Rand Paul surges for GOP


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
The Republican party in Kentucky has never seen anything like it.
Bowling Green eye doctor Rand Paul has no political experience, but with the support of the same people who backed his Dad, Texas Congressman Ron Paul, when he ran for president. Rand Paul has now at least pulled even with Secretary of State Trey Grayon in the GOP U.S. Senate primary.

32% Grayson
35% Paul
2% Johnson
1% Oerther
3% Thoney
10% Other
18% Undecided

In fact, the WHAS11/Survey USA poll has Paul ahead of Grayson by three percentage points, with a 4.1 percent margin of error. While Grayson is down five from our last poll 11 weeks ago, Paul has gained nine points since then.

Survey USA: Rand Paul surges for GOP, Mongiardo maintains lead in Dem. race | WHAS11 Louisville, Kentucky and Indiana News | Political Blog

Kevin, what can YOU tell me about Rand Paul, and why you think he would be good? (Not a link or someone else's blog, but your opinion please) Thanks!
Liberals should be really scared about this because this guy is as conservative/libertarian as they get. He things anti-drug laws are unconstitutional (which they are) and succession is a justifiable legal concept that should be brought back. He may not win but the fact he and his dad are gaining in popularity shows how much the political winds in this country are changing.

Rand Paul? Are you kidding me?

More Hopey Changey from the Paul family
As weird as it may sound I'd rather have a libertarian wingnut than a far right wingnut at least this way we agree on a few things.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRS-bhMUQos]YouTube - Ron Paul's son, Rand Paul, interviewed before debate.[/ame]
Ron Paul named his son "RAND Paul"? Jesus, the guy's better than almost all other Republican politicians, but what a fucking joke.

Also, didn't the GOP spend the last year arguing you need experience to hold political office? I don't agree with that, but it was the basis of their campaign. Sounds like it's more nepotism than merit getting this inexperienced guy through.
Kevin, what can YOU tell me about Rand Paul, and why you think he would be good? (Not a link or someone else's blog, but your opinion please) Thanks!

Well I sadly will not be able to vote for Rand since I'm not from Kentucky, but here's why I support him. He has a solid understanding of economics and understands that the Federal Reserve is the culprit behind our latest downturn, he believes in a strong national defense but not military interventionism, he opposes bailouts, he opposes stimulus packages, he opposes cap and trade, and he opposes universal healthcare supplied by government. He also claims he'll never vote for an unbalanced budget, be it a Democrat or Republican budget. I also look at the fact that he was willing to make his stance on the issues known immediately, whereas his opponent only last week made his official stance on certain issues known and many of them mirror what Rand has been saying all along.
Ron Paul named his son "RAND Paul"? Jesus, the guy's better than almost all other Republican politicians, but what a fucking joke.

Also, didn't the GOP spend the last year arguing you need experience to hold political office? I don't agree with that, but it was the basis of their campaign. Sounds like it's more nepotism than merit getting this inexperienced guy through.

Actually his name is Randal.

Rand isn't running as your typical Republican.

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