaws:

"Rangel then enlisted in the United States Army, and served from 1948 to 1952.[9] During the Korean War, he was a member of the all-black 503rd Field Artillery Battalion in the 2nd Infantry Division.[10] In late November 1950, this unit was caught up in heavy fighting in North Korea as part of the U.N. forces retreat from the Yalu River. In the Battle of Kunu-Ri, Rangel was part of a vehicle column that was trapped and attacked by the Chinese Army.[10] In the subzero cold, Rangel was injured by shrapnel from a Chinese shell.[11] Some U.S. soldiers were being taken prisoner, but others looked to Rangel, who though only a private first class had a reputation for leadership in the unit. Rangel led some 40 men from his unit, during three days of freezing weather, out of the Chinese encirclement; nearly half of the battalion was killed in the overall battle.[12] Rangel was awarded a Purple Heart for his wounds and the Bronze Star with Valor for his actions in the face of death.[13] He was also awarded the Presidential Unit Citation,[14] the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, and three battle stars.[13] In 2000, Rangel reflected with CBS News that "Since Kunu Ri – and I mean it with all my heart, I have never, never had a bad day."[10]
[ame=http://askville.amazon.com/Charles-Bernard-Charlie-Rangel-received-medal-Korea-war/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=58128762]Who is Charles Bernard "Charlie" Rangel and did he received a medal after Korea war?[/ame]

Each of us may choose how to view the Congressman, but with all of the information known.

I salute what he did for his country.
Charlie Rangel represents all that is wrong with Congress. Glad that corrupt, inept boob has stepped aside to allow an actual leader to take over the W&M Committee.

This should be remembered about Representative Rangel, as well as his flaws:

"Rangel then enlisted in the United States Army, and served from 1948 to 1952.[9] During the Korean War, he was a member of the all-black 503rd Field Artillery Battalion in the 2nd Infantry Division.[10] In late November 1950, this unit was caught up in heavy fighting in North Korea as part of the U.N. forces retreat from the Yalu River. In the Battle of Kunu-Ri, Rangel was part of a vehicle column that was trapped and attacked by the Chinese Army.[10] In the subzero cold, Rangel was injured by shrapnel from a Chinese shell.[11] Some U.S. soldiers were being taken prisoner, but others looked to Rangel, who though only a private first class had a reputation for leadership in the unit. Rangel led some 40 men from his unit, during three days of freezing weather, out of the Chinese encirclement; nearly half of the battalion was killed in the overall battle.[12] Rangel was awarded a Purple Heart for his wounds and the Bronze Star with Valor for his actions in the face of death.[13] He was also awarded the Presidential Unit Citation,[14] the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, and three battle stars.[13] In 2000, Rangel reflected with CBS News that "Since Kunu Ri – and I mean it with all my heart, I have never, never had a bad day."[10]
[ame=http://askville.amazon.com/Charles-Bernard-Charlie-Rangel-received-medal-Korea-war/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=58128762]Who is Charles Bernard "Charlie" Rangel and did he received a medal after Korea war?[/ame]

Each of us may choose how to view the Congressman, but with all of the information known.

I salute what he did for his country.

That really is to be respected. It looks as if his rep amy be tarnished now. This is too bad, for I guarantee if found to be corrupt he will be remembered for corruption over his military services.
I'm sure Benedict Arnold did some great things before he betrayed his Countrymen. Rangel's military background is not at issue here. Neither was Murtha's. Those men were corrupt to the bone.
I'm sure Benedict Arnold did some great things before he betrayed his Countrymen. Rangel's military background is not at issue here. Neither was Murtha's. Those men were corrupt to the bone.

Your opinion about the Congressman is your own, and, of course, is valid.

As long as you recognize both sides.
Charlie Rangel represents all that is wrong with Congress. Glad that corrupt, inept boob has stepped aside to allow an actual leader to take over the W&M Committee.

This should be remembered about Representative Rangel, as well as his flaws:

"Rangel then enlisted in the United States Army, and served from 1948 to 1952.[9] During the Korean War, he was a member of the all-black 503rd Field Artillery Battalion in the 2nd Infantry Division.[10] In late November 1950, this unit was caught up in heavy fighting in North Korea as part of the U.N. forces retreat from the Yalu River. In the Battle of Kunu-Ri, Rangel was part of a vehicle column that was trapped and attacked by the Chinese Army.[10] In the subzero cold, Rangel was injured by shrapnel from a Chinese shell.[11] Some U.S. soldiers were being taken prisoner, but others looked to Rangel, who though only a private first class had a reputation for leadership in the unit. Rangel led some 40 men from his unit, during three days of freezing weather, out of the Chinese encirclement; nearly half of the battalion was killed in the overall battle.[12] Rangel was awarded a Purple Heart for his wounds and the Bronze Star with Valor for his actions in the face of death.[13] He was also awarded the Presidential Unit Citation,[14] the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, and three battle stars.[13] In 2000, Rangel reflected with CBS News that "Since Kunu Ri – and I mean it with all my heart, I have never, never had a bad day."[10]
[ame=http://askville.amazon.com/Charles-Bernard-Charlie-Rangel-received-medal-Korea-war/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=58128762]Who is Charles Bernard "Charlie" Rangel and did he received a medal after Korea war?[/ame]

Each of us may choose how to view the Congressman, but with all of the information known.

I salute what he did for his country.

That really is to be respected. It looks as if his rep amy be tarnished now. This is too bad, for I guarantee if found to be corrupt he will be remembered for corruption over his military services.

All of the allegations will, sadly, be proven true.

Lord Acton nods his head.
I'm hearing that the congressional black caucus is demanding that Rangel be replaced by another black. WTH is it with these congressional racists anyway? A white, brown, yellow or red skinned guy isn't good enough to run the Ways and Means committee?

"As a white liberal running in a majority African American district, Tennessee Democrat Stephen I. Cohen made a novel pledge on the campaign trail last year: If elected, he would seek to become the first white member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Now that he's a freshman in Congress, Cohen has changed his plans. He said he has dropped his bid after several current and former caucus members made it clear to him that whites need not apply."

Black Caucus: Whites Not Allowed - Josephine Hearn - POLITICO.com

Some people are more equal than others.
I'm hearing that the congressional black caucus is demanding that Rangel be replaced by another black. WTH is it with these congressional racists anyway? A white, brown, yellow or red skinned guy isn't good enough to run the Ways and Means committee?

"As a white liberal running in a majority African American district, Tennessee Democrat Stephen I. Cohen made a novel pledge on the campaign trail last year: If elected, he would seek to become the first white member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Now that he's a freshman in Congress, Cohen has changed his plans. He said he has dropped his bid after several current and former caucus members made it clear to him that whites need not apply."

Black Caucus: Whites Not Allowed - Josephine Hearn - POLITICO.com

Some people are more equal than others.
I read that link and wish I had not.
It's a shame that Rangel as a member of The house has done so much to destroy the liberty he protected while in the military. If just goes to show that people do change, and not always for the better.
It's a shame that Rangel as a member of The house has done so much to destroy the liberty he protected while in the military. If just goes to show that people do change, and not always for the better.

so do we salute him or shoot him ?????
It's a shame that Rangel as a member of The house has done so much to destroy the liberty he protected while in the military. If just goes to show that people do change, and not always for the better.

so do we salute him or shoot him ?????

The die is cast.

He'll simply fade away.

Isn't what they say about old soldiers?

But he won't fade away. He'll retire on a grossly inflated congressional pension, and bleed out taxpayers until he dies.

When an elected representative or government employee breaks the law, they should forfeit any future pensions and benefits.
It's a shame that Rangel as a member of The house has done so much to destroy the liberty he protected while in the military. If just goes to show that people do change, and not always for the better.

so do we salute him or shoot him ?????

The die is cast.

He'll simply fade away.

Isn't what they say about old soldiers?

if convicted the stockade at Levenworth. more fitting of a crook of his status
so do we salute him or shoot him ?????

The die is cast.

He'll simply fade away.

Isn't what they say about old soldiers?

if convicted the stockade at Levenworth. more fitting of a crook of his status

How strange, I'm being forced to defend a man whose politics are 180 degrees away from mine.

But, I honor his service to the country.

So, based on the OP,
"The House ethics committee issued Rangel a formal "admonishment" last Thursday for accepting donations from a private corporation to pay for two trips to Caribbean. The ethics panel has not yet weighed in on a host of other probes it launched into the congressman's conduct starting in 2008. Those ethics complaints include his failure to pay taxes on a villa in the Dominican Republic, his use of congressional stationary to help raise money for City College of New York and his improper storage of a broken-down Mercedes Benz in a House garage."
which charges place him in danger of being sentenced to Leavenworth?

It seems that these are Congressional violations, and IRS fines. Or maybe he should be in a cell with Geithner...
I know someone who spent six months in jail for tax evasion. I would bet his creative accounting didn't come close to Rengel's.

Aren't there several members of the Black Caucus under ethics investigations right now? Might be slim pickins...

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